Originally posted by maccarthur2004 I saw the majority of complainings about the LP system comes from a lack of adaptation of the player to the system, because they keep the SAME playstyle and mindset of other mmos, which they regard as the only logic way things should be relating to gathering and craft (gathering and crafting endlessly, no-stop, solo and without the need of much planning).
Most likely it's coming from players who's playstyle leans towards crafting for most of their time online.
I enjoy doing a good mix of things, so I imagine the LP limit won't hit me too hard. Besides, if I like the game enough I'll probably subscribe at some point.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
It's very noticeable that the people who think it's a good idea are the people it hardly effects. ie. The people who do virtually nothing but questing and PvP. I think it's laughable that those same people still complain about the trivial amount of LP needed to open coinpurses or identify quest rewards. On the other hand, those of us who are heavily into the farming/gathering/crafting/trading/fishing part of the game ie. the major features, find the game virtually unplayable without constantly having to use pots to top up our labor pool.
Nevermind. How it is in beta is not how it's going to be when the game goes live. Trion are already aware the system needs tweaking and have confirmed changes are being worked on.
"Nevermind ?"
Lol, do you really expect any changes other than the already confirmed removal of LP costs on opening quest rewards ? XLGames most likely condescended to allow that change because it saves a trivial amount of LP. That concession is only useful until you stop getting quest rewards, which doesn't take long. Quest rewards only happen every few levels anyway.
Other than the above, Trion have not confirmed any other economic changes whatsoever. All they've said is that they're "having talks with XLGames about it". That means absolutely nothing other than "your concern has been noted".
XLGames might increase the archeum drop rates a bit (they already did in the latest patch for the Korea version), but they'll probably be very conservative in that regard, having seen first-hand what happens ingame when the drop rates are at pre-1.2 levels...
It was said in the last livestream that trion will launch with several features from patch 1.7, one of the most important one is the fix to archeum drop rate. How XL fixed it in korea i don't know.
It's very noticeable that the people who think it's a good idea are the people it hardly effects. ie. The people who do virtually nothing but questing and PvP. I think it's laughable that those same people still complain about the trivial amount of LP needed to open coinpurses or identify quest rewards. On the other hand, those of us who are heavily into the farming/gathering/crafting/trading/fishing part of the game ie. the major features, find the game virtually unplayable without constantly having to use pots to top up our labor pool.
Nevermind. How it is in beta is not how it's going to be when the game goes live. Trion are already aware the system needs tweaking and have confirmed changes are being worked on.
"Nevermind ?"
Lol, do you really expect any changes other than the already confirmed removal of LP costs on opening quest rewards ? XLGames most likely condescended to allow that change because it saves a trivial amount of LP. That concession is only useful until you stop getting quest rewards, which doesn't take long. Quest rewards only happen every few levels anyway.
Other than the above, Trion have not confirmed any other economic changes whatsoever. All they've said is that they're "having talks with XLGames about it". That means absolutely nothing other than "your concern has been noted".
XLGames might increase the archeum drop rates a bit (they already did in the latest patch for the Korea version), but they'll probably be very conservative in that regard, having seen first-hand what happens ingame when the drop rates are at pre-1.2 levels...
It was said in the last livestream that trion will launch with several features from patch 1.7, one of the most important one is the fix to archeum drop rate. How XL fixed it in korea i don't know.
No, it was not said.
What was said is that XLGames are looking at the feasibility (on request from Trion) of incorporating some of the economy-related changes from patch 1.7 to the 1.2 version that Trion will launch with. What those changes are and whether XLGames eventually decide that it's possible (i.e. cost-effective), remains to be seen.
Trion have also said that it's a priority for them to move to the latest version of AA (patch 1.7) as soon as possible after launch. In the light of that, XLGames may simply decide that it's not worth the cost of porting changes from 1.7 to 1.2.
