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Just another "this game will change everything" kickstarter campaign? Well, the concept of this game looks pretty interesting, and it has an interesting modern-day setting and some nice key features, so we will see.
Just to let you know.
Looks interesting and ambitious, putting it mildly.
To make it work they should make everything movable and interactable plus all vehicles should be drivable, which even SPGs have not been able to do, so i have my doubts.
However, this is the way i've hoped MMOs to be going ever since i first stepped in Azeroth in 2005. I wish them best of luck in development.
Arma what? Life server what?
I'm afraid that is hardly enough to "know what gamers want".
Sounds like vaporware.
I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been -Wayne Gretzky
"The Society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools."
Currently: Games Audio Engineer, you didn't hear what I heard, you heard what I wanted you to hear.
When I say they know what gamers want, I mean that clearly they have to have some insight due to their popularity. The reason their server is the most popular is because it has features that others don't, features that fans of that genre want in the games they play. For those who don't know what Arma III Life is, it's essentially a mod of the Arma III engine that allows players to access a server where they can assume the roles of cops and robbers, to put it simply. It's more or less GTA Online, before GTA did it. These guys developed the most fleshed out server with the highest player base and decided that if they really wanted to create the experience they were going for, they had to leave the Arma III engine behind and start from the ground up. This project is their attempt to do that. It's definitely early, but the funds they raise will help them hire on new talent and really get the project in gear.
I can fly higher than an aeroplane.
And I have the voice of a thousand hurricanes.
Hurt - Wars
It becomes a 28 Days Later MMO..
This seems like a serious problem to me too. I mean NO AI? So no PvE? It's not a post apocalyptic world so I don't see the reason for there to be little or no AI. They said their game world is huge, so unless their servers can handle many thousands of people and actually have enough players to fill the world, it seems it would become a ghost town sooner or later.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
Well that's what I get for posting before reading the comments. Point already made, and much more eloquently.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
The hype train on a vaporware project. If they had a real handle on things, they could have gotten backing in the traditional way and not kickstarter where all they have to do is say, 'Sorry - it will never come out' and there goes your money.
I would rather throw my money into lottery tickets - at least it goes for something...
Hey guys. I'm working on a game changer MMORPG that has stunning visuals and the most immersive world you've ever encountered. Every single feature every single person ever wanted is in this game. Send me your money, and join the community today.
Awesome concept, I backed with $50
That they are like every indie game nowadays and don't want a corporate backer with a schedule??
To call this game concept unfocused is putting it mildly.
No. Just. No.
Game concepts are only worth their probability to actually be made.
The code of the pessimistic loner: "We unpopular loners are realists, who follow the three non- popular principles: Not having any (Hope), Not making any (Gaps in your heart); And not giving into (Sweet talk)".
Or a business plan? Or any plan besides raising money.
These kickstarters get away with it because we don't demand documentation of their business plan up front. We need to be better consumers. Raise the bar on them upfront in hopes it will raise the bar on getting a good game.
Epic Music:
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"
They don't even have a website?? Not a real confidence-builder there...
Traditional ways of getting funding comes with the price of investors breathing down your back telling you how to do your job and what features to add or not to add... AKA your typical themepark MMOs... That is completely NOT what they are going for. Which means getting funding from those who will be playing the game and actually want the game so enters KickStarter...
Company Owner
MMO Interactive
Any FPS fan will have heard of the Arma games. And they do have an insight into making a FPS that is not like all the others. But I agree that without a lot more details this might as well be vapour ware. If you are going to fund something like this you need to know the ins and outs of it. But then I would say that for any KS project.