No I was not being sarcastic. I didn't say GW2 was the best MMORPG on the market because I actually prefer several others to it. However, I have played every decent MMORPG that has been released and it is absolute fact that Guild Wars 2 has the best combat system out of them all. Once again, that is not an opinion. It's a fact.
If you believe otherwise then you have no skill whatsoever or are completely ignorant to what good combat is in an MMO.
TERA would be the only game that can even come close to putting up an argument to my statement. However, the stand still casting puts it in 2nd place.
These are facts. Not opinions.
I take this as hyperbole to make a point. Of course all this is HIS opinion. I happen to agree GW2 combat is superior to everything? almost everything? out there but , still, this is MY OPINION. Some deluded types talk about TERA having better combat than GW2. Then they wake up and realize their mistakes. Anyway, all opinions here and everyone has one.
Once again, this is not an opinion. I only speak in facts. If I were to say that a sandwich tastes better with mustard than with mayo I would be giving you my opinion.
The combat in Guild Wars 2 is as good as it gets for a PC gamer at this point in time 9/13/2014. Lets hope for something better in the future or at least the same but with a purpose.
One of the major complaints when the game first came out was the fact that most players learned all of their weapon skills by level 6 or 7 and felt like there wasn't much to look forward too in terms of skills after that.
Now that ANet paced (or gated) the skill progression on weapons, it should address those types of complaints but at the expense of angering veteran players who intend to roll alts.
It's a tough situation for ANet, I do not envy them right now.
Unfortunately the people expressing those concerns weren't, aren't and will never be the target audience of GW2.
You will find many of the same that complained about those things in the past complaining now that it has changed.
Anet listen to feedback but sometimes the feedback is not from their actual players.
Unfortunately....according to Colin.... you are wrong. He states, "Testing was done predominantly in the west focused on players who played guild wars 2 today, people who played gw2 at launch and left, people who heavily play other MMORPG’s, and people who heavily play RPG’s." He is obviously targeting those people too.
Unfortunately companies always seem to have to these studies to back up their changes and then in the future they admit that the changes weren't that good.
Currently playing: GW2 Going cardboard starter kit: Ticket to ride, Pandemic, Carcassonne, Dominion, 7 Wonders
Once again, this is not an opinion. I only speak in facts. If I were to say that a sandwich tastes better with mustard than with mayo I would be giving you my opinion.
The combat in Guild Wars 2 is as good as it gets for a PC gamer at this point in time 9/13/2014. Lets hope for something better in the future or at least the same but with a purpose.
Unfortunately companies always seem to have to these studies to back up their changes and then in the future they admit that the changes weren't that good.
Currently playing: GW2
Going cardboard starter kit: Ticket to ride, Pandemic, Carcassonne, Dominion, 7 Wonders