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With so many out there its hard to choose, i know what i like but i find it hard to find in some of them.
A good questing basis
a decent sized community so the market isn't crashing
a good crafting system that is indepth
Swords, guns, magic those types of mmorpgs please, I don't like real life mmo's or ones that are just shooter multiplayer.
I like league of legends but im looking for something more on a level up and advance and kill bosses type.
right now it has to be free to play, In a few months i can do pay to play, I'd be paying for 2 accounts because my husband will play with me.
I believe WoW is the only game I will absolutely refuse to play, why? because they fed it to casual gamers and ruined it, and i don't feel like paying for a dumbed down game.
My computer can play ANY game, I don't care to put my specifications on that, I could run Eve online x6 on high settings and not bog it down so im not worried about graphics
Any help? I know its a lot.