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Hello all,
After years of playing everything else, it occurred to me that I have yet to give WOW a proper go. I grew up with DAoC and went to EVE after that and I just never got around to it. So I figured I would finally throw $15 at Blizzard and give it a whirl.
I understand there is some form of PvP involved (Honor grinding or something?). Is there a good server for a NA player to try that had some active PvP? Also while I download I am going to be looking for a good solo PvP class, so any recommendations would help.
I know WoW focuses heavily on PvE and raids. My theory on PvE was that I didn't mind grinding to earn the gear necessary to PvP properly.
Any other suggestions are welcome!
Entirely depends if you intend to go Horde or Alliance and if you want balanced horde/alliance players or if you want to be on the side that is outnumbered or want to be on the side thats the majority.
As for class, Death Knight should suit your needs well and they start at level 55(or 50) instead of level 1.
This isn't a signature, you just think it is.
The only problem with your suggestion about the DK. You have to have a level 60 character in another class first before you can make your DK. Unless this has changed, which I wouldn't be aware of obviously.
Simple answer: do the trial.
You can play virtually every character and class combination up to level 20 (so not DK as mentioned above). You can create lots and lots of characters. And whilst level 20 is far below level 100 it is not trivial.
You might decide you don't like it. So you won't feel cheated that Blizzard pretended the game was something it isn't.
You might like it. If so make a few more characters. Don't rush. Try different races - not only are the starting areas some of the best PvE bits (goblin whacky races!) but people do become attached to a certain combinations. And you will also get the feel of how the game plays as well. Having waited this long there is no rush.
When it comes to "best" PvP class - no clear answer when I last played, doubt it has changed. And classes can have two builds - think Rift - which makes an answer even harder. And as you haven't tried any classes ....
As far as PvE vs. PvP gear goes: different gear obtained in different ways basically. PvP servers vey different from PvE servers.
Oh what the heck, just another old gamer piping up that I never tried WoW. I heard about the whole raiding scene and never gave the game a chance.
If people actually thought the PvP was good I might consider trying it some year, so this thread caught my eye.
I caught myself about to turn my response into a WoW hate write-up... So I'll just write what's good for a newcomer, as well as what to expect when you consider yourself experienced at WoW.
If you're new, WoW will give a lot of things to do as it has ten years under it's belt. Two factions with different experiences, areas to level multiple alts for the first sixty levels, etc. When it comes to PvP servers, you will likely be combined with other PvP servers via the cross-realms (in the old world, at least). The only PvP server I played in was Emerald Dream when it first came out, and for a few years thereafter
As a whole, the game will likely be very fun, and there a lot of dungeons to partake in, as well as area to fully complete. 60-80 will likely be very dull, as they are old areas that haven't undergone revisions (unlock 1-60 and 80-100... which are relatively new by comparison). You will also get to indulge in old raid content, possibly soloing it once you get to max level just to experience the story of such, if you are into that kind've thing. Some really old youtube videos on patches are also neat, but sadly their patches lately aren't big enough to be put in video form.
In fact...
It's major faults right now is that it produces little to no content beyond expansions, despite it having the largest budget and presumably dev team in the industry. They only support expansions for about 30% of it's life span, oft letting 15 months roll by before they release anything -- and that's only because it is needed for the expansion. The latest 6.1 expansion's major feature was allowing you to tweet in game. I'm not even kidding. You can repeat garrison dailies now, fight a few different things in your garrison, and there's a jukebox to change garrison music. Plus Twitter. They will also try to milk you at every turn, or so the feeling is with a lot of veteran players who are getting tired of the same thing.
Compare that to games on the market now, and it's a travesty that addiction is so powerful that people allow WoW's behavior to continue (I say WoW as I still enjoy the content of other Blizzard games, save for maybe some tactics used with Heroes of the Storm with their early access and giving crap heroes for that -- or at least they were crap when the the packages was released).
Also compare WoW to other games on the market -- Both Buy to Play and Pay to Play -- and you will see how much content other games give by comparison. ESO just released a massive 1.6 patch, The Secret World updated their player experience and are working on their next episode still, I believe Wildstar is also releasing something rather big soon. In addition we have a behemoth like FFXIV releasing huge patches every 3 months consistently, even though their expansion is very soon in itself. Even back when the game was in 1.0 they still released quick and content rich patches, despite knowing that game version will be shut down and while they also worked on A Realm Reborn. Heck, their latest patch was so big that they have to split it into two parts, despite the expansion being around the corner.
