Otherwise its sucks and its not worth the zero dollars you invest in it when it comes out. um wtf. Nvmd its 10 times better than 900 million dollar grossing minecraft and will add features like dungeon with AI scripting. But wth, im a VIDEO GAME CRITIC listen to me when i say its not worth the download.
is this in reference to an article?
regardless...As far as I am concerned Next would be a better game if it had zero combat whatsoever.
In fact, something where you can die from mobs but you can fight them so you spend that time in avoidance tactics
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what the fuck is combat doing in one of the only non-combat focused MMOs anyway?
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I do feel sorry for all those great builders out there but they did make it clear that combat, death and danger (mobs) would be coming eventually.
Yeah, because everybody is complaining that the combat isn't mind-blowing.
Yeah...that sounds like an awful idea.
well that kinda sucks for landmark.
add that to the list of trash
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Dude I thought it was obvious? They are testing out things in Landmark that will make it into EQ NEXT. It's just how Arena Commander is a teaser for Star Citizen.
I am moving on and marking yes on 'EQ is (and has never really been) creative enough for my interest' Landmark was a good go though but fuck it.
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It gets me excited when people say, but fuck it. Yea, you know what I like.
Despite your constant trolling attempts to bait others into an argument I have a serious question.
Why are you so angry at SOE and everything they are doing? Are you an old SWG player or are you an EQ vet who doesn't like that they are making EQ III? Or do you have another agenda and if so what is it?
I believe this is the first time I have posted on anything related to EQ or SOE...like ever that I can recall.
so with that..what the fuck are you talking about?
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Combat is simple but fun, a good start to build on and improve. Opinions are fun to.