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Greed Monger Alpha testing for Kickstarter screenshot.



  • JamesPJamesP Member UncommonPosts: 595

    Ok I am not going to address the negativity directly... However concerning my past... I have never tried to hide my Past. I've been Programming for 10+ years. Don't remember exactly how old I was when I started but I was between 18 and 20 when I started and I am now 30. I had been doing web development before that time but that was when I started Learning Game Development. I started to Learn Game Development because I had a Passion for MMOs. I created some great Prototypes but this was before the days of KickStarter and I never had the money or the desire to attempt to get funding from out side investors. I always had a desire to be a Indie in full control of my Projects. 

    out of the 4 games/engines/frameworks listed:

    Rise of Heroes: This is my baby. This is what I started learning Game Development to create. It's gone through many different versions over the years and I've built some wonderful teams around it but again Money always became an issue. It's currently on the back burner until after Greed Monger but believe me I will be picking it up again as soon as I possibly can. 

    Interactive Opensource MMO Framework: This is one of the MMO Engine I custom Coded for a Prototype we did for Rise of Heroes. I had come a ways on it and then my computer crashed and I didn't have a backup so I lost the code. I believe only a compiled version is currently on Sourceforge.

    Galactic Conquest: This was just a quick Prototype I did to test out the capabilities of a Graphics Engine I was looking into using. Didn't have much interest in really finishing it.

    The UniVerse MMO Framework: I've already mention this and it's far from a Dead Project that I've giving up on. It's my custom built MMO Framework designed for Openworld MMOs. Can also be used for other smaller multiplayer games with it's own Lobby System.

    There's more things that I've done over the years as well... I have 2 custom Game Engines sitting on my Hard Drive right now that I coded from scratch. There are other Game Engines I had coded in the past as well for different versions of Rise of Heroes that got lost through Computer Crashes or switching to new Computers Or I just deleted them when we ran into money issues and stopped working. I've got a ton of custom code and Custom Frameworks that I've built for Greed Monger that allows Unity to handle massive worlds... Handles World Streaming and Paging of the world.

    I've got a bunch of stuff ready to be sold on the Asset Store I just need to find the time to create Documentation and Videos and then I would need the time to support the products.

    Company Owner
    MMO Interactive

  • JamesPJamesP Member UncommonPosts: 595
    Originally posted by Jean-Luc_Picard

    Out of curiosity, how did you manage to live 3+ years working for no money. You know, life costs money, like rent, food, clothes, family, car, and of course computers and Internet access necessary for the job.

    I know it's a quite personal question, so just don't answer if you won't want to, but this is intriguing...

    It is a personal question but it's one I've never avoided... I have a number of Disabilities. Severe Depression, Blood disorder where if I'm bruised and bleeding under the skin it could be a life or death situation for me because I don't clot and just keep bleeding. When I was born not much was known about this condition so we had no idea I had it. When I was a year old I was playing on the floor and I crawled under a Crib at church. The Crib railing let go and hit me on my head. Not knowing the signs to look for the doctors just kept saying the bruising would go away over time but it never did. After a while it created pressure on my brain and it nearly killed me. I collapsed and started having Seizures. My Mom rushed me to the Boston Children's Hospital where thankfully one of the doctors there had just taking a course on this blood disorder and was finally able to diagnose it and get the bruising and Pressure released. Damage had already been done though and I lost all of my natural ability to talk, walk, ect. Doctors said I would never amount to anything and would never be able to talk, walk, ect. By the time I reach 8th grade though after years and years of speech I was up to 90% normal speech. and of course I was able to read, write, walk, and do most of the things normal kids were able to do. 

    All of that to say that I started creating Games and MMOs as a outlet for my Depression and where I could do anything I wanted with out worry or fear. I wanted to be able to interact with other players in a natural way in a world I had created where I didn't have to talk and deal with the stress of wondering if people were going to make fun of me because of my Speech issues. It may sound stupid and dumb but to me it wasn't back then and still isn't to this day though it is getting easier for me to actual talk to people and voice conference. Though I still have my days where I shy away from holding Voice Conferences because it's just too stressful. 

