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Hi~ upon registration here. I saw Wildstar giving away a 7 day free pass.. is it still in beta? or subscription game?
Also, is this any good? Contemplating on returning to WOW or trying out a new game.
thanks for the replies in advance.
All Time Favorites: EQ1, WoW, EvE, GW1
Playing Now: WoW, ESO, GW2
rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar
Now playing GW2, AOW 3, ESO, LOTR, Elite D
That's your opinion; and in my opinion, you are wrong. Wildstar so far as proven to be on-time when pertaining to content updates as compared to TESO. It has a much more expansive end-game with many branching options for players (i.e. housing, PvE zones, PvP battlegrounds, arenas, Warplots, Raids, dungeons, etc). The combat animations and mechanics in WIldstar are smoother than those found in TESO, which shows a clunky aspect about them.
Critic and customer reviews for Wildstar are 10 points (out of 100) and 1.9 points (out of 10) above TESO respectively. That's an average 15% higher opinion of Wildstar than TESO.
As for going to WoW, it's currently in a content drought. The combat is beyond dated and won't see an overhaul of it's system anytime in the next 3 years at very least. Getting back into the game requires purchasing every expansion that's released since you've last quit plus the up coming Warlord of Draenor (which I was told is going to be $50 instead of the normal $40...WTF?!). Investing in something like Wildstar early on as it is now will have a far better long-term potential instead of playing catch-up in WoW.
Spot on, I need to just save that last paragraph for everyone on the fence about WS vs WoW and other games out at the moment really.
Wildstar is worth the money and the sub, tbh if you get into the game sub will hardly be an issue with the amount of CREDD (free monthly sub for ingame money) floating around right now. I can't help but feel financially the game is doing amazing, the population is good for what you'd expect after the launch hype burn out. They just updated the game with a new battleground that seems to be receiving praise even on the typical negative PVP OForums. Use the free pass to give yourself a small taste, you can level through PVP also it's quite viable. I did that on both of my chars as the questing is the typical experience.
+1 for this, great points and analysis. At the end of the day, to each his own but I've plopped down cash and I'm not regretting a single cent, plus all the raves about the awesome end game is keeping me glued to my rig.
Not worth a sub, but you are welcome to try it.
They have messed up PVP and low population on many servers is a huge issue. There is no real endgame beyond putting things into your house or raiding. No real casual content as they wanted to focus on hardcore raiders. It falls into the same pit that all other WoW clones go.
People leave games and/or don't join them because comments such as yours. "Not worth a sub" is a subjective opinion of your own based on your own experience. And just because you don't like the content that is within the game does not mean it's not there.
Housing is a HUGE feature that players are enjoying immensely. There's huge groups dedicated to resource gathering "circles" for the housing plots. Players are also doing design competitions, grouping for the mini-dungeons on the plots, and even house parties (hosted on myself).
For PvE content there are currently 4 end-game zones for level 50 players and an additional one being added at the end of August called "The Defile" (it's on the PTR right now). These have world-bosses that groups put together multiple times daily; quests, daily quests, Challenges, and just general content.
Veteran Dungeons, 20-man raids and 40-man raids are for the more "hardcore" that want to play the game more intensely. It's there, doesn't fit everyone, but it's very enjoyable to those that like that sort of thing.
There is end-game PvP in the form of Ranked Battlegrounds, Ranked Arenas, and Warplots (40-vs-40 fortress sieges). Also on PvP servers there's open-world PvP for those that enjoy it.
The game has tons of content for players to enjoy if they actually attempt to enjoy it. People like this person I'm quoting attempt in every manner ways NOT to enjoy a game and instead pick at it like a parasite sucking blood. Don't listen to them, just take a trial and try to enjoy the game yourself.
It really depends what you're looking for in an MMO. On the leveling front, but with problems. Once you hit your mid 20's, character progression pretty much drops off the edge of the earth with the exception of the AMP system (Think a talent tree, but less interesting.), and 1 skill point which gives a very minor bonus to skills and unlocks some bonuses at 4/8 points for skills. Combat by and large is fun though, with well developed zones, though it occasionally drops off and gives you some stinker quest chains.
