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Hello from EQ OGaming!

NareenaNareena Member Posts: 9

Hi folks! A few of you may have seen me around the forums here at In case you haven't, I'm Nareena The Gypsy from EQ.OGaming.

It's been a busy couple of weeks with OGaming here lately, so please forgive my missed introduction sooner. However, I did want to come here and wave hellos to the fellow EverQuest fans! I've been an avid (read: plays all the time..) EQ player for about 4 years now and I still enjoy the game. I'm not *quite* in the end game yet.. our guild is just shy of Time still :(. We're working on it though! Nareena is a 68 Barbi Shaman in EverQuest. I'm a member of the guild Heroes on the Luclin (and now Veeshan as well) server.

Well, that's me as a player of this great game. Who am I with OGaming? Well now.. that's a lot to write. I'll try to keep it simple though. I don't want a 10 page posting talking about my characters (all 10!) in EverQuest, and my positions with the different arenas at OGaming.

EQ OGaming is the OGaming site for.. can you guess? *gasps!* OMG You're right! EverQuest! lol. On the EQ OGaming site, a member can find all kinds of information that is game related inside the fantastic database that has been known for years as EQ'Lizer. If you take a peek further, you can find our EQ OGaming forums there as well. Now, I know ya'll are happy here at MMORPG forums. I don't mean to take you away in the slightest. EQ OGaming is another venue for information as well as the "fun stuff" that people post in jokes, etc.

Oh! In case you haven't seen or heard there is also this great streaming audio station. No guessing here folks. OGR is OGaming's own internet radio. We have 24/7 streaming music as well as several DJ shows a week (pssst, actually we are always on the lookout for more DJs and staff members, come check!) in all different layout types. There are scheduled gaming related DJ shows several times a week and specials when they are available.
In case you haven't figured it out on your own, my position with OGR is Community Relations. I assist with news, help the DJ's as needed, and try to help get the word out about the shows and the stream!

Come.. see.. well hey just come and say hi to me. I love attention ;) LOL!

Nareena TheGypsy
OGaming Staff -
Head of EQ.OGaming
Community Relations of OGR

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