Does anyone see this game changing in the next 2 years... I really want more then living story. This game has pretty much ruined me for other mmos. But it's lacking. Wish they would tell us what else they are planning to do for this game. It seems like the game is meant for just new ppl and ppl coming and going. It's like the developers were like " don't expect to make this your main mmo."
I'm just upset cuz there is no REAL change to this game only thing they seem to have done was add fractals and the guild missions. They could do so much more to this game but they won't do it. The game is called Guild wars. I want gvg Guild halls. 10 man dungeons. They don't need to add gear grind. For 10 mans it could be a competition. 10 man guild fractals. Every week or month each guild goes into the fractals with there 10 ppl and they try to progress as high as they can each level getting harder and harder by the end of the week the guild who progress the most gets there name broadcasted over the server or all servers because of the mega server and win some sort of prize.. I dunno this game has so much potential to be more then what it is now sorry for wall of text I'm typing on my phone. But yea if you don't want gear grind you can at least have competition content for pve as well as pvp
Sorry man, I still think the thing which makes an rpg a rpg is character building and customisation.
When you have something like structured pvp in guild wars, you don't need to get any gear, you don't need to do any pve at all, you don't have any levels, you don't need to concentrate on your build cuz of instant respecs b4 matches and you can inspect.
It stops being an rpg, its not even a moba because you don't level or gear during matches. Its a 3rd person clone shooter.
I can agree with msot of what you said but the raiding. GW2 does not have classes like WoW or your typicle mmo. there is no dedicated healer or tank with taunt. A guardian can heal and take dmg but they have no way to pull aggro unless they use a single skill that is on a 30 second CD. Raiding has been spoken about on the forums and the members allways come to th e same conclusion. that it ill not work with the way the game is set up. Though some of the dungeons are EXTREEMLY brustal.
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Unless they release an xpack over the course of the next year I don't see GW2 having much in the way of true longevity. ANet really effed up in my opinion. If they had done for GW2 what they had done with GW1 I would wager they would be more successful.
As it stands ANet seems only interested in attempting to milk players by nickle and dimeing them to death via the gem store.
World of warcraft just released an expansion. Check it out.
OR dont.
I'd be surprised if they kept a stuff of 300+ only to
produce the living story.
They must be onto something.
It's definitely not off their table(obligatory Anet answer).
In the meantime you can enjoy more ways to customize
your character with items you get by gambling RNG boxes.
"The knowledge of the theory of logic has no tendency whatever to make men good reasoners." - Thomas B. Macaulay
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - Daniel J. Boorstin
Not to say that they wont do an expansion at some point, but it is not in the cards at the moment.
And as far as hiring for an xpac, no, they posted a job for someone with raid experience, likely to improve their work boss encounters. Otherwise, they are hiring to replace. They have Los a TON of staff that were with the game for a long time. High, high turnover rate at ANET.
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Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
As a huge fan of GW1 there is little this game can do to overcome my initial disappointment.
Except that; rather than try they exacerbate the issues surrounding their tedious base game by wasting resources destroying and rebuilding the same city over and over, why???????
And then release more of the non-revenue earning, amateurish living story rather than an interesting, revenue-earning expansion.
Oh, and they waste yet more resources revamping the first 10 levels on a 2 year old game everyone has already tried.
To be honest I now think they are trying to kill their own baby. I have phoned social services.
they are working on Raids, guild halls and GvG and ofc new expansion
plus LS every 2 weeks
K...I wont
"This may hurt a little, but it's something you'll get used to. Relax....."
Actually I mean they were hiring back old employees as well as loading up a new team to address an expansion.
I mean you don't have to believe me and there's functionally no real reason I guess you should when you don't know me and likely lack much information that'd relate to this being the case.
But point being they are working on actual expansion content.
"The knowledge of the theory of logic has no tendency whatever to make men good reasoners." - Thomas B. Macaulay
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - Daniel J. Boorstin
Well, regular cashflow is quite a requirement for that to happen; and they forgot how to do that since GW1 it seems.
you know your post is bullshit right? I mean ... no offense but sPvP is just an aspect of Gw2. Your PvE *does* matter because that's how you unlock most of the weapon skins and dyes if you want to do *any* character customization. Also, there's the WvW if you want to PvP with your PvE character. Nobody is forcing you to play sPvP. You don't need sPvP either to progress your character. So yeah ... find something else to complain about. kkthxbye
Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)
agreed. Likewise the majority of the playerbase do not want a developer dictating when they must play their living story- it just pisses them off.
Expansion pack: If the Living Story was not profitable then they had stopped doing that long ago. Remember they often add new stuff in the cash shop when they add a new Living Story. They have GW1 to compare how a expansion would fare and seems the conclusion is that Living Story is most profitable compared to development cost.
It also seems like a good learning process for them as they can use the feedback to make the next content even better. So if they are not making an expansion what could they possible be doing besides updating GW2: my guess is a NEW game.
If they released an expansion most of the returning players would leave again as soon as the have finished the expansion. Maybe returning player base is not the best to cater for.
Living Story: It is something you can play whenever you want if you have it unlocked (season 2).
I left the game long ago.
Its a great game but it misses one big point of RPG games : Progression
There is absolutely no progression in the game. You reach max level in a week. You can buy basically best equipment.
And than there is no progression any more.
Sure you can grind for some minor cosmetic benefits , and thats it.
So, yes. Its all well, but no point.
And judging from experience so far. And apsolute panic they get when ever anyone asks them for future plans.
I think nothing is really in store.
Getting your character into full Ascended Gear is plenty of progression.
It's not needed though. Exotics are just fine. They are easier to craft, obtain from loot, and cheaper to buy.
The problem with Ascended, is that it takes too much effort for little stat gains. You also cannot change the stats on them, which makes it even less appealing. At least with exotics, you can craft a whole other set such as Valkyrie or Berserker, with a fraction of the cost and time it would take to make another Ascended set.
As far as the longevity of the game, it ended around 6 months ago for me. The endgame of GW2 is the living story, and the devs are intent on keeping it that way. Until they make the living story irrelevant or scrap it altogether, i won't be going back. It's not interesting enough to keep playing.
There is no expansion on the way.
When I wake up, the real nightmare begins