    But to get back to your question... I'm on disability because of all of these issues. On disability you can just barely make ends meet. I'm trying to finally get Game Development to pay off for me so I can get my self off of Disability and actually make something of my self. 

    Company Owner
    MMO Interactive

  • JamesPJamesP Member UncommonPosts: 595

    <a data-cke-saved-href=""; href=""; title="View information about Jacxolope" suhlink"="" sl-processed="1">Jacxolope, I posted about Rise of Heroes being back in Development at a time when I was thinking Long and Hard about leaving GM. I was planning on getting my company started up again and working on my own Game. I approached Joel and asked him to return as my Business Partner. We were going to start working on RoH again. Joel was investigating what I needed to do to cleanly and legally leave GM in the best manner possible. I felt bad though about leaving our KS Backers like that though and I came up with the idea to forming a partnership between my Company and Jason's Company. I approached Joel about it and asked him what he thought and he agreed. We approached Jason and things were in the works. Joel was going to be making MMOInteractive legal and then we were going to be signing the papers and everything with Jason to make it legal and official with him. Jason had wanted us to wait before announcing anything. He had giving us control over the PR as well though I figured you were hammering us pretty hard and I figured it might give us time and/or help with our PR if I told you privately. So I trusted you with it. 

    However Before we were able to sign anything and make it all legal Joel looked into GM more and decided it would be in his best interest if he walked away because he didn't want to have GM's bad rep. being associated with him. So the deal fell through. MMOInteractive is still unregistered and I'm still working on GM by my self. When the deal fell through the entire team we had built up walked away as well. 

    As soon as we started trying to make this deal happen GM became MMOInteractive's Only Project. Rise of Heroes went back on to the back burner and we focused all of our Efforts on GM like it should have been. 

    You wanted the truth there's the truth. I have NEVER lied. GM's Kickstarter backers are the ONLY reason I am still working on GM and I'm still dedicated to seeing this thing through. If it wasn't for them I would have left a LONG time ago and done my own games.

    Company Owner
    MMO Interactive

  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140
    Originally posted by JamesP

    However Before we were able to sign anything and make it all legal Joel looked into GM more and decided it would be in his best interest if he walked away because he didn't want to have GM's bad rep. being associated with him. So the deal fell through. MMOInteractive is still unregistered and I'm still working on GM by my self. When the deal fell through the entire team we had built up walked away as well. 

    You wanted the truth there's the truth. I have NEVER lied. GM's Kickstarter backers are the ONLY reason I am still working on GM and I'm still dedicated to seeing this thing through. If it wasn't for them I would have left a LONG time ago and done my own games.

    <a data-cke-saved-href=""; href=""; title="View information about Jacxolope" suhlink"="" sl-processed="1">    There is so much wrong with this entire statement of yours I am not even sure where to start...

    The point is, you are wqishy washy on everything you do-Look at development on your ROH game.Its on again off again, more excuses, more reasons,more engine, new tech, more silence...The "Were back!!!" (just like GM's development)

    You are so quick to jumping and defend GM anywhere on the internet yet your backers hardly hear a word and are kept oin the dark- I kept my mouth shut for 3 months about this email (which you sent without me promising anything- Sent to me and others here...) and like EVERYTHING else that comes from your mouth- It was more smoke and mirrors.

    Go spend time taking care of your backers. As quickly as you jump to defend GM on any place on the www- I would imagine you arent getting much done. And your communication to the people who paid you is abysmal.

    Just wait- Your name is attached to this disaster- YOUR quotes are allover the net. YOU are responsible for this.

    Good luck

  • JamesPJamesP Member UncommonPosts: 595

    I communicate with our KS Backers every way I possibly can. I'm always on the forum, I make several posts on our Facebook page every time I have something to share. And I communicate with those who are interested and even those who aren't interested here and on other forums. Like I've said I have no access to our KS Page and I have no access to post on our KS Page so unless Jason gives me access to that stuff which he has refusing my requests there is Nothing I can do about that. I am doing the very best job I can do for some it's perfectly good enough... then well for others it's not. That's just the way it's going to have to be.

    I made a release last Friday and I've got a release coming out today because I've made some Game Breaking changes that require a Updated Client. Updates will be released every Friday from here on out... I think that's pretty good.

