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Did You Miss Our AMA With TenTonHammer?


If you missed out on the first ever AMA hosted by TenTonHammer that happened to be with the Forged Chaos team, you're in luck!

We had a blast and wanted to thank everyone that attended. Patsy and Kevin couldn't have made it any easier and we hope the powers to be at TTH allow them to do more AMAs. Maybe even another one with us during our Kickstarter *coughcough*

We'd also like to thank everyone that attended. We weren't really sure what to expect seeing how it was our first live event showing off the tech demo to the public at large and answering questions in real time, but it went real smooth and I couldn't be happier. Hopefully it showed the stability of the game so far and that we aren't just building a cinematic 'whiz bang!' that will be thrown away later on, but a foundation that we will just keep building on should we be given the opportunity to do so.

If you missed all the goodness, we have posted the video to our YouTube channel as a playlist, and the fine folks at TenTonHammer have been gracious enough to post a followup of the AMA with a loose transcription of the questions and answers.

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