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WoW vs. GW attempt...
WoW vs. GW attempt...
WoW vs. GW attempt...
WoW vs. GW attempt...
Originally posted by resilience
- LFG System with Interface and Profession/Level Filtering (zone wide, that means sorting all districts)
- Item drop select/loot (for instance [ would select nearest item, ] loots it) [WoW's got it]
- /follow command (yes theres space bar but I want a perma follow) [WoW's got it]
- /who <name> [WoW's got it]
- More inventory space/vault storage (make bags atleast 2x as big as they are) - make it cost more gold for more storage [WoW's got it]
- Remove invisible obstacles that obstruct players in PvP areas that are now widely used as exploits [WoW doesn't have this problem]
- Balance the drop system so that one person doesnt receive purple after purple while the rest receive crap [WoW's got it]
- Make that Monk spell that heals you when you melee be 'other ally only' - this would greatly balance War/Mo to even bounds [WoW doesn't have monks]
- Allow the radar to zoom [WoW's got it]
- Add optional RL clock to be toggled on/off [WoW's got it... on mouse over]
- Add an /afk <msg> command [WoW's got it]
- If a multitude of people get together and /dance, allow them to dance together and do various random dances such as the Flamingo/Kukaracha/other
Originally posted by Thos
Either fix collision detection or take it out! Getting stuck sux ...damn pets! lol
- Hate Invisible walls/obstacles in all areas! Make them less annoying. [WoW doesn't have this problem]
- Option when gone LD to rejoin the party and instant you was in. [say what?!]
- Quest sharing!!!!!! [WoW's got it]
Originally posted by BobCrazyton
-more skills(dur)
-mounts [WoW's got it]
-more classes [WoW as a good few =D]
-larger scale guild wars
Originally posted by gaki
-Auction system
-more armor for the mid levels [WoW's got it]
-the enviroment is starting to get boring for me...[WoW's got it]
Originally posted by D_shandril
- having more control on the pet(but would be hard to add without leting people exploit it) [WoW's got it]
Originally posted by DodgerTgr
-Give more options from the 'Guild' menu [WoW's got it]
Originally posted by Torak
*A LFG flag [WoW's got it]
*Either an Auction House or Consession merchants [WoW's got it]
*Housing [WoW doesn't have this...yet...]
*an in-game message system [WoW's got it]
*more displayed info on friends/guildmates like class/lvl and location [WoW's got it]
*Fix the damn collision system
Originally posted by bhagamu
1) LFG system
2) Mail-to-Player system (mail items to a player) [WoW's got it]
3) Some sort of player-driven economy [WoW's got it]
4) Variety of Music [WoW's got it]
Originally posted by Kiamde
*Add a physics engine so we can have jumping [WoW's got it...woah imagine that you couldn't jump..=s]
*Add a more global PvP tourney system [WoW's got it ... Called "World Defense Channel"]
*Give prizes in arena.
Every other complaint is not what World of Warcraft is about...
And it's strange how Guild Wars was created by former Blizzard Employees... HMMMM !!!
Oh yea, and these are the complaints from GW side of
white text in bracets are my adds =D
WoW vs. GW attempt...
WoW vs. GW attempt...
WoW vs. GW attempt...
WoW vs. GW attempt...
differences = many
similarities = few
1. both online
2. both have distinctive graphics
3. both offer pvp
4. both are fun
5. both are RPGs (though some people like "asdf;lkj" aren't really trying hard, and aren't here to rp)
so editted topic..since i wasn't clear the first time... "PVP or Normal servers? likes? dislikes? and why?" can't cause nonconstructive fights with that now can we...
Random Fact about Roke:
fav non-mmo - Fusion Frenze, DDR, Kirby, Harry Potter
Oh god who the hell cares, enough of these stupid non-constructive threads. All of us members here who have more than 1 post are sick and tired of them. They bring nothing but flames wars. A game is only as good as you think it is. GW is not better than WoW, WoW is not better than GW.
Actually WoW is better than GW, by a lot even. I don't consider WoW to be a perfect MMORPG, but it comes a lot closer. To call Guildwars mediocre would be the best compliment that it can receive.
I played Star Wars Galaxies for 18 months, but their failed Combat Upgrade has turned me beyond the "Dark Side". I sold my accounts on ebay and have tried Guild Wars. I had pretty low expectations, but even those were not met.
I'm loading WoW today, and have low expectations too as the whole Wizard, throw fire at monster, kill monster, get loot from monsters, and do it all again seems boring to me.
We will see. I hope WoW knocks my socks off as I want a new fun game.
I'm not mocking GW.. i'm not saying GW is better than WoW... or vise versa..
i'm just making a point that people are always comparing things... and the people on this forum are trying to make GW like any other mmorpg... when it's not like the others.
GW is NOT .. I repeat not based on level and xp like WoW is. You do things.. you earn points to put towards skills. (I believe.)
GW is ... an rpg.. but it's not made for the masses, imho.
