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The following two paragraphs are simply background about me as a MMORPG player and my current situation. They are skippable.
BACKGROUND: I used to play MMORPGs a lot. Started out with EverQuest because all my friends were playing it. Played it for years. Made a good friend from Finland on it and we'd skype chatted while playing. At the time, I worked a second-shift job (in the USA) and thus I could play during the day when she got off work. She was a female high-elf enchanter and I was a male dwarf cleric. Needless to say, we never had a problem getting a group or quickly whipping one up. And during those EQ years, I did like so many on EQ did and tried lots of other new MMORPGs that came out (Anarchy Online [did its beta and participated in its "Backyard BBQ" finale], Star Wars Online [beta again], City of Heroes [beta again], etc.) but, again like everyone else, I always came back to EQ. The reason why everyone came back was simply because EQ had a massive online community that just couldn't be beat. But then when EQ shot itself in the foot by not allowing EQ players to transfer over their high-level characters to EQ2, I did like everyone else did on EQ and revolted at the idea of starting all over again and instead gave the newly-released World of Warcraft a try. The King is dead! Long live the King! EQ was then dethroned by WoW. At first I liked WoW, but then started to gag on how it Disney-fied everything. I felt I was in a sickly cute Disney cartoon. That and, unlike EQ, grouping was optional in WoW and everyone seemed to just be soloing it. That being the time when all MMORPGs switched from serving heavy players (teenagers and college students) to light players (working stiffs who have lots of money to blow [who the gaming industry calls "whales" today] but only have an hour or two a night per week to play and didn't want to spend all of that time futilely spamming a zone LFG). Then I stumbled across the tongue-in-cheek Dungeon Runners and had a blast. I loved it. It was the only game where I read every quest. Why? Because they were so funny. Unfortunately, NCSoft then also shot itself in the foot when they came out with the retail box version of it, broke up the servers to segregate retail box players from F2P players, and thus destroyed the online community. It never recovered from that. I was online on New Year's Eve for its Night Before Execution Party. I then pretty much gave up on online gaming ... though I have started to play Boom Beach but it isn't a MMORPG and even its "task force" raids only let one player at a time attack the Blackguard main base.
CURRENT SITUATION: I am about to launch a YouTube game show where I will be its host. It has been in development for a year and is just about ready to premiere. I would like a fun large-group activity to do with the die-hard fans of the game show where they can regularly interact with me from all over the world. My idea is to have that activity be an online game where I can form my own guild and do raids with my show's fans. I will guarantee to show up for at least one scheduled guild raid each week and do casual spontaneous guild raids when I have time to jump online.
LOOKING FOR GAME: I am looking for a PvE MMORPG that allows guilds, has boss monsters strong enough to be taken on by massive guilds (or they automatically scale up when attacked by a massive guild or multiple guilds), and has either no limit to guild size or a VERY high guild membership cap. The game does NOT need to be popular as I plan to bring lots of people to it. Though I'd prefer it to be a paid subscription game, it can be F2P or even F2P/P2W (free to play, pay to win). The reason I prefer a paid subscription game is they seem last longer than F2P (e.g., Dungeon Runners). Genre doesn't matter. Would prefer a download game and not a browser game since they tend to be more stable and have less lag. Not interested in a retail game, if any of those still exist. Would prefer the game to have already been around a while but this isn't a deal breaker and would even consider a game that's currently in beta if it is really good.
IDEAL: I would like a game whose owners would greatly appreciate a YouTube show host bringing their fans to their game and would be willing to work with the host to make such as easily and mutually beneficial as possible. I know this last one might not be answerable by those here but I thought I'd ask on the off-chance someone might know such.
If you would rather communicate privately, that's fine. Feel free to fire me a private message.
Thanks in advance!