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The female tauren is the subject of the latest World of Warcraft "Artcraft" series. The team reveals the new, updated character model. See what you think and let us know in the comments.
The original female Tauren had a lot of issues with too-angular geometry and stretched-out textures. It’s not her fault—it’s just what we had available to us at the time. Our new process has allowed us to add a lot of detail to her hair, fur, horns, and hooves, to build a far more detailed and expressive face, and to add a lot of definition to her musculature (while retaining her shape and silhouette).
Read more on the World of Warcraft community site.
Good job Blizzard, I'm sure all 7 of the Tauren females ever created are happy about it. I kid I kid!
Currently Playing: ESO and FFXIV
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If you mention rose tinted glasses, you better be referring to Mitch Hedberg.
My Tauren Druid is not a-MOO-sed. =_=
I think it is a stretch to say that this looks great .... better yes ... but great ... no. Twas always an odd race....I am still smarting as to why the Worgen are Alliance when they should have been Horde .... and I also think that the Blood Elves should have been Vampiric instead of Manga and would have have melded beautifully with the fashion conscious, Imperialistic Alliance.
Also the Tauren being basically Red Indian should also have been Alliance .... peace loving Mojo's as they are .....
Iron Dwarves would be brilliant as Horde along with Ogres and Vrykul
Draenei ... well really .......... of all the options of creativity ... a muscular Night Elf with a Tail and Goat Legs.......
As I said .....still smarting over the Worgen ....
Would have been better having a horde race as the Okkult which would have mean't that you could have retained the Humanness of the Blood Elf / Vampire and also enabled the Lykan transformation... big Horde boost. .... yes I know Occult is spelt ... Occult....
The alliance could have made more of the diverse Elf theme .... High , Wood, Half, Bad for your ... etc....
Wow is great overall...but the race decisions .... hmmmm.....Panda's have no mates and also hate to mate...... Tuskarrs would have been way more groovy......with their Harpoon Gun's Inuit your face...
Okay, that one made me giggle. The puns are getting better in here
Currently Playing: ESO and FFXIV
Have played: You name it
If you mention rose tinted glasses, you better be referring to Mitch Hedberg.
I can only see Iron Dwarves joining the horde if Blizzard twists the Lore a little bit and make Moira Thaurissan start a revolt in Iron Forge and gets exiled or someting. She would grab her Dark Iron dwarves and get into business with Volgin and Thrall
Also, i would rather play a Vrykul instead of an Ogre. I really dont like the Ogres, but thats just me.
Iron Dwarves....Well..... yes .... you now have the script now make it blossom
....and you did not get paid 12 months salary to come up with the feasibility...
I agree on the Vrykul .... multi god power... Odin / Sauron - one eyed necromancer / warrior ... Worm Tongue / Loki ..Trickster-Git ......Thor ....Hel's Angel with Claw Hammer...
Ogres..yep...Dumn. Though could exist with an intelligence serum.... Wow's Frankenstein....
I was hoping for more of a move toward Minotaur'ish looks, at least as an option. The old and the new remind me too much of Barney or some kid's show mascot.
This is how they should be:
Menacing! Slowly wading through combat slaying alliance where they stand!
Playing: varies every day it seems.
They are trying to stay true to the originals.
Hmm... I dunno a ton about WoW-lore, so I'll just say that I thought Blood Elves were Horde to give them a "beautiful" race... I suppose Worgen were Alliance to give them a "dark" race? (albeit one, which modern scifi proselytizes as a tortured, tragic dark figure... thus ultimately redeemable and "good")
Besides, weren't Worgens polarized against Goblins? ...Should Goblins have been Alliance, then? Other than Harry Potter, when haven't goblins been portrayed as nasty, and associated with Orcs?
I agree .... If they are Minotaurs ... be more like Minotaurs .... I think if you bring to much of a humanistic face it softens the original story / concept too much. A little more Greek wouldn't do any harm. With the Native American / Red Indian vibe they really should have been more Buffalo in the first place..... but they are Bulls .... could be Hispanic.....
..and now way too soft cheese friendly ..... make them intimidating ...jeez