Here's a severely bias side by side comparison of patch 6.1 versus 2.5 (part one). 6.1 is so small they don't really have an official trailer for it, and the one I chose is actually a joke made by a fan, but at the same time it is pretty much all 6.1 gave. It also makes fun of Blood Elf Stereotypes. -- 6.1 -- 2.5 (part one) -- ESO 1.6 Someone talking about the patch notes.
All that said, hopefully you'll get several months or longer of enjoyment out of it. I'd probably even say you'd get a year's worth of stuff to do if you're a completionist. By then, who knows, maybe an expansion will be out. It's likely they won't have very many patches as they don't seem to want to work for the $15 that people throw at them anymore. But I'm sure that will be made up for with better expansions and more in game cash shop items. Also being able to sell gold on the auction house or buy game time with gold. Which has it's upsides and downsides for a lot of people. I actually support it more than I hate it; has more positives than negatives in my opinion. But it is what it is, and people have both positive and negative feelings for their own personal reasons.
I forgot about that requirement, not sure if its still in effect or not.
Either way, it's not really hard to get to level 60. You could do it in a week of casual play. This is assuming it's a new account and you don't have any heirlooms.
You played EvE and are now turning to WoW?
Not sure what to say about that......
FFA Nonconsentual Full Loot PvP ...You know you want it!!
Why can't you enjoy both?
Thanks for the responses all.
WoW certainly is dated graphics-wise. I guess that's understandable since it's been out for what, eleven years? It is interesting to see some of the characters from Hearthstone. It's nice to be able to understand where they come from a bit better.
I wanted to see the game from level 1 so I rolled a Dark Elf Warlock. I am a sucker for pet classes whether it's in fantasy games or usage of drones in EVE.
So far the game seems to play nice and it is easy to level. I'll give it a few days and if I'm having fun, I'll max level a character and see if I can find a good guild. I did roll on a 'New Player' PvP server so there are others leveling. I'm sure the full and high population servers are filled with max level players with little need for n00bs.
if you are enjoying yourself, do yourself a favor and delete now and start on either Kil'jaden or Tichondrius, they are 2 of the top pvp servers with pretty good balance on each side.
Don't worry about being a noob, the game is easy to learn, and hard to master. Open world pvp can be fun while you are leveling. As far as pvp, WOW imo has the best pvp in any game all-time, simply because of the games combat system. It is the single most responsive game I have ever played. There is zero delay when you hit a button it does it now, and the combat animations are still great, and you actually feel like you are hitting a person, not just swinging in air.
Quite frankly when it comes to class, none is the best pvp class, as all classes are as good as the person playing them. You might enjoy questing since its your first time thru the game it will be new to you, but your best and fastest way to level by far is dungeon spamming. And to do that successfully, it helps to play a class that can dps and either tank or heal, and you will have instant queues. There is always a need for tanks and healers, so if you level playing one and like it you will have a lot of options, not to mention every tank class has a stellar dps counterpart in PVE/PVP. That basically eliminates 4 classes Hunter, Mage, Warlock, Rogue, and quite frankly you can pick a hybrid that can outperform all the dps classes and give you options elsewhere
Pally, Druid and Monks, can heal, tank and do kick ass dps (tops in game right now)
Priests are awesome pvp healers in arenas as Disc, and solid in groups as holy, Shadow Priest is ok, but can use some love soon
Shaman are my favorite class to play, but very difficult to master, due to totem shuffling. Melee dps is dual wield and is alot of fun, but can also be kinda magelike, Healer plays well with shields and totems
Warrior is stud tank and great dps in pve, in pvp are a nuisance when played right
DK I hate tanking as personally, cause no shield so mitigation is lacking, but hold aggro just fine, the damage they take spikes more, and can destroy most classes in pvp as frost
hope you enjoy!
Open-world PvP is an absolute waste of time because you are going to be destroyed, scratch that, annihilated by anyone with heirloom gear. (Scaling gear that lasts from level 1 onward)
You aren't really going to get a good representation of PvP until max level when you start getting some gear.
Still, saying that, the PvP is pretty much one of the best reasons to play World of Warcraft.
Didn't care for the end-game myself other than the PvP.
