No one knows how VR14 gear will be handled when the VR ranks go away since the gradual gear progression form VR1 to VR14 makes no sense at all when everything is level 50. Either the lower VR gear will be boosted, the higher gear nerfed or a combination of the two.
They're not changing the game to remove levels or character progression. They are simply replacing one system of post-50 advancement with another one. The issue and what they need to work on is finding the "sweet spot" so that current VR14 players continue to have some sense of the extra power they've earned duplicated in the new system.
Actually there was an interview with Eric Wrobel, Systems designer in charge of gameplay and itemization. You can read it on tamrielfoundry. Anyway one of the questions was how will gear and weapons change when V ranks are removed. He said that for example you have two daggers. Both level 50 (no v ranks anymore) but their damage wont be the same. The one will have 200 damage (the one that was V14 obviously) and the other one would have a damage of 150 or something like that that will make them different. Thats just an example. What im trying to say is you wont lose your power. You will still be more powerfull than a lower level char. So basically things will stay as it is now. The only difference is that some people will get 70 points more for literally not doing anything more.
So the only solid reason to complain is because a V14 has no more quests left to do so it would be kind of harder to progress through the system. But Zenimax said that when champion system comes out, regardless of which activity you do, you will get "same" amount of XP. Thats to help people who has no more quests left to do progress with the same ease. Although you cant be sure of that untill you see it.
Zenimax did the mistake to promise us that we would be rewarded for the time we spent on the game. When they realised that doing that would make the game completely imbalanced they said that everyone would get 30 points. Thats when most people (im not talking about everyone) found the opportunity to make their characters stronger either to cover their lack of skill or gain even more power or whatever (im not talking about you). The "i want my reward" thing was just the excuse to achieve that. Just think that champion system is still far from going live. So actually you for example with a V7 character still have the time to progress more and get all 70 points. So why doesnt the V14s with hundreds of hours of gameplay post V14 have a problem with you now? You get the same yet you just reached V14 while they spent way more time than you on the game. For all i know they dont even care about their time being rewarded. They just found the opportunity to get as many points as they can by threatening to quit the game and such. When they realised 70 points is all they will get, they stopped complaining and somehow feel rewarded now. Thats BS.
And your example with 2000 CPs is not the same with what will happen when 1.6 goes live. First of all it will be months before anyone get that much, maybe even over a year. So of course there should be a major difference for a player who just started playing than a player who played for over a year. But at that point i guess most people will have "same" gear and stuff (since they will be lvl50) so only CPs will make the difference. Thats not the case now since the gear we have wont be the same.
The "elephant in the room" is the impending console launch.
Could it be that console players will be playing on the same servers as the PC players ? In that case, it would be in ZOS's best interest to make the catch-up for the console players as short as possible.
It may upset a few PC players, but I'd imagine that ZOS are expecting to sell at least twice as many copies to console players as they did to PC players. There are already suspicions that ZOS will change the payment methods to accommodate the console crowd. Further "accommodations" would not be surprising in the least.
It won't happen. ps4 and xbox players will never share the same server, microsoft and sony just won't allow it.
You sound like someone whose idea of balancing is to nerf everyone who has played for 10 months down to level of a noob that starts today. And I bet you don't even see the selfishness in that attitude.
But thats what you still dont understand. Those 30 points wont put a V14 on the same level as a V1 character. How could you possibly think that? V14s will still have better gear, weapons etc so the gap between them and lower level chars will still stay the same. Thats what makes them stronger than a V1, not the name. Not to mention that when 1.6 goes live veteran ranks wont be even removed. Players who just reached V14 have no right to complain about anything. They can only complain about their time post level V14 but like i said champion system or not they would still play the game post V14 because they liked it not because they thought they would get more points than others. And they were complaining because they wanted to be rewarded for their time on the game and now they will get just 70 points which are not even close to how many they should get yet somehow now they seem to feel rewarded. How could they possibly feel rewarded with 70 points? If their problem was really that they are not getting the points they deserve they should still complain. But no, they dont feel rewarded. The only reason they are not still complaining is because they know that if they were to be rewarded with the points they deserve (500+) the game would be completely imbalanced. So basically they were complaining for nothing. They were complaining because its in human nature to complain about everything whether we are right or wrong.
Players who put more time into a game deserve to have better gear than someone who is new or doesn't play as much.
Players who put more time into a game deserve to have better gear than someone who is new or doesn't play as much.
I think you dont understand what i said. Of course they deserve better gear. They earned it and they will keep it. Thats what i said. Higher level chars will still have better gear when champion system comes out. So why should they get more CPs as well? It doesnt make sense
Actually there was an interview with Eric Wrobel, Systems designer in charge of gameplay and itemization. You can read it on tamrielfoundry. Anyway one of the questions was how will gear and weapons change when V ranks are removed. He said that for example you have two daggers. Both level 50 (no v ranks anymore) but their damage wont be the same. The one will have 200 damage (the one that was V14 obviously) and the other one would have a damage of 150 or something like that that will make them different. Thats just an example. What im trying to say is you wont lose your power. You will still be more powerfull than a lower level char. So basically things will stay as it is now. The only difference is that some people will get 70 points more for literally not doing anything more.
So the only solid reason to complain is because a V14 has no more quests left to do so it would be kind of harder to progress through the system. But Zenimax said that when champion system comes out, regardless of which activity you do, you will get "same" amount of XP. Thats to help people who has no more quests left to do progress with the same ease. Although you cant be sure of that untill you see it.
Zenimax did the mistake to promise us that we would be rewarded for the time we spent on the game. When they realised that doing that would make the game completely imbalanced they said that everyone would get 30 points. Thats when most people (im not talking about everyone) found the opportunity to make their characters stronger either to cover their lack of skill or gain even more power or whatever (im not talking about you). The "i want my reward" thing was just the excuse to achieve that. Just think that champion system is still far from going live. So actually you for example with a V7 character still have the time to progress more and get all 70 points. So why doesnt the V14s with hundreds of hours of gameplay post V14 have a problem with you now? You get the same yet you just reached V14 while they spent way more time than you on the game. For all i know they dont even care about their time being rewarded. They just found the opportunity to get as many points as they can by threatening to quit the game and such. When they realised 70 points is all they will get, they stopped complaining and somehow feel rewarded now. Thats BS.
And your example with 2000 CPs is not the same with what will happen when 1.6 goes live. First of all it will be months before anyone get that much, maybe even over a year. So of course there should be a major difference for a player who just started playing than a player who played for over a year. But at that point i guess most people will have "same" gear and stuff (since they will be lvl50) so only CPs will make the difference. Thats not the case now since the gear we have wont be the same.
It won't happen. ps4 and xbox players will never share the same server, microsoft and sony just won't allow it.
Players who put more time into a game deserve to have better gear than someone who is new or doesn't play as much.
I think you dont understand what i said. Of course they deserve better gear. They earned it and they will keep it. Thats what i said. Higher level chars will still have better gear when champion system comes out. So why should they get more CPs as well? It doesnt make sense