If you're an endgame oriented person, it comes down to how much trouble do you wanna go through to do things. Veteran (Hard mode/what have you) dungeons are...not easy. Doubled with the fact that you have to hit a time limit to get silver (Ie more end rewards), and have absolutely no one die to hit Gold (Even more rewards). Which, to raid you have to get 150 elder gems (End game currency you get by "leveling up"), get maximum reputation with your faction via end game zones, hit silver in all veteran adventures, hit silver in all veteran dungeons, kill 10 randomly spawning World Bosses, and beat a randomly spawning boss in a veteran dungeon...which is all to get attunement to raid, and has to be done in that order (Along with a couple other missions and stuff). Its not easy content either, so how much tolerance you have for punishing content really depends on how much you'll get out of this.
For the casual end...pretty much the aforementioned end game zones, which are all pretty much dailies and World Bosses. PvP is...not in a good state, by and large. Housing is fun, but that really depends on how much you like decorating your house. Its pretty much identical to Everquest 2 or RIFT's housing, if you've played either. Get a zone, place items, scale them how you want, etc. A little more customization perhaps, since you can customize wallpaper, the outside sky, and place "plugs", which either look cool or do various things, like a graveyard which spawns waves of enemies to fight, or a stone spire to jump up in a set amount of time.
For the most part though, most everyone agrees that Wildstar more has "promise" over being a really good game right now. So if you're looking for just something quick...i really would not recommend the game. If you play Wildstar, its gonna be for the long haul, as its current state is not fantastic, and plagued with various little problems which sadly are just kinda taking the whole thing down, and just need time to fix. If you're willing to put the time, and effort into it though, Wildstar may turn into a good game...but thats in the future, once they work out itemization, attunement, PvP, class balance, and stuff.
Game is annoying. Wouldn't be the worst game, but not great. Quite a few bugs. Was getting disconnected constantly.
The reason you not buy it though is the customer service . Near worse I've ever experienced.
At the moment, I would say hell no... especially if you're into PvP.
The trial is not a good indicator of things to come. I had fun playing the game 1-49. I had no plans on purchasing this game, and 0 hype. Picked it up with a buddy just to play something together... I ended up being pleasantly surprised at how much I was enjoying myself.
Once I got to max level, everything changed. It became nearly impossible to advance my character through legitimate means. I kept facing teams with way better gear that would kill me in a few hits. It also seems as if the Devs have no clue on how to fix their game. Their supposed PvP patch was supposed to fix some things, but ended up creating more issues.
Really... anybody thinking about making this purchase. Save your time and money, unless you're a fan of being frustrated.
The game has potential, but if the devs don't step their game up and hire more than 1 person for PvP development, that side of the game is done.
As I've understood over the course of playing just that one game I was able to afford for a year, then gradually taking in more games and growing as a gamer and now nursing quite a lot of accounts, games, and shit, and being a player (I hesitate to say "veteran") of various MMOs, even working indirectly for a game dev at one point, TLDR, OVER THE YEARS, I have learned that yes, everyone's mileage varies.
Not every game is for every one.
Not that I'm defending Wildstar, it does good in its own right, one could find a lot worse for an MMO.
This. May not be the best out there depending on who you ask, but there are far more worse MMO's. I'd say I'm enjoying this more than my previous MMO's.
Best advice one can give. WildStar needs a lot of TLC, I'd hold off on buying it for 6mos-1 year. It just isn't a finished game at this point and WoW, FFXIV, Rift, ESO etc. all give a better experience right now.
Couple that with empty servers, no casual content, and gamebreaking FPS issues and it just isn't worth it atm. It's a good game, but it's hiding under a few feet of dirt at the moment. As I said, it will probably be much better later this year/early next year once they have time to fix the game.
Currently Playing: ESO and FFXIV
Have played: You name it
If you mention rose tinted glasses, you better be referring to Mitch Hedberg.
Well, if you like broccoli escort missions and planting seeds, and a really, really easy themepark MMO, then you might like WS.
Frankly I would suggest trying WoW. I haven't played in years but it has tons of content and a charming style. Plus lots of people play it and you will get a million guild invites the first time you enter a trade hub (if you're looking to play with people). From what I've heard, WS is already kind of a dead-zone.