    Company Owner
    MMO Interactive

  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140
    Originally posted by JamesP

    I communicate with our KS Backers every way I possibly can. I'm always on the forum, I make several posts on our Facebook page every time I have something to share. And I communicate with those who are interested and even those who aren't interested here and on other forums. Like I've said I have no access to our KS Page and I have no access to post on our KS Page so unless Jason gives me access to that stuff which he has refusing my requests there is Nothing I can do about that. I am doing the very best job I can do for some it's perfectly good enough... then well for others it's not. That's just the way it's going to have to be.

    I made a release last Friday and I've got a release coming out today because I've made some Game Breaking changes that require a Updated Client. Updates will be released every Friday from here on out... I think that's pretty good.

    Jason wont let me do this-Jason wont give me the email list. jason is keeping all the toys to himself. I cannot MAKE jason send the T-Shirts. jason is my Boss and I have to listen to him.

    Man the excuses...

    Dude. make the game or quit. 

    The bad publicity is going to get worse by the day. I didnt even pledge and I am sick to my stomach about what YOU people have done.

    Sick of the lies, excuses and fraud.

    When your lips are moving - you are lying. ..Or passing the buck.

    If Jason is that bad(and I truly believe he is) quit. Or just go make the game that is 3 years late to the party.

    EDIT- Your email CLEARLY said that YOU and YOUR company are NOW in charge of GM. Not "Might be." but "ARE" and jason is no longer lead and YOU are in charge. Jason is merely on the board of directors.


    Now you are here saying either that email was a LIE or you are lying now.Which is it? And now that its public, your backers will be glad to know all this was going on while they couldnt even get a fucking update and you are telling shit to some random poster on to try and patch up the negative publicity YOU and your game has brought on-


    HERE- Read the email again and then read your bullshit excuse.  See how they dont match up?

    Hello. Everything I am about to say is to go no further then this PM until we officially announce things. However I've said that major changes are taking place internally and I mean it... Jason is no longer leading Development of GM. He is on the Board of Directors of my Company, MMOInteractive, so he still has a say in what happens with GM but we have taking total control over development of GM. We are dedicated to ensuring the KS Backers and Community get the game they were sold on. Our PR Department will be taking over full control of GM's PR and we provide the Development Team to get the game complete. ElectricCrow Games will be providing the financial resources for the Servers and other Financial resources for other areas. 

    As for my Company my Business Partner Joel who is also leading up our PR Department and I are in the process of Registering our Company and making everything 100% legal from a Business perspective, Our team is growing on a Daily basis, and we are enacting MAJOR changes on the GM front. 

    Our Company is 100% dedicated to creating Innovative and entertaining MMOs and all of the resources at our Disposal will be going toward ensuring GM is a Success. We owe that much to our Community and Backers. 

    James E. Proctor 


    -Also note- I sat on that information for 3 months. My last post about GM was in january and I said (paraphrase) "Lets give em time and see whats in the works" and I completly stopped posting about GM until THIS post where your bullshit is continuing exactly where it left off. 


    Take responsibility.Stop lying. Stop blaming jason.Stop crying aboiut not getting paid- OR QUIT.


    As it stands- This is "your baby".

    Jason has alreadyu distanced himself and nearly disappeared. Its you james. 


    Sink or swim but stop the fucking lying and blame. shifting

  • JamesPJamesP Member UncommonPosts: 595
    I know exactly what the email said... I wrote it! Everything was pretty much a done deal and we were in charge of GM. We just had to sign the paperwork to make it legal. Jason didn't want to hand over the KS Backer information until the papers were signed... The papers were never signed and the deal fell through as a result of Joel leaving... Therefore I still do not have access to that information.

    Company Owner
    MMO Interactive

  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140
    Originally posted by JamesP
    I know exactly what the email said... I wrote it! Everything was pretty much a done deal and we were in charge of GM. We just had to sign the paperwork to make it legal. Jason didn't want to hand over the KS Backer information until the papers were signed... The papers were never signed and the deal fell through as a result of Joel leaving... Therefore I still do not have access to that information.

    poor James. Always something, huh? never your fault, huh?