It makes me laugh so much that you called the race a Dark Elf and i'm still not sure which you mean. Because it can equally be a Blood Elf(they're not evil persay but they kinda are more aligned towards that mindset more so than their counterpart) or a Night Elf, because they actually are darker skinned than Blood Elves.
Not making fun of you lol, just thought i'd share that your newness to the world of WoW made me laugh for a moment
If you want a serious pvp server, go to kel thuzad, emerald dream, darkspear, tichondrius but you gotta be aware that these some of these servers houses the most elitist kids, if you aren't a multi r1 glad, glad, or 2.2k exp at least, be prepared to spam tradechat looking for a partner or healer.
Before i go on stating classes that would be good in solo pvp, i gotta remind you that wow is a game that is easy to pick up but hard to master.
Why is it so?
-> Keeping track of enemy cooldowns, trinkets, addons like gladiatorlossa helps but i do not recommend it
-> Your positioning, if you chased an enemy dps behind pillar and you've got no defensive cooldowns and your healer is cc-ed, be prepared to lose
-> Awareness, for example hunter is going near your healer, he is going trap, enemy druid is on travel form and he is going near your healer, he is going for a bash+ clone
-> Learning to work as a team, if your teamates die, it means you die
Additional stuff that you need to know:
-> Macros->arena1,arena2,arena3 , without macroing ur ccs, you wont get far as pvper
-> Keybindings
Anyways, good solo classes for wpvp are
(1) Hunters(All spec)
(2) Feral druids
(3) Sub/Combat rogues
(4) Frost/Unholy dks
(5) Ret paladins
(6) Frost mages
(7) Affliction warlocks
These classes that i mention has some pretty insane self heals, good kiting abilities or good escapes when shit hits the fan.
Anyways, if you wanna play competitive pvp and not just ganking noobies or enemy factions, there will be arenas or rbgs
(1) Arenas -> Skill matters but so does gear, it is fast paced unless you are running healer/dps. If you are running double dps and you dont know wtf you are doing, expect to die <5seconds unless your team-mates knows how to 1v2 , good at offhealing/peeling. If you are playing as healer/dps, expect games to last till dampening unless you are geared or your healer sucks balls.
*Important: Find partner that are willing to `learn` and `grow` with you as a `team`. Put ragers on your ignore list. Be prepared to go through several people till you find a decent partner(wow community especially pvp is quite toxic).
(2) RBGs -> YOLO rbgs are only good for capping, it is here you will find raging kids(chats, skype). Tolerate them and farm your Conquest points and once you are good(GETTING PVP WEAPON IS A MUST), join an active rbg guild and farm your way up.
*Important: Find a guild leader that knows how call targets and gives constructive criticisms. RBG leaders which berates everyone after a loss is a big no-no
Tip to farm pvp gear: Que up bgs or join a `winning` ashran
`Winning` ahsran means:
*Use group finder and find a group that has the title 'Winning, events or a group that is filled up`
DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME IN ASHRAN by going solo unless you Loved to get ur butt raped by 40 enemies while you get repair bills and no honor or cp.
A good ashran group means you can literally afk while getting conq points or honor. I hate to say afk but ashran is only good if you are able to avoid pvp while getting insane honor/cp. It is a contradiction but when you played the game enough you will know what i mean. Ashran isnt about fair pvp, it is about whose side is dominating.
Bgs, suck it up, your gonna get farmed senseless until you get a full set of 620s.
620s -> primal combatant full blues, entry level gear
Tips on how to farm bg fast
Alliance->Que Alterac valley, isle of conquest , ally wins 95%
Horde-> Que strand of the ancient, horde wins 95%
Other bgs are a fair game, it rest purely if your team knows wtf they are doin
Once you farmed your 620s, use group finder and run arenas non stop until u get your weapon(you could only get weapons once you reached a certain amount of conquest earned per season so use it for your armor)
Weapon is important because
(1) If your a dps without a purple weap, you're a liability
(2) Your point in arena is to do damage and in 3s, nearly everyone has purple weaps.
I hope it helps Lol.
Oops! Yea...Blood Elf. Silly me.
Sounds like I need to start on Tichondrius/Horde. Thanks for the suggestions on servers. I'm sure I'll get facerolled over and over, but I like a good fight.
Regarding PvP servers, I have to agree with Aori.
I played on Emerald Dream for a while and it's definitely very active in terms of WPvP. Also, Warsong Battalion (Horde guild) is back in full force so I'm sure there are nightly raiding parties hitting various Alliance cities.