Visuals are hot, combat is hot ... but there's not a lot of free movement["invisible walls and lack-of-jump" ], no player based economy...and basic rpg interface... but that's how most rpgs (consoles in anycase) are like. this is just like that..... but BETTER...
I just think it's HUMOROUS that people are so fast to judge and compare one thing to another that are really TOTALLY DIFFERENT! WoW is MADE To get people attention with player based things and interactive interface.... GW is made to wow ya. (no pun intended)...
I just think that the people trying to bash one are just not thinking hard about it. People play either games because it appeals to them. If you want all this stuff you are listing.. you are going to ruin the other pluses of GW ... you can't have both hot graphics and combat and hot addons... it just won't work. WoW takes a dive in graphics for a massive amount of interface options and addon options.. that WoW. GW takes a dive in interface and addons for EXCELENT GRAPHICS!!!
The only thing they have incommon are... some employees ^_^ hehe
I don't really know what else to say except i am rather intregued by both in different ways.
Random Fact about Roke:
fav non-mmo - Fusion Frenze, DDR, Kirby, Harry Potter
Actually if I was reading your post correctly (you describing what your posting about isnt exactly clear...might want to work on that) you are pointing out everything that wow has that GW does not. That to me is pointing out WoW is indeed better. Therefore my message still stands "who the hell cares". This topic has been done before with WoW verse <insert game name here>. Its old and re-hashing it all out doesnt do anything constructive.
Next time post your "deeper thinking intentions" of what your post is about in the actual first thread, instead of waiting for people to comment and then yell at them for not reading your vague and ambiguous post correctly.
GW > WoW on the rankings here on this website.
I have to agree (max lv chars both games) that GW is the better game. Wow's not bad but it leaves me feeling like im playing EQlive in kiddy cartoon land.
Originally posted by Lanmoragon
I'm comparing it but not saying ones better like everyone was doing before... I didn't say one's better than the other so don't put words in my mouth. If you don't care.. then don't post. if you don't think it's constructive then why are you participating .. that spells out hypocrit all over your posts..I didn't think it was confusing.. no where in my post did i say one was better than the other.. i was comparing.. and well see how it doesn't work.. that was my point EXCUSE me for not adding that little line that says "Comparing two different things isn't easy"... or something like that....
Lastly lanmoragon...
If you don't understand it ..ask and maybe that poster will be less vague.. don't assume what people are saying.. cause you can't hear people. (keep that in mind, sir, while you're posting).
Random Fact about Roke:
fav non-mmo - Fusion Frenze, DDR, Kirby, Harry Potter
Which do you think is better?
Don't you worry little buddy. You're dealing with a man of honor. However, honor requires a higher percentage of profit
I play both.
GW just isent as much fun for me as WoW was.
Id take WoW over GW anyday of the week.
Rankings on this website means dick to me. They're influenced by players' ratings of the game, most of whom are influenced by their fanboy biases and just make really high comments to boost theirs and super low on those that aren't. That and because they really don't have a clue on what they hell they're talking about.
And, for the record, I saw more immaturity in my week of playing GW than I have in the six months I've been playing WoW. Maybe that's just me though. *shrugs*
These WoW vs. ________ aren't very constructive but ill comment anyways since im bored. I have to say for the first few months WoW was fun but after getting 60 and doing scholo/strath/ubrs runs over and over again it gets repetetive, and by over and over again I mean doing each 50+ times then finally... finally having your guild equiped enough to take MC, and guess what your doing the same thing again with a different dungeon, but the PvP on the other hand was fun, mostly a zerg fest but it was fun... till i realized group pvp in WoW takes no skill. Duels and 1v1 open field pvp required skill but 20v20 and 40v40 all your doing is attacking from range repeatedly while the person you attack is getting healed over and over again, first group to lose patience and charge loses 80% of the time. IMO though, WoW pvp is lacking , no CC and the bnet kiddy community is bent on zerging anyways. Most of the people who will be commenting in here havent made it to 60 yet or havent even started getting their set peices, started onyxia key, etc.
WoW does have some good things though, the movement in WoW is the best ive seen compared to any MMO ive played. The combination between having PvP almost as good as DAoC's and raid content almost as good as eq original make it clear that the devs are commited to making both the PKers and the carebears happy, which is very hard to do in the same MMO. I can see WoW becoming better over the years but the lack of content and repetitiveness make it a subpar MMO to some veterans out there. Even though the community itself is enough to scare the vets away
But anyways I look forward to coming back to WoW when it gains a bit more content but im on verge of quiting and giving Guild Wars a try.
- zerging in WoW is annoying.
- more immaturity in GW... but to me that's funny
- both are fun in their own ways
- comparing is not only unconstructive in this case.. it's virtually impossible...
so i'm changing the topic from
GW vs WoW -> pvp or normal server? which do you prefer? why?
Random Fact about Roke:
fav non-mmo - Fusion Frenze, DDR, Kirby, Harry Potter