    I would add- You said your company was ALREADY in charge of GM (not might be) and jason was NO LONGER LEAD DEVELOPER (you were)...Not "things are in the works"



    And zero respect for the backers who you and jason left in the dark about all of this until THIS VERY DAY when I reprinted your email.

  • JamesPJamesP Member UncommonPosts: 595
    Originally posted by Jacxolope
    Originally posted by JamesP
    I know exactly what the email said... I wrote it! Everything was pretty much a done deal and we were in charge of GM. We just had to sign the paperwork to make it legal. Jason didn't want to hand over the KS Backer information until the papers were signed... The papers were never signed and the deal fell through as a result of Joel leaving... Therefore I still do not have access to that information.

    poor James. Always something, huh? never your fault, huh?


    I would add- You said your company was ALREADY in charge of GM (not might be) and jason was NO LONGER LEAD DEVELOPER (you were)...Not "things are in the works"



    And zero respect for the backers who you and jason left in the dark about all of this until THIS VERY DAY when I reprinted your email.

    Not being able to directly email or message the KS Backers NO that's not my fault. I can't force Jason to give me the KS Backer information. Jason did post an update to our KS Backers Friday or Saturday when I asked him to but there's been countless times before that that I had asked him to either write an update or give me the ability to write an update and he didn't have the time. NOTHING I can do about that. 

    I've been perfectly open with areas where the team and I have made mistakes... Should have had our tech in place before hitting KS things like that. YES I have made mistakes and I'll be the first to admit that. But looking back and seeing where we should have done things differently is easy. 

    I'm not really sure where this thread derailed so badly. I released an update Friday and one of our KS Backers posted some screenshots showing what he's been up to in this release. Then I started answering questions and before you know it's completely derailed. I've answered all the questions I'm going to, I've listened to complaints and negativity. I'll take it all under advisement and see what I can do differently in the future. 

    Thanks for the input, questions, comments, concerns, ect. I am now going to go back and get some more work done so I can get today's release out on time. Hopefully with each new release things will only improve! Have a good day and thanks again.

    Company Owner
    MMO Interactive

  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140
    Originally posted by JamesP
    Originally posted by Jacxolope
    Originally posted by JamesP
    I know exactly what the email said... I wrote it! Everything was pretty much a done deal and we were in charge of GM. We just had to sign the paperwork to make it legal. Jason didn't want to hand over the KS Backer information until the papers were signed... The papers were never signed and the deal fell through as a result of Joel leaving... Therefore I still do not have access to that information.

    poor James. Always something, huh? never your fault, huh?


    I would add- You said your company was ALREADY in charge of GM (not might be) and jason was NO LONGER LEAD DEVELOPER (you were)...Not "things are in the works"



    And zero respect for the backers who you and jason left in the dark about all of this until THIS VERY DAY when I reprinted your email.

    Not being able to directly email or message the KS Backers NO that's not my fault. I can't force Jason to give me the KS Backer information. Jason did post an update to our KS Backers Friday or Saturday when I asked him to but there's been countless times before that that I had asked him to either write an update or give me the ability to write an update and he didn't have the time. NOTHING I can do about that. 

    I've been perfectly open with areas where the team and I have made mistakes... Should have had our tech in place before hitting KS things like that. YES I have made mistakes and I'll be the first to admit that. But looking back and seeing where we should have done things differently is easy. 

    I'm not really sure where this thread derailed so badly. I released an update Friday and one of our KS Backers posted some screenshots showing what he's been up to in this release. Then I started answering questions and before you know it's completely derailed. I've answered all the questions I'm going to, I've listened to complaints and negativity. I'll take it all under advisement and see what I can do differently in the future. 

    Thanks for the input, questions, comments, concerns, ect. I am now going to go back and get some more work done so I can get today's release out on time. Hopefully with each new release things will only improve! Have a good day and thanks again.

    This thread derailed because you continue to spout bullshit and excuses.


    Yes..get back to work. 100 Thousand dollars worth.... The publicity around greed monger AND you will probably not be very good in the near future unless something starts happening in a major way.

