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Over in Korea, BD will officially launch on July 14th. With this launch PA and Daum will be launching a Mega server, thus unifying all the servers into ONE server. This server will have different instances (channels) that will be up at the same time, and players will be able to move freely between the instances. This isn't a surprise as PA always wanted to have one Mega Server.
Housing, Land, and, Farming will be phased but still connected to the open world. Thus everyone will have the room to build a house and farm land, and won't have to worry about losing their land due to server merges in the future.
Open Beta players will have their characters moved over to the new mega server when BDO officially launches on July 14th. But players with characters that exceed the character slot limit will have their highest lvl with the most progress will be moved over the the new server first. Cash shop Currency (Pearl Store Items) will be refunded. Castles and GVG will be reset.
Other Notes
- There will be a new expansion called Valencia coming in at launch. Valencia will be a huge land mass to the north east of Media, with new open world bosses, new castles to siege, new open dungeons, and mobs for players lvl 60+.
Land mass of Valencia will be huge
- The soft lvl cap will be risen to lvl 60.
- Players can no longer PK under level 50 even if they are war with that enemy guild.
- Major class balances.
So this game sounds like me putting up my own UO server and just playing by my self. So what is the real point here if that is the case?
Now this does not make sense to me. If I can craft gear but I cannot trade between myself and another player. WTF is the point of crafting? And no having a Market Board so we put stuff on the Market vs player trading just does not resolve the issue.
"Woot raising softcap to 60 and new area - the group dungeons made me chuckle - I guess 2 players is a group, also a well geared solo player is also a group "
Yea this really sets the bar no better than a single player game or making my own UO server and playing by myself. Again WTF is the point of that.
"Cash shop" with B2P
Well not even going to consider this game with there being any cash shop. I played AA and the Cash Shop there helps players regrade their gear, as well as help players craft faster because of LP Pots. Sorry but if you can use your wallet for any Advantage I do not want to play.
Launching with a Mega Server from the very start eh? I'm impressed.
Finally one game that won't have to resort to server mergers a couple of months down the line like the majority of the MMOs that have launched in the last couple of years.
They're also dodging the bullet on the housing issue, especially if they are going to be a F2P or B2P MMO.
Thanks for sharing, Kumapon!
Edit: On a side note, damn that world's pretty!
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
I will be very entertained if it does better than all the full loot PvP trash that you people want it to be.
...Which isn't really that hard to achieve at the end of the day.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
We would like it to be open world not instanced. But I guess people will enjoy it for a few months while they wait for another mmo to launch and try that for another few months and so on...
Megaservers are so horrible for MMO communities, but since this game has abandoned such things, I guess it doesn't matter.
Hard pass.
I agree with you there Mister about this being a fascinating case study about the Evolution of the Modern MMO Market. For a few reasons.
First this sounds like an MMO online that well there is no point in getting to know people because you cannot trade with them, and there is 0 reason to ever make a friends with them because you do not need them. Again its like playing UO on my own server by myself which is no different than be playing a single player game.
Second It has a good idea with 1 mega server and to see if they can make 1 mega server that is phased where people in the different phases do not interact with each other. It might make a good step in the direction of making a Mega Server with Phases being their own world, maybe even each WorldPhase having its own rule set. This could be useful going forward with the next evolution of MMOs which could make Merging servers an out of date process going forward, you would just force players to move to a new phaseworld if it was an under populated world.
The 3rd and final thing is if really listening to a few people on an MMO forum is worth it anymore. So people who are single player types asking for an Open world Sandbox like MMO that is B2P/F2P type with no subscription and is Solo and PVE Centric If this happens to not work it could re-define MMOs going forward.
It sounds like my post about this being a good study on MMOs.
"The 3rd and final thing is if really listening to a few people on an MMO forum is worth it anymore. So people who are single player types asking for an Open world Sandbox like MMO that is B2P/F2P type with no subscription and is Solo and PVE Centric If this happens to not work it could re-define MMOs going forward. "
The reason I say this is because if the Developers wanted X to happen. Open World PVP game. Then a bunch of people on the Forums say they wanted Y a Open World Solo PVE game; and Black Desert made the 180 change to do this. 1 of 3 outcomes could happen.
Outcome 1
It be wildly successful and make a lot of money and be the new model going forward
Outcome 2
Have its niche of players that spend enough money to make a profit however be only successful for that niche of players
Outcome 3
Have complete failed and shut down the MMO or be only enough profit to put the game on life support.