I wonder how those "realism guys" would feel, if the realism would be extended to combat mechanics. Whoever wore a piece of chestplate + pauldrons knows how they restrict your movement. So I can only guess what full plate would do. A chainmail chestpiece can weight up to 20kg... So let's add realism:
Change a piece of armor? Ok, stand still for 30 minutes. Real realism? Find two guys helping you taking of your armor and don the new piece.
Running in full plate? Perhaps 5 - 10 meters.
Jumping around in full armor? Yup, sounds great if you want to get exhausted quickly and not to fight.
Fighting and running around, or even jumping? You got to be kidding me. Sword fighting in real life may be fast, but you do not run around. You step back- or forward, no running in circles around your opponent. So great slowdon in fighting if you want to hit anything.
Bow users running and jumping? Umm... nah! Pulling the string of a real bow is hard enough while standing still, aiming while holding the arrow, running and pulling the string? You get the image...
Crossbows... Those guys kneeled down and used levers to get the crossbow ready for the next bolt. So let's say 1 - 5 minutes downtime, depending on the weight of your crossbow.
Folks who label the LP system as "P2W" or a "cash grab" should consider that's is much more efficient for players to just buy two subscriptions. It's not as bad as it looks.
Oh no, LPs. A system that prevents crafting 9000 of the same items per day. A system that doesn't let me max all my crafts in few day. Oh noes, I'll have to trade and/or group up to maximize efficiency. Oh, I can't solo farm the stones for a whole goddamn castle in a day and the whole village to boot. Woe is me. How can I play?!?!?
But I do agree LP pots are bad. Specially if the system stays as is...can use multiple pots per accunt = fuckton of money spent for guilds that wanna do server firsts.
And, no LP = unlimited land per person (unless they changed the whole housing system). Even more tears from ppl that can't get land.
You know what would perhaps be fair to whine about and would cut down on AFK people? You get idk 2,5k LP once a day for patron, idk 1k for non-patron and that's it, no regen, no need to waste electricity by staying on 24/7 and shit like that.
Ihmo no thanks, just seems bit of a quick fix system to me. If they are worried about packed out AH, then make it a challenge, make it so people have to research or discover plans, materiel and recipes before they can start anything. Make it so rarer ores are harder to obtain, make it so gathering isn't always a 100% success. You might get 1 ore or you might get 20, depends on how well you look. Make it so profession can lead down many paths, so there could be many types of blacksmiths
Tbh any other system would be better, even if it took me a month to make one item, anythings better than a system that restricts my play.
Also it's not really an invented system, it's just more found in phone games
I wonder how those "realism guys" would feel, if the realism would be extended to combat mechanics. Whoever wore a piece of chestplate + pauldrons knows how they restrict your movement. So I can only guess what full plate would do. A chainmail chestpiece can weight up to 20kg... So let's add realism:
Change a piece of armor? Ok, stand still for 30 minutes. Real realism? Find two guys helping you taking of your armor and don the new piece.
Running in full plate? Perhaps 5 - 10 meters.
Jumping around in full armor? Yup, sounds great if you want to get exhausted quickly and not to fight.
Fighting and running around, or even jumping? You got to be kidding me. Sword fighting in real life may be fast, but you do not run around. You step back- or forward, no running in circles around your opponent. So great slowdon in fighting if you want to hit anything.
Bow users running and jumping? Umm... nah! Pulling the string of a real bow is hard enough while standing still, aiming while holding the arrow, running and pulling the string? You get the image...
Crossbows... Those guys kneeled down and used levers to get the crossbow ready for the next bolt. So let's say 1 - 5 minutes downtime, depending on the weight of your crossbow.
Anyone want to come up with realsim again?
Hell, yeah !
The realism proponents would LOVE those mechanics !
You obviously never played WWII-Online ? Sat hidden in a bush with a camouflaged anti-tank gun for 30mins (not moving, just watching intently) because you were covering an approach road during a suspected attack ? Eventually you might even get to kill ONE tank ? Or mess-up your first shot and get blown away by the tank whilst you're reloading ?
Never forget that there's a very wide spectrum of game play styles and preferences in the world. The "realsim" players are in the minority, but they ARE real...