  • mmoguy43mmoguy43 Member UncommonPosts: 2,770
    I feel really dumb for making that post now...
  • BascolaBascola Member UncommonPosts: 425


    Don't feed the scammers. These people have been switching game engines and buying assets for years always showing it off as their NEW AMAZING FEATURE X.

    A little history:


    They started with Unity, bought assets and made a Kickstarter using exactly those assets and nothing else to sell virtual land plots for a lot of money. They still use these assets on their webpage. They have ZERO original artwork.

    After they realized that Unity does not support the land plots and open world they moved to Hero Engine. Showed off a couple videos that you can make within a few hours in Hero.

    After they realized that the Hero engine is shit and they don't have the technological know how to actually program and extend it they went back to Unity again.

    They bought the Voxel based land engine AddOn for unity and did basic videos showing the demos that come with it.

    Now they bought the Atavism AddOn and are showing it off as their work.


    This whole "MMO" is a complete scam because no one there has any experience in Project management, Engine Development or Game Development.

  • FoomerangFoomerang Member UncommonPosts: 5,628

    Originally posted by mmoguy43
    I feel really dumb for making that post now...
    Don't feel bad. These folks have been scamming since 2009
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    Originally posted by Jean-Luc_Picard

    Maybe you should post a video of the "much more advanced" version then... because that January video, result of 3 years of work, is... quite sad, honestly. I feel like seeing the video of a game that would have been decent if it had been in alpha a dozen years ago.

    EDIT: posted while you were typing. Yeah, better show that "advanced" version.

    This said, if it's not a hoax, I admire your courage... trying to make a MMO nowadays with such funds is like Don Quichotte fighting the windmills. Problem is, people aren't charity, and they will want better than that before they feel like funding such a project in masses.

    Has anyone seen the game H1Z1?

    It looks awful ,ONE player model,VERY average textures ,ONE MAP and all done by a BIG company who has also already made millions off of it.

    Ever see the game Hearthstone?it is a simple 2D card/board game,there are INDIE devs with better interactive card games with more animation and graphics,yet Blizzard is making multi millions from a CHEAP effort.

    point is remember SMALL studios deserve every bit the slack we allow giant studios to get away with.

    3 years is not that long for a small studio,another VERY small team like 1-3 guys was/is still working on  Gorgon,also a Unity engine game for a few years now,perhaps 4 and several have liked the game.

    You cannot expect an Indie team to put out triple a games when even the multi million dollar operations are not doing it.

    We had FFXIV ,Square Enix is a GIANT with lots of money and we had TESO but they were given 300 million by investors ,so not like they invested much into their own game.I mentioned those two because they are two of the better looking games to come out and neitehr are Indie.

    I am still waiting for what over 20 years for blizzard to make a game that LOOKS triple A,they are always a step behind in tech and graphics and they have NO EXCUSE.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • JaedorJaedor Member UncommonPosts: 1,173

    Wow. So much hate. Move along folks, and let JamesP make the game.

  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,724

    All I remember about this game is that the owner threatened to sue MMORPG.COM because of all the bad feedback he got.  he came on here ranting.  MMORPG.COM deleted the Greedmonger forum as a result.


    Go make a good game and THEN come back here.  Until that time expect to get burned anytime you show your face.

    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140
    Originally posted by Wizardry
    Originally posted by Jean-Luc_Picard

    Maybe you should post a video of the "much more advanced" version then... because that January video, result of 3 years of work, is... quite sad, honestly. I feel like seeing the video of a game that would have been decent if it had been in alpha a dozen years ago.

    EDIT: posted while you were typing. Yeah, better show that "advanced" version.

    This said, if it's not a hoax, I admire your courage... trying to make a MMO nowadays with such funds is like Don Quichotte fighting the windmills. Problem is, people aren't charity, and they will want better than that before they feel like funding such a project in masses.

    Has anyone seen the game H1Z1?

    It looks awful ,ONE player model,VERY average textures ,ONE MAP and all done by a BIG company who has also already made millions off of it.

    Ever see the game Hearthstone?it is a simple 2D card/board game,there are INDIE devs with better interactive card games with more animation and graphics,yet Blizzard is making multi millions from a CHEAP effort.

    point is remember SMALL studios deserve every bit the slack we allow giant studios to get away with.

