I'm thinking to buy the Aurora LX - Anniversary package and I hope I can start playing almost immediately. The ship gives beta access so my Q is it SC is already in beta?
Pledging now and getting to play beta over a year or so felt really like a money grab. Even more when I heard you could buy into the Arena Commander alpha that's out now. But looking at the price of that Arena Commander alpha (€4) I had to revise that thought and grabbed both the Aurora-LX anniversary ship and the Arena Commander and hop into this adventure. Of course, I've taken a peek at a couple of review videos and the promises of things to come and I really think that this game will kick ass!
Hi there,
The Game is in Not-Feature-complete pre-Alpha. Expect Beta in about a year.
However, you CAN testfly your Aurora already in the Arena Commander dogfight Module. Lotsa Videos on Youtube.
Available Game Modes: PVE against the Vanduul, Co-Op PvE, PvP, Ship racing
You can also replace Katniss in the "Hangar Games" - bring a Buggy ;-)
(that stunt track is not available all the time, it was a fun special event)
Soon to come: FPS Shooter Module (X-mas-ish or soon afterwards)
Look here for the planned timeline
Have fun
Welcome and "See you in the Verse" !
Have fun