While browsing through this forum I came to the realisation that may be those that subscribe may not be that aversely affected by the LP. Although I personally have no real idea but I do want to farm,gather and craft. If I do pay a sub which if I play I will and can do these things comfortably while playing up to 4 hours a day I will be happy. I do not think that it is wise to allow people to craft to max within a week or do anything by marathoning crafting,gathering or fishing or whatever requires LP. I believe it does work out to limit these activities. I am however very unhappy with the ability to buy LP potions. That is not a good thing to have in my opinion.
Reasons why labor points (and similar things) are one of the best ideas already created to a mmo:
1- More realism => In RL, no one can work no stop for 1 or more days straight. They need recover energy. LP is onde way of trying to simulate that limitation in a virtual world. The realism of the LP system will affect the realism of all things that need it (like the value of things and the time required to get them).
Cool, except that when you stop playing (go offline) LP doesn't regenerate. In real life, when I go sleep I recover energy... So it's not that realistic, just a way to cashgrab because of LP potion. And in real life, you can't replace sleep with 'potions', at least not for a longer period. So your argument about realism is just bad
2- Encourages grouping => Grouping (not the fugacious one people are used in themeparks), forming bonds to another players through guilds or friendship will undoubtedly give a big advantage to the player over the soloers.
This game also encourages world peace am i right? Oh wait, you have to elaborate on how a system that limits you in everything (including reading your mail) promotes grouping...
3- Create "jobs" or oportunities to low level or landless players => The top players with land will craft much more things than lower level and landless, because they need more and because they have more resources to do. The LP limit can force them to buy things (raw or semi-improved itens) from low level or landless players, rather than produces it themselves. The absency of LP would allow the top players to produce alone absolutely everything they need, using all their available resources.
Point taken, although LP potions are a way to circumvent this system a bit.
4- Make itens be more valious and, therefore, apreciated and prestigious => No need to explain much here. This will raise the satisfaction and pride of obtaining and owning itens (L2 players know it well).
This system is not only limited to crafting. Once again, LP potions distort the value. You could even argue that due to the existence of these potions in the shop, it is pay to win because value is directly tied to $.
5- Make the rush through content in a few weeks a thing more difficult to do.
Additionally, it also makes doing basic things like reading mail a task. A menial task.
6- Make botting more difficult.
More difficult, but not impossible. You can just make more accounts, rotate them in a way for optimal use. You could also remove the whole game to stop hacking altogether but somewhere, you have to balance between fun and discomfort.
In short: make the mmo world and economy more realistic, player interactions much more encouraged and the soloer/ rusher/botter gameplay more difficult.
Yes, I agree with you that it would be more realistic if you have a warped sense of realism. It certainly allows for a bit more interaction but the fact that LP potions are sold for hard cash allows you to circumvent the system a bit. So tell me, why would they sell LP potions again if their best interest is for the game?
Yes, it is purely for profit, exactly! In other terms, it allows players who spend top dollar to do much more than someone who does not spend. In my book, that's called pay to win. The very pay to win so many people seem to despise.
I have a large rock sticking out of the ground in my back yard. I go to my Garage to get a shovel, bring it to the rock. I hit the ground and the ground is so hard I can feel my teeth shatter. So I go beck to the Garage and get my pick, the pick has a wire wrapped around it on its hanger. I have to untangle the stupid wire and take the pick to the rock, and start digging. I find the rock is bigger than I expected, and call my friend with a back hoe. He digs the rock out and I pay him $50 for his troubles, and he gets the rock out. He leaves and I straighten out the mess and go to the store and buy grass to fix the area. The birds eat the grass, so I go back and get some straw and more grass seed. Let the grass grow for two months......Problem solved !!!.................................I don't need my video game like this !...............
As I understand, the major point of controversy is the fact that you can pay extra cash, on top of your subscription, to get around this factor. And it affects the people who focus heavily on crafting (so a PvP-only player, for example, doesn't feel it much.)
