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I may have missed the thread, but I wanted to share this. Saw it on MSNBC. It's kind of a long article, but I thought some may be interested.
I guess nerd rage went a little to far.
I self identify as a monkey.
It is kind of bizarre, i sincerely hope that it wasn't a 'real threat' but even so the police would have to treat it as such, just in case. The irony is, that doing such a thing just plays into the hands of people like her, it probably had a more positive effect for her campaign against male gamers than if she had actually made her speech in the first place. But if you want to check out the whole thing and how this has all come about, you might want to read this, warning, its a long one!
This is one topic i'd really rather see the back of, the longer it goes on, the more trouble it seems to cause
so he sent an email with a very serious threat and the authorities havent tracked him? that shows what the NSA does (or doesnt do) with their spy tech.
Anyway, i personally believe that if these threats are serious, death sentence should be in place. And if they are not serious, at least 50 years in prison would do. The more severe the charges, the less stupid people we see out there.
And yet this one gets reported because the person being threatened is a girl.
Just boys? I am 43 and it is a RARE day when I get to meet someone I honestly can say isn't misogynistic (outside of work as I work for the government here and they push political correctness hard). Some of my hobbies include: one mmo at a time (absolutely brutal hearing idiot males yammer in gen chat), mma (both forums and gym loaded by morons who barely give women any respect the moment they know one isn't near them) and strength training (no woman wants to hear what some men say in the change room).
It is a societal issue that is getting worse ... not better. Most young women are proceeding on a path exactly opposite that of feminism. It parallels popular media as well which is allowing young men to grow up thinking women are little more than sex objects ... hence the growing popular term "rape culture".
Honestly living downtown in a major city is sickening me which is why I am moving outside of the main city soon ... and this is Canada! God help anyone living in some areas of the USA.
You stay sassy!
Oh hey look, feminists using threats to push their agenda and garnish attention, rather then seeing it as a threat.
Seriously... it disgusts me how they are using threats, a serious issue that EVERYONE popular on faces with feminists being likely no amount more prone too, as a poltical means to boost themselves. If they had such an issue and it was serious they would REPORT IT TO AUTHORITIES. Posting it on the internet is just to gain attention. Its disgusting to see it being used for a political agenda. There is absolutely no reason to mention it to others.
I don't think she deserves that type of treatment, but she isn't exactly innocent in the first place. Labeling gamers as woman hating, basement dwellers and adding numerous gaming sites to your hate train is just begging for the real crazies to use gamers as cover to attack you.
Why did it have to get turned into a gender issue?
Someone got death threats. That's bad. It shouldn't happen. I can get behind that.
The fact that it happened to be gamers - ok that's somewhat pertinent. The "gamer" culture can be extremely vile, reprehensible, and act as if there are no consequences. However, I would go further and say ... Surprise, it's not just gamers. That's the entire Internet culture. This is what happens when you take away accountability and consequence - people act like animals.
I'm not trying to excuse their behavior at all, just point out that it's focused on gamers and gaming, but it's just one symptom of a bigger problem. And it probably goes even beyond that (the entire "Bully" buzzword that is so popular these days).
But the fact that a victim happens to be female - I just can't see what that has to do with anything. I see as bad, if not worse, threats leveled at players all the time. Without regard to gender. Sure, some of them are gender-related, but don't think that just because you are Male/Female/Bisexual/Androgynous that the vitriol gets any more intensified or focused... it's a caustic environment, and it tends to burn everyone that's in it. Whatever they can find that they think will get under your skin, that's what gets used. If that's a gender issue, so be it, but don't think it's any different or lesser or better if they find some other hot button issue to flamebait someone else with just because of their gender.
Gender has nothing to do with it. It just happens to be a tool of the perpetrators in this case.
you seriously think that will work? All that would do is bring up violent crime by leagues. If people are down on their luck or have anger issues and know they basically face a life or death sentence they are going to go for broke with crimes they commit and kill people if they know they are going to die. People threaten people daily on the road with road rage people even pull out guns stalk people etc. Some people cannot control their anger and think their views are the only way and everyone else is wrong. This is a mental illness, prison is not always the answer.
This went a little further than a mere death threat against an individual though.
Here is a link to the threat that was made.
Now despite this I understand the talk still would have gone ahead except that gun laws in that state meant that people could legally carry concealed weapons onto the campus so there was no way to ensure weapons were not bought on site.
The Enlightened take things Lightly
its kind of deliberate, the feminist extremists kind of jumped on the bandwagon over the quinnsperacy issue and are using it really for their own ends, i think the worst part is they actually denounce women gamers as being little more than 'male sock puppets' who can't be trusted to have their own point of view, if not worse. This whole thing is getting out of hand, now anything that happens is blamed on male gamers, really convenient.
Your definition of "nerd" ist most peculiar.
This is simply a petty criminal, not a socially akward member of some intellectual elite.
What the guy did was wrong, and he needs to be found and locked up.
Just like MSNBC to turn this into a gun issue. Guess what, people crazy enough to email death threats, and even crazier enough to carry them out aren't going to be hampered by gun laws. Legally owned firearms are rarely used to commit crimes, and the amount of gun crimes carried out by people with permits to carry one concealed are almost nonexistent. If anything, she should feel safer knowing that there could be people, law abiding citizens, in the crowd carrying firearms who are prepared and trained to use them to protect their lives, and the lives of others if necessary.
