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I will take it as a good sign. Everything happens for a reason right?
After reading recent changes i thought hey whats the big deal lets patch up this baby, throw in a month sub and try out the changes.
First thing i noticed that i have a 15 gb download (i only stopped playing for 2 months). Great i thought... must be a lot of content. So while the download was going on (painfully slow) i decided to check out the patch notes. Hmm..interesting nothing that warrants a 15 gb download. But i let it run over night anyways.
On saturday morning download was complete. I was ready to log in and but hold on, i need an authentication code thanks to my dynamic IP. Two hours later and after several email. I contact support and i got generic response with list of fixes. Tried everything, even made a new gmail account. Another 12 hours still no authentication email.
I go to bed hoping for a better luck on sunday morning. Check email again nothing..try to resend codes several times through out the day..still nothing. Shoot another email to response.
Servers go down in morning for another patch. While i am going through these hoops i decided to keep client up to date. Behold another 13+ gb patch. I check patch notes again and still nothing that warrants such a huge download.
Almost 30 gb with in 24 hours and then i realise i am beyond the monthly cap for my internet. I downloaded 16 gb+ worth of only voice over..yes voice overs. The way the client updates the files..instead of patching in the new content it re downloads all the files. Bravo Zenimax.
So here i am sitting with 30gb worth of download, ( a very angry brother because i suck up so much bandwith) still no authentication email and no way to subscribe. I took this as a sign as if some angel is watching upon me.
Bought the the new Tokyo pack for TSW, resubscribed to WOW.. and back to gaming happily while trying to remove this bad taste of ESO from my mouth.
So that was my about yours.
Sorry for me laughing...
May the Gods and the force be with you!
Like i said their patching system is fubard. Check your vo_en folder every time a new patch hits. You will be redownloading 6 to 8gb worth of vo everytime they release a new patch.
If you look at the actual content it shouldn't be more than couple of gbs..maybe 4 if i try to be generous. But their patcher make you redownload all the assets hence the huge 10+ gb patches everytime. I checked the current patch and even though it has lot of fixes there is nothing that warrants a whooping 10+ gb of download.
Could it be your ISP if you do have fast internet? Maybe they are throttling you for too much use. I downloaded and patched within 30 minutes. I just did a speedtest with Time Warner Internet and I got 108mbps download and 11mbps upload. I wasn't even getting close to that with the Launcher and it still took under 30 minutes for me.
There Is Always Hope!
Your download issue is really odd. I too downloaded ESO over the weekend (first time for me here since beta). I dl'd through Steam, which initially told me in that little first pop-up screen that my dl would be ~40 gigs. Woah! I thought. Then I go to the area of Steam where it shows your progress/dl rate and the file turned out to only be about ~16 gigs. Still sizeable, but not 40. After that initial dl, the client does another ~10 gigs in updates/patching, then I'm good to go. Took a break on Sunday to do rl stuff, and come back today. My patch size today is ~4.5 gigs.
So all told, including the initial download:
client - 16gb
initial patch (Sat.) - 10gb
newest patch (Mon.) - 4.5gb
It almost sounds like your computer re-dl'd the game in its entirety instead of just patching, since my initial client dl was about the same size as your patch. And my newest patch was nowhere near yours in size (though we all know its not the size of the package, but the quality of compression, bebeh ). I wonder why your computer would be handling patching in a different manner than my computer... maybe there are some update options that could be checked/unchecked from the launcher?
GL and sorry your experience sucked.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I think this is currently the biggest bang for the smallest buck on the market
Only 4 gigs? you must be a special case then since according to Zenimax devs the new download is 12gb and more depending upon the language of your client.
My download was 13 gb.
That still doesn't explain re download of all the sound and voice files which is anywhere between 6 to 8gb. In last two big patches 14 gb was just VO files.
Really? I didn't like Issue 9, although the previous issues were a lot of fun.
They don't patch or do content updates they get complaints, they do patch and do content updates they get complaints. Someone has to be to blame, and its definitely not the OP for exceeding his download allowance.