I think that the combination of a subscription and a cash shop (where sub players have a strong incentive to pay extra) is a terrible concept and I really don't want to see it spread in online games.
Originally posted by Mavolence O.o Respectfully disagree. The main and prime reason why I do not enjoy AA is the LP system.
Because you enjoy buying all the mats needed to mass craft from the AH and then maxing out a profession within a afternoon? If that is the case then this is not the game for you. AA's crafting system does not work like other games. This is something that needs to be understood.
Originally posted by Mavolence O.o Respectfully disagree. The main and prime reason why I do not enjoy AA is the LP system.
Because you enjoy buying all the mats needed to mass craft from the AH and then maxing out a profession within a afternoon? If that is the case then this is not the game for you. AA's crafting system does not work like other games. This is something that needs to be understood.
But it is the game for people that want to do what you describe. They just have to drop a bunch of money on it.
but sell it in cash shop and raise the regen for patron make game boring ..
It more funny to see people sell and buy labor point .
Something like "hire worker to chop the trees" or "sell labor points ect ..." are interest.
It will be more interest if there are "level" require to harvest rare materials .
Maybe we will see "labor points market" blooming lol .
Just my funny thought ,
Thought i doubt Trion will give up on a lot money (come from labor points system) to make the game more interest and fun .
Hey , but If you think about it , Trion don't lost any , people with money buy labor point from other player then those who sell labor points will use the money they earn to buy patron and item they need.
It will create a cycle of spending and in the end , all money run in Trion pocket .
Wow , i'm genius yahaha lol
J/K , i don't have any problem with labor points system .
Originally posted by Greymantle4 I bet if they put labor points on combat you would be singing a different tune. Like you said more realism nobody can fight all day. This would encourage grouping to get more bang for your buck. This also will help low levels for their will be less loot in the game and make their low level crafting have more value.
There is already a linit set on combat. Its called mana. You cant fight nonstop like you claim because youll run out of mana very quickly. Have to consume large amounts of food and pots (things that are crafted) to even try to non stop fight. And thats try.
In short: make the mmo world and economy more realistic, player interactions much more encouraged and the soloer/ rusher/botter gameplay more difficult.
Of course, i am not saying tthe system how is now is perfect, some tweaks can be made (e.g: reduce the availability of LP potions in cash shops), but the overral idea is excelent.
You know when people start comparing MMOS with real life is when i stop taking them seriously.
No company should dictate how much a player should play..it is that simple.
So you dont play games where there are "mana points", "stamin" or similar limits to your actions, right?
Labor points for everything in the game dont relate in any way to Mana/stamina management. Plus, mana/stamina potions can be bought from npcs, crafted, and dropped as loot. LP regen cant be obtained like normal mana potions, otherwise nobody would complain on how bad that mechanic is.
LP also dont relate to real life in any way. You dont pay your employer every month to have an advantage over average workers. With your LP/RL comparison you are assuming people dont have a life and play 24/7. LP is a bad system. If they want to limit what people can do in game, they can easily make the crafting process last longer. That would relate more to real life because you dont make a car by yourself in a short while. The bigger the product, the longer it takes. You want to craft a ship? or build a house? make the process piece by piece last for days and days. Dont limit player gametime because people will just go spent their time and money somewhere else where they dont have gameplay limitations (specially if those limitations are in splace specifically to send people to the cash shop to bypass it with real money)
Originally posted by Mavolence O.o Respectfully disagree. The main and prime reason why I do not enjoy AA is the LP system.
Because you enjoy buying all the mats needed to mass craft from the AH and then maxing out a profession within a afternoon? If that is the case then this is not the game for you. AA's crafting system does not work like other games. This is something that needs to be understood.
But it is the game for people that want to do what you describe. They just have to drop a bunch of money on it.
In short: make the mmo world and economy more realistic, player interactions much more encouraged and the soloer/ rusher/botter gameplay more difficult.
Of course, i am not saying tthe system how is now is perfect, some tweaks can be made (e.g: reduce the availability of LP potions in cash shops), but the overral idea is excelent.