    3 years is not that long for a small studio,another VERY small team like 1-3 guys was/is still working on  Gorgon,also a Unity engine game for a few years now,perhaps 4 and several have liked the game.

    You cannot expect an Indie team to put out triple a games when even the multi million dollar operations are not doing it.

    We had FFXIV ,Square Enix is a GIANT with lots of money and we had TESO but they were given 300 million by investors ,so not like they invested much into their own game.I mentioned those two because they are two of the better looking games to come out and neitehr are Indie.

    I am still waiting for what over 20 years for blizzard to make a game that LOOKS triple A,they are always a step behind in tech and graphics and they have NO EXCUSE.

    Dude..Its more than how the "game looks"- Its even more than the fact there is nogame and never will be.


    There is a history here- A long one. people were decieved in a major way- The sheer underhandedness of all of this and the lack of professionalism , the lies,the excuses and everything else is all wrapped up here.

    The "hate" isnt about them failing to make a basic game- Its somuch more than that. Too long to expl,ain.


    I think in the near future there will be a very thorough explanation and examination of everything thats happened here found online. Until then,  search "Greed Monger"threads from the very start hereon this very forum and read in order.

    These scammers have gotten away with enough.


    EDIT- @ Slap- The owner threatened to use his kickstarter funds to sue people. He threatened a member here. Threatened WURM onlne and their members. The member who was bringing out valid information was correct and vindicated about everything he had said. THEN Jason threatened the entire forum with sending a veiled threat at Bill.

    And thats only the start of this atrocity.

  • JamesPJamesP Member UncommonPosts: 595
    Originally posted by Jaedor

    Wow. So much hate. Move along folks, and let JamesP make the game.


    Just one more point I'm going to address. Saying that we have been scamming people since 2009... I don't know if that was directed at me personally or what... However if it was let me point out the facts:

    GM is my FIRST project of any kind that has had any sort of funding attached to it. GM was started in the Fall of 2012 or atleast I came on board in October of 2012 just in time to do a bunch of world Building for our KickStarter Videos. Considering I personally did the world building for them I KNOW for a fact that they were not just demo scenes that came with assets we had bought that we tried to pass off as our own. I still have the base terrain that was used... There is NOTHING there... No trees, no Houses, no grass, no flowers, nothing... Just bare terrain. I was responsible for adding a lot of the houses and NPCs and everything. I stayed up all night for a week straight ONLY sleeping when I finally crashed from being so tired, the week before we launched our KickStarter Campaign trying to get everything ready and to Jason in time for him to record the Videos. 

    You can think what you want about GM but HOW can you say that I was scamming people before GM when ALL of my Projects before that were personal projects that had 0 funding. Yes I was sharing my progress on forums but that is no way making promises to people that I was going to complete the projects so in no way was scamming people when I was getting nothing from them except for feedback. Getting Feedback from people on a forum concerning a Project your working on isn't wrong and doesn't make you a scam. It's how we develop our Skills further, share ideas with each other, and all learn and grow together.

    Company Owner
    MMO Interactive

  • ArChWindArChWind Member UncommonPosts: 1,340

    Originally posted by JamesP
    Originally posted by Jaedor Wow. So much hate. Move along folks, and let JamesP make the game.

    Just one more point I'm going to address. Saying that we have been scamming people since 2009... I don't know if that was directed at me personally or what... However if it was let me point out the facts:

    GM is my FIRST project of any kind that has had any sort of funding attached to it. GM was started in the Fall of 2012 or atleast I came on board in October of 2012 just in time to do a bunch of world Building for our KickStarter Videos. Considering I personally did the world building for them I KNOW for a fact that they were not just demo scenes that came with assets we had bought that we tried to pass off as our own. I still have the base terrain that was used... There is NOTHING there... No trees, no Houses, no grass, no flowers, nothing... Just bare terrain. I was responsible for adding a lot of the houses and NPCs and everything. I stayed up all night for a week straight ONLY sleeping when I finally crashed from being so tired, the week before we launched our KickStarter Campaign trying to get everything ready and to Jason in time for him to record the Videos. 