Gun laws and gun control have nothing to do with feminism. Nothing. Yet here they are, trying to combine the issue with another and spouting bullshit statistics (from an unquoted or unlinked source) and making idiotic claims.
Here's an idea. How about you feminazis, instead of whining about imaginary victimization and persecution, go out and exercise your right to own a gun to protect yourselves. Surely there's nothing more empowering than taking responsibility for your own safety, right?
Oh wait, that requires effort. It's easier to sit around and complain all the time, make blanket statements about how evil men are, and how guns somehow make people into violent misogynists. You know, like they imply in every Lifetime channel original movie.
AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!
We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD.
Give me some examples of them european country's u mention.
I think u mistake USA with Europe.
Here we even got "special" prisons for them called TBS clinics.
We dont trow them in "normal" prisons with the rest of the criminals like the USA does.
Charges inclue "Stalking" and "Death thread's"
Even when they do get out of TBS some cases even get monitored.
Some with the use of an Enkle bracelet like this.
Here some info use translate if u cant read it
And stop mentioning Europe, since you obviosly know nothing about it.
Oh b.t.w i am autistic, you should do some reading about it.
But its cool just say that the guy who did it is "Autistic" or not "Normal" like the rest of the millions of people.
Like you have to be "Not Normal" to make death tereads, thats just stupid ans short sigted.
Just as stupid as saying "Omg he shot up a school and he played GTA when he was growing up"
Blame it on everything but no us "normal" folkes.
Do you even realize the irony of what you just posted, or how stupid you sound? Here, I'll sum it up for you:
You basically just generalized all feminists as man haters with some kind of agenda of playing the victim for attention. They should shut up and just deal with it or phrase their arguments in a way you approve of. And you aren't surprised someone reported a death threat against herself and those who wanted to attend her presentation because she "loves playing a victim".
All the time you're here whining that feminists love playing the victim and have no real agenda other than that and man hating.... which basically means you're pulling a victim card here because you don't like what some of them have to say, even though your generalizations of feminists is, like any generalization of any group, pretty stupid.
Yeah. Think about it for a while buddy.
Moving on:
She is not the only woman who has received death or rape threats over this Gamergate thing. Nor is it uncommon in most other industries. A previous poster said that many young girls were being coerced back into the rape culture standards that we had previously been moving away from and were "happy" (aka suffering from record level eating disorders by very young ages, depression, and poor self image) to be delegated as mere eye candy objects once more. This is all true. And this is why we still need women who label themselves feminists. There are ALL KINDS of feminists, from the man-haters to those women who simply want themselves and their daughters/sisters/whatever to stop being looked at and treated like things by other women AND by men who all think that is a normal and healthy outlook to have (when studies show it clearly is not and is very harmful).
Let's put it another way:
If someone sends an email about shooting up a school, the FBI is on that crap like flies on...well, crap. The school goes into lockdown and serious charges are brought up. Happened in my school back in 1999 during my senior year, right after the Columbine shooting. No bomb, just a call phoned in to the office about a bomb in the HS gym - turns out one of the star basketball players did it and boy did he get in trouble, but you get the point.
So, how is this different? These are serious threats by someone who may or may not be mentally ill and may or may not be ill enough to follow through. This is not a victim card. The internet is a pretty screwed up place and I often wonder if it's doing more harm than good for mankind. The fact you can hide behind a fake name and say things and do things without any real consequence has turned many people into monsters at worse, trolls at best.
<>Lord of the Fliesthe digital age, people.Nice strawman. That's not what I said at all, but this is the tactic of folks like you. Don't like something someone says? Place a bunch of rhetorical bullshit in their mouths and tell them what they meant. It's intellectually lazy debate, and you're full of it. Show me a feminist whose main platform is not "Men victimize me all day, everyday" and we can have a conversation. I saw a piece by ome of the most well known feminists on the planet the other day. It was the most intolerant, vitriolic thing I have seen from someone claiming to be a champion of equality. The young woman who just won the Nobel Prize is who women should be idolizing. She's a humanist, not favoring one gender over another. If you cannot make a point about ehat you believe in without shitting all over 50% of the population, you're not looking for equality. If you need proof of the perpetual victimhood of the feminist movement, one needs only see the collective litter of puppies shit by them when Ms America had the gall to tell women to learn self defense. Apparently, it's more productive to be assaulted than to never have been in the first place.
Actually, data shows that the majority of mass shootings are carried out by people using legally owned firearms. Roughly about 3/4 of weapons used in mass shootings in the US between 1984 and 2014 were legally owned. Source:
So yeah, law abiding citizens or not, I certainly would not feel safe attending an event where someone threatened a mass shooting and the police can do absolutely fuck all to stop people taking guns to the event.
That this is even being discussed I think shows a deep and underlying problem with the gun culture in the US at the moment. I know in Australia we had one bad mass shooting and we took away the sort of guns people use in mass shootings and lo and behold not a single mass shooting since. Amazing, must be a miracle, certainly common fucking sense had nothing to do with it.
The Enlightened take things Lightly