You know when people start comparing MMOS with real life is when i stop taking them seriously.
No company should dictate how much a player should play..it is that simple.
So you dont play games where there are "mana points", "stamin" or similar limits to your actions, right?
Labor points for everything in the game dont relate in any way to Mana/stamina management. Plus, mana/stamina potions can be bought from npcs, crafted, and dropped as loot. LP regen cant be obtained like normal mana potions, otherwise nobody would complain on how bad that mechanic is.
LP also dont relate to real life in any way. You dont pay your employer every month to have an advantage over average workers. With your LP/RL comparison you are assuming people dont have a life and play 24/7. LP is a bad system. If they want to limit what people can do in game, they can easily make the crafting process last longer. That would relate more to real life because you dont make a car by yourself in a short while. The bigger the product, the longer it takes. You want to craft a ship? or build a house? make the process piece by piece last for days and days. Dont limit player gametime because people will just go spent their time and money somewhere else where they dont have gameplay limitations (specially if those limitations are in splace specifically to send people to the cash shop to bypass it with real money)
1. LP are not required for "everything" in the game.
2. In beta LP potions can be purchased on the in game auction house, using in game gold and based on the screen shots I have personally seen, the prices vary from 4 gold - 30 gold. So yes, you can obtain them in a similar way to purchasing health / mana potions off the in game auction house, using in game gold.
If AA had a sub and no cash shop, I'd agree with the OP and I'd want to play it. As it stands though, the labor point system is nothing more than a cash grab, it's the reason why I won't touch the game and most likely also the reason why AA will be a big fat flop.
I hope the flop is so severe nobody ever tries to pull this BS again in future games.
They will have to flop harder than FFXIV 1.0, they had a fatigue system and it was horrible.
Originally posted by maccarthur2004
Originally posted by Thestrain
Originally posted by maccarthur2004
Reasons why labor points (and similar things) are one of the best ideas already created to a mmo:
1- More realism => In RL, no one can work no stop for 1 or more days straight. They need recover energy. LP is onde way of trying to simulate that limitation in a virtual world. The realism of the LP system will affect the realism of all things that need it (like the value of things and the time required to get them).
2- Encourages grouping => Grouping (not the fugacious one people are used in themeparks), forming bonds to another players through guilds or friendship will undoubtedly give a big advantage to the player over the soloers.
3- Create "jobs" or oportunities to low level or landless players => The top players with land will craft much more things than lower level and landless, because they need more and because they have more resources to do. The LP limit can force them to buy things (raw or semi-improved itens) from low level or landless players, rather than produces it themselves. The absency of LP would allow the top players to produce alone absolutely everything they need, using all their available resources.
4- Make itens be more valious and, therefore, apreciated and prestigious => No need to explain much here. This will raise the satisfaction and pride of obtaining and owning itens (L2 players know it well).
5- Make the rush through content in a few weeks a thing more difficult to do.
6- Make botting more difficult.
In short: make the mmo world and economy more realistic, player interactions much more encouraged and the soloer/ rusher/botter gameplay more difficult.
Of course, i am not saying tthe system how is now is perfect, some tweaks can be made (e.g: reduce the availability of LP potions in cash shops), but the overral idea is excelent.
You know when people start comparing MMOS with real life is when i stop taking them seriously.
No company should dictate how much a player should play..it is that simple.
So you dont play games where there are "mana points", "stamin" or similar limits to your actions, right?
LP =/= stamina or mana. Mana regenerates quickly and there are other ways to regain mana, decrease it's cost or increase regeneration, or to still act while out of mana, that is a prope resource management system, there are multiple ways to increase, decrease and manipulate how it works. AA LP? No way to increase LP besides standing still or buying a potion, it's not a good resource management system if you are very limited in how you manage it, it's more of a limiting system, made to abuse the hard core crafter cash cows.