    You can think what you want about GM but HOW can you say that I was scamming people before GM when ALL of my Projects before that were personal projects that had 0 funding. Yes I was sharing my progress on forums but that is no way making promises to people that I was going to complete the projects so in no way was scamming people when I was getting nothing from them except for feedback. Getting Feedback from people on a forum concerning a Project your working on isn't wrong and doesn't make you a scam. It's how we develop our Skills further, share ideas with each other, and all learn and grow together.

    So you basically have taken over this project? I don't quite understand why but I am confused here as to why you decided to do it when it is no longer the original owner project. It kind of says that GM died and you're trying to revive it while someone else ran off with the cash.

    ArChWind — Forums

    If you are interested in making a MMO maybe visit my page to get a free open source engine.
  • JamesPJamesP Member UncommonPosts: 595
    Originally posted by ArChWind


    Originally posted by JamesP

    Originally posted by Jaedor Wow. So much hate. Move along folks, and let JamesP make the game.


    Just one more point I'm going to address. Saying that we have been scamming people since 2009... I don't know if that was directed at me personally or what... However if it was let me point out the facts:

    GM is my FIRST project of any kind that has had any sort of funding attached to it. GM was started in the Fall of 2012 or atleast I came on board in October of 2012 just in time to do a bunch of world Building for our KickStarter Videos. Considering I personally did the world building for them I KNOW for a fact that they were not just demo scenes that came with assets we had bought that we tried to pass off as our own. I still have the base terrain that was used... There is NOTHING there... No trees, no Houses, no grass, no flowers, nothing... Just bare terrain. I was responsible for adding a lot of the houses and NPCs and everything. I stayed up all night for a week straight ONLY sleeping when I finally crashed from being so tired, the week before we launched our KickStarter Campaign trying to get everything ready and to Jason in time for him to record the Videos. 

    You can think what you want about GM but HOW can you say that I was scamming people before GM when ALL of my Projects before that were personal projects that had 0 funding. Yes I was sharing my progress on forums but that is no way making promises to people that I was going to complete the projects so in no way was scamming people when I was getting nothing from them except for feedback. Getting Feedback from people on a forum concerning a Project your working on isn't wrong and doesn't make you a scam. It's how we develop our Skills further, share ideas with each other, and all learn and grow together.


    So you basically have taken over this project? I don't quite understand why but I am confused here as to why you decided to do it when it is no longer the original owner project. It kind of says that GM died and you're trying to revive it while someone else ran off with the cash.

    GM never Died. I've always been working on GM since I joined. I wanted to get my Company started up and take over Development of GM... Take over the PR and everything to try and leave some of the Bad PR from our past in the past. I also wanted to have more control over the team. I wanted to be free to bring on new people and get things much more organized so we could move forward. But like I've said all of that fell through and I am still just trying to get GM launched on my own... 


    I must say though this new world I've just added is huge... And the terrain streaming is working great... Can't wait to get this release out this evening!

    Company Owner
    MMO Interactive

  • EponyxDamorEponyxDamor Member RarePosts: 749
    Originally posted by JamesP
    I must say though this new world I've just added is huge... And the terrain streaming is working great... Can't wait to get this release out this evening!


    Still can't post a picture of it, though, huh? More smoke and mirrors, I'm guessing.

    The more and more I read of GM and JamesP, the more I have a hard time believing it wasn't all some big scam.

  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140
    Originally posted by ArChWind


    Originally posted by JamesP

    Originally posted by Jaedor Wow. So much hate. Move along folks, and let JamesP make the game.


    Just one more point I'm going to address. Saying that we have been scamming people since 2009... I don't know if that was directed at me personally or what... However if it was let me point out the facts:

    GM is my FIRST project of any kind that has had any sort of funding attached to it. GM was started in the Fall of 2012 or atleast I came on board in October of 2012 just in time to do a bunch of world Building for our KickStarter Videos. Considering I personally did the world building for them I KNOW for a fact that they were not just demo scenes that came with assets we had bought that we tried to pass off as our own. I still have the base terrain that was used... There is NOTHING there... No trees, no Houses, no grass, no flowers, nothing... Just bare terrain. I was responsible for adding a lot of the houses and NPCs and everything. I stayed up all night for a week straight ONLY sleeping when I finally crashed from being so tired, the week before we launched our KickStarter Campaign trying to get everything ready and to Jason in time for him to record the Videos. 

