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LF a MMO based on history

KoujoKoujo Member Posts: 18

I'm sick to death of all the fantasy MMOs. Apparently there are hordes of players who are not yet because they're still churning them out every year. I want to play something different. Give me a wild west MMO or something based on the civil war, or the Napoleonic war. NO MOAR STINKING ELVES!

I thought I caught a break with PotBS and I probably stayed with that game longer than I should. Now I only look back at it with disdain at miserable failure it morphed into. WW2OL held my attention for many years but eventually I tired of the dated graphics and the lack of any really MMO type progression.

So what's left? I think there's some MMO about Rome or something being developed that might have some merit to it. Other than that I'm drawing a blank. Looks like space is the next great MMO frontier with Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous, No Mans Sky all coming next year or so. That will be somewhat refreshing but I still yearn for the smell of black powder. Anything like that on the distant horizon?

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