You want realism? Look at Wurm Online, thats a realistic system, it allows full freedom but only the most hardcore can ever dream of becoming a master on everything. It makes no sense to say LP realistic if it's a resource that only works on very arbritary actions, it has no real way of manipulating this resource, it serves no purpose on the economy besides to slow down in the most annoying way the ammount of items you can make, if the system is bad the crafting market will break sooner or later, regardless of LP. I t doesn't even stop bots, bots will still make money regardless of how much you nerf F2P, it's the same thing that happened on ESO, nerfing the rewards that the bots were farming didn't make a dent on their numbers, only punished the real players.
A good system is one complex enough that does not make a visible roadblock in your way, it creates an exponential curve of effortXresults and allows full freedom but balanced in a way it does not make it easy for the average player to become a master of everything.
Originally posted by Herase
Ihmo no thanks, just seems bit of a quick fix system to me. If they are worried about packed out AH, then make it a challenge, make it so people have to research or discover plans, materiel and recipes before they can start anything. Make it so rarer ores are harder to obtain, make it so gathering isn't always a 100% success. You might get 1 ore or you might get 20, depends on how well you look. Make it so profession can lead down many paths, so there could be many types of blacksmiths
Tbh any other system would be better, even if it took me a month to make one item, anythings better than a system that restricts my play.
Also it's not really an invented system, it's just more found in phone games
Just my opinion.
Glad to know I'm not the only one with this way of thinking, I saw a few threads about LP on AA forums and it was very disheartening.
The LP system is basically why I don't want to play AA. Probably the worst implementation of transitioning a sub game to f2p I have ever seen. Absolutely horrible, I sincerely hope not to see something like this again in future games.
Seeing how they changed LP pots lets do som quick math.
Patron regen = 10 every 5 minutes 1 day (if you are 24hours online) = 2,880 1 pot (1k labor) every 4 hours for a whole day = max 6 pots per day = 6,000 extra LP
Didn't they say LP was in place because if not it would "ruin the economy"? WELL SHIT YOU JUST FUCKING PISSED ON YOUR OWN ECONOMY TRION.
It is interesting to see how different companies do this: create a stat that you really need, and then charge real money for it.
Of course you can play the game at a reduced stat rate, compared to those who buy it. Even if you sub, you still need to spend real cash to keep up. That's what the money grubbing companies want, more cash.
Long gone are the days of if you had the Uber Sword of Doom, that meant you fought for it and had earned it.
They have already said that will be removed for the Trion version of the game.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
Most likely it's coming from players who's playstyle leans towards crafting for most of their time online.
I enjoy doing a good mix of things, so I imagine the LP limit won't hit me too hard. Besides, if I like the game enough I'll probably subscribe at some point.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
That is good news!!!!!!!
It was said in the last livestream that trion will launch with several features from patch 1.7, one of the most important one is the fix to archeum drop rate. How XL fixed it in korea i don't know.
No, it was not said.
What was said is that XLGames are looking at the feasibility (on request from Trion) of incorporating some of the economy-related changes from patch 1.7 to the 1.2 version that Trion will launch with. What those changes are and whether XLGames eventually decide that it's possible (i.e. cost-effective), remains to be seen.
Trion have also said that it's a priority for them to move to the latest version of AA (patch 1.7) as soon as possible after launch. In the light of that, XLGames may simply decide that it's not worth the cost of porting changes from 1.7 to 1.2.
I wonder how those "realism guys" would feel, if the realism would be extended to combat mechanics. Whoever wore a piece of chestplate + pauldrons knows how they restrict your movement. So I can only guess what full plate would do. A chainmail chestpiece can weight up to 20kg... So let's add realism:
Change a piece of armor? Ok, stand still for 30 minutes. Real realism? Find two guys helping you taking of your armor and don the new piece.
Running in full plate? Perhaps 5 - 10 meters.
Jumping around in full armor? Yup, sounds great if you want to get exhausted quickly and not to fight.
Fighting and running around, or even jumping? You got to be kidding me. Sword fighting in real life may be fast, but you do not run around. You step back- or forward, no running in circles around your opponent. So great slowdon in fighting if you want to hit anything.