    You can think what you want about GM but HOW can you say that I was scamming people before GM when ALL of my Projects before that were personal projects that had 0 funding. Yes I was sharing my progress on forums but that is no way making promises to people that I was going to complete the projects so in no way was scamming people when I was getting nothing from them except for feedback. Getting Feedback from people on a forum concerning a Project your working on isn't wrong and doesn't make you a scam. It's how we develop our Skills further, share ideas with each other, and all learn and grow together.


    So you basically have taken over this project? I don't quite understand why but I am confused here as to why you decided to do it when it is no longer the original owner project. It kind of says that GM died and you're trying to revive it while someone else ran off with the cash.

    Good question- Also , which company is CURRENTLY developing GM? MMO Interactive or Electric Crow?

    It matters not since anything James says will probably be a lie...As I said, the whole story will probably break very soon. GM is in its death throes and I...Think.. For reasons I will not speculate on- Its going to come crashing down soon because of "behind the scenes" issues....

    As anyone with half a brain who has followed this can easily see- Appleton wisely protected and distanced himself and placed James P  out front and probably passed culpability onto him. Appleton has been gone since cashing the checks...


    When the shit hits the fan and james sees that everything is being blamed on him and he is the one in the spotlight...I expect we will start hearing a very interesting story about whats been really going on.

    They are going to turn on each other. If appleton even shows his face again.

    James P's already shaky reputation is going to take a hit and James P is going to start talking...probably soon-ish.

    Thats My honest opinion. Time will tell if I am correct.


    Also- How can one be disabled but able to be the lead developer on a professional (his words) MMO that took in nearly 100 grand (possibly more since there was funding after the kickstart on their website).


    I thought disabled meant unable to work a full time job. I support the social security system for people who are truley disabled- But if you have worked full time on GM for 3 years and are getting a check from the government- There is a problem now . You could also work at Mcdonalds with that time and not take taxpayer money. The Lead developer cannot work a regular job due to disabilityand needs a government check BUT ironically is slaving away at a professional "lead Developer" position- Full Time...Slaving away. Lead developer. Not a hobby.


    Its a whole separate topic but... Still is something I would like to know as a taxpayer. How does that work with disability? Do they know you are a lead developer at a professional venture who is working full time? Probably even more than full time since this is a demanding job.

    -So, by Proxy all US taxpayers are helping to fund Greed Monger by paying the "LEAD DEVELOPERS" salary and living expenses while he works FULL TIME on a for profit game. I guess I amam a backer then. So are MILIIONS of others and many people reading this right now.



  • JamesPJamesP Member UncommonPosts: 595
    Originally posted by EponyxDamor
    Originally posted by JamesP
    I must say though this new world I've just added is huge... And the terrain streaming is working great... Can't wait to get this release out this evening!


    Still can't post a picture of it, though, huh? More smoke and mirrors, I'm guessing.

    The more and more I read of GM and JamesP, the more I have a hard time believing it wasn't all some big scam.

    The entire world isn't designed completely yet. I still need to add a lot more trees and the Desert is currently bare just sand and nothing else. For the last few hours off and on I've been running around trying to find my way to an area with trees and stuff so I can get some screenshots. Still out in the middle of no where with nothing scenic around that would make for a good Screenshot. Just plenty of open area that will be good for players to build up once I get the release out.

    Company Owner
    MMO Interactive

  • EponyxDamorEponyxDamor Member RarePosts: 749

    James, at the very beginning of this thread you stated that Appleton was still part of the development process, and he's still the one "funding" the game. Then you go on to say you're the one who's taken over all development and ownership of GM? Your signature clearly states you own "MMOinteractive" and "Greed Monger".

    You also take a lot about "we" and "the team", but then go on to say it's just you, JamesP.

    Which is it?

    I think the devil is in the details with this one. And none of them quite add up, especially not to the sum of $90,000 for what you've been "showing" people over the past 3 years. Even the Kickstarter video GM had was fake footage.

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