PERSONALLY I want Outcome 2 to happen. The reason behind that is because that if that happens with all the catering to casuals that want SOLO PVE games this will prove that Outcome 1 which is what happened to WOW is not normal and making 10+ clones of 1 MMO its not good for the genera. It will also point out to MMOs are a Niche Market and there are Niche Markets even within MMOs. So publishers going forward will stop trying to make everyone happy and make an MMO for a subset of the MMO Market. By doing this you will have PVE Solo MMOs, PVE Group MMO FFXIV like, PVP Open world with Full Loot MMO, and PVP WOW Style like. Developers will then try to make games for these type of MMO gamers vs making an MMO for everyone.
And the core reason I want Outcome #2 is because if this is the case then a Developer can make a PVE Group centric MMO and when PVE Solo MMO players want said developer to change the game for them; the Developer can say Sorry however we are not doing this; if you want a Solo PVE MMO go play X. Then Developers can make the games they want for the group of players they want and listening to the masses on the forum no longer matter.
Aye I had thought that too, but then again I am still seriously excited for this game. Glad to see it's launching, even overseas. At this point even if I can somehow get in to a foreign server I would do it, the gameplay looks wonderful.
Non-sandbox is fine with me, I am quite certain there will be some disappointed sighs from the MMO world but I've been waiting for BD for some time now.
And DM, if two people is considered a group, well that sounds like my kind of MMO, lol.
"Why would I want to loose a religion upon my people? Religions wreck from within - Empires and individuals alike! It's all the same." - God Emperor of Dune
exactly kind of game i like..i really hope eu release wil be few months after korea..and not like 1 year after.i really hope so
Well you have connections in the industry and are privy to some of the background employee chatter for some MMOs. That almost makes you an "insider" or at least an outsider with privileges... so why the 180? An understanding of the answer to that question. "why abandon OW PVP sandbox?" particularly in a part of the world where that type of MMO has always had strong support, would be a far more interesting post than just mocking them sarcastically.
Could it be that instead of gaining momentum the OWPVP litter box movement is losing traction and finds itself in real trouble now that most of them have been exposed for the toxic gank fests they are?
As you know, I play ESO and that's not everyone's cup of tea either. But I also played DAoC for several years and ever since they invented (I think) the RvR system where you keep the PVP contained in its own zone(s) but make that part of the world a persistent open world with some limited PVE reasons to also go there, I was sold on that being the superior system to full OW PVP.
Because you see, even people like me who PVP a ton like having places to chill and maybe go test out wacky builds on predictable PVE mobs collecting data, etc... or just plain really chill with friends.
I think the number of people who truly want a nothing but PVP 24/7 MMO are a dying breed.
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
Thanks for the info. Where you see negatives, I see nothing but positives. This is going to be a great game. I can't wait
This 100% =-)
Excellent post, Iselin.
(green) If not that, they are in the wrong genre. MOBAs and FPS games are that way ----->
GTFO and stop bastardizing the MMORPG genre.
Ya what Kano is not happy about I am excited for as well. Real PvPers dont kill grey con players. They want a fight. My wife and I play together mostly and guildies but often duo. From a game I had no interest in now has me thinking we may try it =-)
Oh, I'm absolutely stoked. Black Dessert is a beautiful game and these latest changes that they are making is making it an almost too-good-to-be-true game.
Speaking of great communities. Kano's "supposed" negative about "No PK below 50 - even on enemy guild" is sure to foster a great community. As if PKing on a friendly guild mate should ever even be an option. These PvPers are advocates for such great communities, aren't they *laughs*
I will defend Kano on this because I am reading what he is saying differently than you guys.
"No PK below 50 - even on enemy guild - lulz, again not surprising as their focus is the casual solo PvE play"
I am taking this as He is LOL at the idea because what is the point of any PVP in what amounts to a Solo PVE centric game. PVP really has no place in this type of game.
So from that point of view why would you make fun of him as he is thinking wrong? Wouldn't he be thinking why is PVP even at all thought about in this game because its a Solo PVE centric game. PVP players will not come to this game. Much like why would PVP players go to FFXIV? FFXIV is NOT a place you go if you just want to PVP, if you PVP once in a great while PVP in FFXIV is ok to do when you have 30 minutes once a month.
Same here! +1
LMAO reading that just put me off the game, but hell, I had an idea of what it would be like, after all its korean/asian game.
stuff in cash shops is cheap for them, damn expensive for europe. P2W and sounds liek yet another cash shop whore (is what asian games are).
Thanks for teh heads up with the info.