Bow users running and jumping? Umm... nah! Pulling the string of a real bow is hard enough while standing still, aiming while holding the arrow, running and pulling the string? You get the image...
Crossbows... Those guys kneeled down and used levers to get the crossbow ready for the next bolt. So let's say 1 - 5 minutes downtime, depending on the weight of your crossbow.
Anyone want to come up with realsim again?
Oh no, LPs. A system that prevents crafting 9000 of the same items per day. A system that doesn't let me max all my crafts in few day. Oh noes, I'll have to trade and/or group up to maximize efficiency. Oh, I can't solo farm the stones for a whole goddamn castle in a day and the whole village to boot. Woe is me. How can I play?!?!?
But I do agree LP pots are bad. Specially if the system stays as is...can use multiple pots per accunt = fuckton of money spent for guilds that wanna do server firsts.
And, no LP = unlimited land per person (unless they changed the whole housing system). Even more tears from ppl that can't get land.
You know what would perhaps be fair to whine about and would cut down on AFK people? You get idk 2,5k LP once a day for patron, idk 1k for non-patron and that's it, no regen, no need to waste electricity by staying on 24/7 and shit like that.
Ihmo no thanks, just seems bit of a quick fix system to me. If they are worried about packed out AH, then make it a challenge, make it so people have to research or discover plans, materiel and recipes before they can start anything. Make it so rarer ores are harder to obtain, make it so gathering isn't always a 100% success. You might get 1 ore or you might get 20, depends on how well you look. Make it so profession can lead down many paths, so there could be many types of blacksmiths
Tbh any other system would be better, even if it took me a month to make one item, anythings better than a system that restricts my play.
Also it's not really an invented system, it's just more found in phone games
Just my opinion.
Hell, yeah !
The realism proponents would LOVE those mechanics !
You obviously never played WWII-Online ? Sat hidden in a bush with a camouflaged anti-tank gun for 30mins (not moving, just watching intently) because you were covering an approach road during a suspected attack ? Eventually you might even get to kill ONE tank ? Or mess-up your first shot and get blown away by the tank whilst you're reloading ?
Never forget that there's a very wide spectrum of game play styles and preferences in the world. The "realsim" players are in the minority, but they ARE real...
1- More realism => In RL
I have a large rock sticking out of the ground in my back yard. I go to my Garage to get a shovel, bring it to the rock. I hit the ground and the ground is so hard I can feel my teeth shatter. So I go beck to the Garage and get my pick, the pick has a wire wrapped around it on its hanger. I have to untangle the stupid wire and take the pick to the rock, and start digging. I find the rock is bigger than I expected, and call my friend with a back hoe. He digs the rock out and I pay him $50 for his troubles, and he gets the rock out. He leaves and I straighten out the mess and go to the store and buy grass to fix the area. The birds eat the grass, so I go back and get some straw and more grass seed. Let the grass grow for two months......Problem solved !!!.................................I don't need my video game like this !...............
As I understand, the major point of controversy is the fact that you can pay extra cash, on top of your subscription, to get around this factor. And it affects the people who focus heavily on crafting (so a PvP-only player, for example, doesn't feel it much.)
I think that the combination of a subscription and a cash shop (where sub players have a strong incentive to pay extra) is a terrible concept and I really don't want to see it spread in online games.
Because you enjoy buying all the mats needed to mass craft from the AH and then maxing out a profession within a afternoon? If that is the case then this is not the game for you. AA's crafting system does not work like other games. This is something that needs to be understood.
But it is the game for people that want to do what you describe. They just have to drop a bunch of money on it.
IMO labor points is fine ,
but sell it in cash shop and raise the regen for patron make game boring ..
It more funny to see people sell and buy labor point .
Something like "hire worker to chop the trees" or "sell labor points ect ..." are interest.
It will be more interest if there are "level" require to harvest rare materials .
Maybe we will see "labor points market" blooming lol .
Just my funny thought ,
Thought i doubt Trion will give up on a lot money (come from labor points system) to make the game more interest and fun .
