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Speaking from a point of view of a game who has said they needed to come to kickstarter to fund their idea, i have noticed over the last few days, that several gaming websites.. ahem are running full page ads for the kickstarter and game. Does this worry you at all? Are they just locking in your funds now instead of hyping and giving you a chance to actually beta test the game before deciding to pay money? I have been one of the largest critics of this game. However, i am curious on what the community's thoughts on a crowdfunded game paying for advertisement's on gaming websites?
to be fair traditional publishing models are CONSIDERABLLY less transparent.
also..there is already a thread on exactly this topic
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
There is no need for traditional publishers to be transparent with their consumers, only their investors.
In crowdfunded games, their consumers are also their "investors" (albeit in a very round-about way).
you didn't mention the 10k tier level.
People want to support this kind of game, it goes beyond buying something, it's helping build a niche you are a part of.
What is this? A gaming company is marketing their game? What is this world coming to.
You know, when a business creates a budget, the successful ones account for costs to market their game. and since their kickstarter went so well, they decided their best use of the extra funds would be to spend it making their game known.
Why is this a problem?
I can fly higher than an aeroplane.
And I have the voice of a thousand hurricanes.
Hurt - Wars
They cant grasp it. Theyre so concerned about my money, i mean, i as a backer support successful startegy, OTOH, them as non backers dont support it.
And this isnt even about the game, game has yet to be made but successful KS campaign.
And if they afre aking themselves is it working? Well, look at all the threads
Basically this, many seem to confuse buying something with a reward for donating/investing "this" amount. We see it almost daily in regard to SC.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
wow, I thought you were joking
kickstarter is such a scam
you have to PAY them to test their game for them? what in the world.....lmao, 218 ppl actually paid $500
For $500 you could have bought yourself:
Show me where they are forcing you to play alpha and pay $500. Not worth it to you, is not necessarily not worth it to someone else.
I can fly higher than an aeroplane.
And I have the voice of a thousand hurricanes.
Hurt - Wars
ppl are just blinded by the hype, it's never worth PAYING money to do someone else's job
that's why all kickstarter videos have this hype song with lots of base and drum, to get you to open your wallet
Youd pay 500$ for a watch. lol, thats a waste if there ever was one. THATS a money grab
I'd pay more for a watch than $500, you own it, it will always be worth something.
What did you get from testing a buggy game for them? $500 for a pat on the back?
A sticker that says "sucker"? You're doing their job, and they charge you money for it. Do you not see how you're being ripped off here? Are you that gullible? Think about it for a second.
I have even seen people from crowfall promote the game FOR the devellopers, they think they have this mission to try to promote the game on forums. The developers are actually charging people, those people are paying to do the company's job, and somehow, they think, it's a good deal for them. What?! Get a grip people.
And now they have this scheme where they use the Kickstarter money, NOT to develop the game, but to actually use the money to promote the kickstarter project itself, in some sort of scam loop.
Heh, so true. At least the watch is a physical item, has a function and use, and can be resold.
It reminds me of the Star Citizen fanatics, who pay for concepts that are intangible, where no interaction is possible. They are so enamored by these concepts, that they conceive scenarios in their mind on how the balance and actual gameplay will be like.
For 500 bucks you can own a PS4 and some AAA games for it. And, get this, you can play them immediately...
... See my signature...
Did you ever stop to think that maybe some folks WANT to test a buggy game for them? That by contributing, there's a sense of "I helped make this" pride? Did you stop to think that at least some folks thought about the possibility of the game never making it? The possibility of the gaming sucking moose ass?
Your opinion of things is your own; other have their own opinions, points of view, and money to spend on said opinions and points of view. I'm one of 'em.
Is your sig supposed to be insulting?
That 500+$ watch also has sucker written all over it.
I see people here promote every game that has a forum. And?
I see people bragging about being on PTS for every game that has it. even sub ones so they actually pay to test it. And?
Not to mention all the bragging since early ages of being invited in beta in sub only games.
You know who else says that?
They say you should feel a sense of pride when you buy the expensive L Ron Hubbard books, that you're part of something greater, that you helped scientology.
Just like with many games, you get a TITLE, like FOUNDER, so you feel all warm and fussy as an official member, and you feel good about yourself, while they're making sure your money goes into their bank accounts.
That the money will be used to help Scientology, and that by contributing, you are helping it.
Nope. It's just an unfortunate reality.
Well at least they're not here trying to belittle others.
I personally agree for that kind of money I'll buy something I can use now. That's me though. Yet I have no ill will toward those who have that kind of money to spend in such a manner.
Kiyoris It has nothing to do with being gullible it's a matter of being judgmental.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
So does every sub game. And you love sub games.
Every single funding method ever?
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
this kids still get trapped by developers promises
I still look , and maybe cool game but
NOT PAY anymore to beta/alphas
I don't love sub games, there are plenty of sub games that sucker people in too. However, I find Kickstarter to be a magnet for this, they sucker people in with Founder titles, Backer titles, $200 for a signature, $300 for a name in the game, $400 and the developer will call you up and recognise you as a human being instead of the number he treats everyone else as.
At the end of the day, it is your money, spend it how you like, you don't understand the value until you don't have any.