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I got a copy of the Computer Gaming magazine and it announced some Issue 5 stuff.
The only thing that it says in there is that they will be adding a new zone (not sure what it will be)
2 new power sets (archery and sonic) to the existing Archetypes
They are raising the minimum level to get debt, instead of being level 5, you have to be level 10 or higher to receive debt.
Some solo friendly tweaks to the Mission slider
and last but not least a nefarious new villian group- the secretive Cabal
Unfortunately it says we have one more free expansion to look forward to this summer, i am hoping they mean before CoV is released, because if they stopped updating this game... that would suck
*edit* Spelling errors
is it a good game or a boring game?
Unfortunately it says we have one more free expansion to look forward to this summer, i am hoping they mean before CoV is released, because if they stopped updating this game... that would suck
Am am going to guess that they have one more patch till the release date then will issue more content after that. It should give you a better idea of the time line till CoV Release.
But thanks for the info on Issue 5 ... been looking for that.
I thought that issue 5 was going to be CoV!? You mean we have to go through #5 before we get CoV? OMG! I'm gonna go cry now. I was so looking forward to being evil. I'm a hopeless CoH addict. Maybe we need a support group. It's a great game!
I can't wait to see the archery AT. It sounds so cool and after reading the new comics, I'd have to say that Manticore may be my new favorite hero. Is the new issue 5 stuff
*jumps up and down* I just read the new issue 5 stuff and I can't wait for them to put it on the main servers!! I can't wait to make an archery defender now. Changing the debt system was a major plus as well. I LOVE the giants! They look so cool!!!
yea, i went crazy too. Although, i am a tanker, and tanks didnt get much. But the new debt system is awesome
Yeah, I was disappointed that tankers didn't get much as well. I'm totally psyched over the other stuff, though!! I hope they put this stuff in soon.
Gotta give mad props to CoH for all the free content...
Tankers are overpowered tankers can PL others as well as themselves