Hey , but If you think about it , Trion don't lost any , people with money buy labor point from other player then those who sell labor points will use the money they earn to buy patron and item they need.
It will create a cycle of spending and in the end , all money run in Trion pocket .
Wow , i'm genius yahaha lol
J/K , i don't have any problem with labor points system .
There is already a linit set on combat. Its called mana. You cant fight nonstop like you claim because youll run out of mana very quickly. Have to consume large amounts of food and pots (things that are crafted) to even try to non stop fight. And thats try.
Labor points for everything in the game dont relate in any way to Mana/stamina management. Plus, mana/stamina potions can be bought from npcs, crafted, and dropped as loot. LP regen cant be obtained like normal mana potions, otherwise nobody would complain on how bad that mechanic is.
LP also dont relate to real life in any way. You dont pay your employer every month to have an advantage over average workers. With your LP/RL comparison you are assuming people dont have a life and play 24/7. LP is a bad system. If they want to limit what people can do in game, they can easily make the crafting process last longer. That would relate more to real life because you dont make a car by yourself in a short while. The bigger the product, the longer it takes. You want to craft a ship? or build a house? make the process piece by piece last for days and days. Dont limit player gametime because people will just go spent their time and money somewhere else where they dont have gameplay limitations (specially if those limitations are in splace specifically to send people to the cash shop to bypass it with real money)
How so?
1. LP are not required for "everything" in the game.
2. In beta LP potions can be purchased on the in game auction house, using in game gold and based on the screen shots I have personally seen, the prices vary from 4 gold - 30 gold. So yes, you can obtain them in a similar way to purchasing health / mana potions off the in game auction house, using in game gold.
They will have to flop harder than FFXIV 1.0, they had a fatigue system and it was horrible.
LP =/= stamina or mana. Mana regenerates quickly and there are other ways to regain mana, decrease it's cost or increase regeneration, or to still act while out of mana, that is a prope resource management system, there are multiple ways to increase, decrease and manipulate how it works. AA LP? No way to increase LP besides standing still or buying a potion, it's not a good resource management system if you are very limited in how you manage it, it's more of a limiting system, made to abuse the hard core crafter cash cows.
You want realism? Look at Wurm Online, thats a realistic system, it allows full freedom but only the most hardcore can ever dream of becoming a master on everything. It makes no sense to say LP realistic if it's a resource that only works on very arbritary actions, it has no real way of manipulating this resource, it serves no purpose on the economy besides to slow down in the most annoying way the ammount of items you can make, if the system is bad the crafting market will break sooner or later, regardless of LP. I t doesn't even stop bots, bots will still make money regardless of how much you nerf F2P, it's the same thing that happened on ESO, nerfing the rewards that the bots were farming didn't make a dent on their numbers, only punished the real players.
A good system is one complex enough that does not make a visible roadblock in your way, it creates an exponential curve of effortXresults and allows full freedom but balanced in a way it does not make it easy for the average player to become a master of everything.
Glad to know I'm not the only one with this way of thinking, I saw a few threads about LP on AA forums and it was very disheartening.
The LP system is basically why I don't want to play AA. Probably the worst implementation of transitioning a sub game to f2p I have ever seen. Absolutely horrible, I sincerely hope not to see something like this again in future games.
Seeing how they changed LP pots lets do som quick math.
Patron regen = 10 every 5 minutes
1 day (if you are 24hours online) = 2,880
1 pot (1k labor) every 4 hours for a whole day = max 6 pots per day = 6,000 extra LP
Didn't they say LP was in place because if not it would "ruin the economy"? WELL SHIT YOU JUST FUCKING PISSED ON YOUR OWN ECONOMY TRION.
It is interesting to see how different companies do this: create a stat that you really need, and then charge real money for it.
Of course you can play the game at a reduced stat rate, compared to those who buy it. Even if you sub, you still need to spend real cash to keep up. That's what the money grubbing companies want, more cash.
Long gone are the days of if you had the Uber Sword of Doom, that meant you fought for it and had earned it.
2025: 48 years on the Net.