Originally posted by nimander99 To answer your last question, they have to make this game free to play and release wow2... with an entirely new "action" combat system. I would so love to return to the Warcraft Universe but with games like Wildstar and Elder Scrolls Online why would I ever return to a world choked full of entitled spoiled brats that troll everyone the dares ask a legit question in general chat
Because everyone loves "action" combat. There's just not enough games out there were dodge is the main game mechanic.
I am glad to see more awareness within the Wow player-base, but this is just too little too late.
Like i said many times over in the past, this is not the same company that was able to release innovation in the mmorpg genre or the gaming industry, and if you can't grasp that from the WoW experince, then take a look at its sibling Diablo 3 where the lack of ideas is driving them to rehash old D2 concepts.
Not to mention project Titan - Overwatch.
Until you people pay your subscription to this type of "whatever" they'll keep milking you in the same old loops that have been going on for almost 11 years now.
Wow, look at that. This is EXACTLY what I was talking about at D3 release. If Blizzard made it too different from D2, people will bitch. If Blizzard made it too close to D2, people will bitch. And as your post history confirms, you have not only whined and moaned and complained about D3 being too different, now you're whining that they're making it more like D2.
I know it's a bit off topic, but I just cannot stand this kind of bullshit. You sir have no credibility whatsoever when it comes to Blizzard's games, and it's quite clear you've simply got a stick up your ass about them. They will never do anything right in your eyes, period.
Go back to your archaic, shallow little dungeon crawler.
AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!
We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD.
This is too funny. Several months ago I posted the reasons why I was quitting WoW and most of Blizzard's games. For my trouble I had my post deleted and received a nasty-gram from MMORPG to the effect that I was "trolling" and trying to start a "flame war."
And now, here you are, reiterating what I said about WoW, and it's moved from "trolling" to main stream opinion.
This is too funny. Several months ago I posted the reasons why I was quitting WoW and most of Blizzard's games. For my trouble I had my post deleted and received a nasty-gram from MMORPG to the effect that I was "trolling" and trying to start a "flame war."
And now, here you are, reiterating what I said about WoW, and it's moved from "trolling" to main stream opinion.
Well, in fairness, I didn't ban you. Everyone comes to their own realizations on their own and while I'm perfectly willing to call it as I see it, I still hope that WoW straightens up. I love the game despite its warts and want it to improve. But that doesn't mean I have to fangurlishly adore everything that's released.
Originally posted by Thebeasttt Wow will succeed the same way it always does, off everyone else's failures. Every time I come back I'm like "well everything else is shit, mine as well."
I don't know if you have looked around recently, but there has been a lot of success in the MMO genre. Not to mention the "sorta-MMO" genre. Games like GW2, SWTOR, FF14, Destiny, Marvel Heroes, hell even ESO seems to be on a bit of an upwards turn...
Just because they don't have WoW numbers does not deem them a failure automatically. All it means is that one is more lucrative then the others.
For me, with every expansion of WoW its always nice to see something new and pretty, the occasional cool entry or scene, but when the dust settles I'm left with very little engagement or motivation to do anything extra. Wow used to grip me as an experience, but as I matured from a teenage into a man I found that the lack of a narrative really turned me away. I do wish it will, although I personally will never return, but I can see WoW slimming down and just keeping a coe base of fans.
With all the options and variety out there now, WoW needs to find its "wow" factor again, but, in honest I very much they they will. They exceed in making fun raiding content, but its not enough to keep you playing pass the lockouts.
For me personal who quit wow right after the first raid tier in wod came out i had following problems :
Garrison - Good for catching up with profession but thats it it was like a facebook game.
Raid - LFR, normal , heroic , mythik ... wait didnt they change the names , well nvm. i dont want to run a freaking raid in all modes because it gets boring every time the same bosses. It would be best to delete LFR and "normal" , 1 mode for groups wich can up/down size ( because i think thats a good feature ) and 1 mode for the 20 man hardcore stuff.
Items ( aka. everyone gets "epics" ) - wich makes them "blues or greens" i mean i was questing and i got an EPIC item as a reward for killing 20 hogs ... nothing epic about that , slaying a dragon or a big ass demon in a raid hell yeah thats worth an epic for me ....no one even gives 2 cents about getting an a good item everyone is like meh only replaced my other epic item easy....
Worldbosses - Okay we cried in cata , hurrdurr bring back worldbosses blizzard like the vanilla dragons , they did ... but of course with a respawn timer of 15 - 30 minutes isnt really that cool for me ...
Personal loot - oh god , oh god , social aspect of the game -> wiped out , really thats the worst thing right after lfr
Wait, wait, this is the last major patch for WOD? What the hell is this? Blizzard is not even trying to release content between expansions now. They release one patch x.1 which is part of unreleased expansion content and then 1 more patch and then wait till next expansion in 12 months? What?
Mission in life: Vanquish all MMORPG.com trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
I briefly played WoW 4 years ago and quit because I was just 15 and couldn't afford a sub. I recently bought WoW for 5 dollars in December and got a troll shaman to 65 before quitting. It was just way too overwhelming to get into and the quests may have had some great lore but they just weren't fun to do. I was doing dungeons to level up and just got lost when I overleveled all the regions I was in. I really wanted to experience that feeling of immersion that others speak of but I just couldn't, it truly is a shame.
Originally posted by nimander99 To answer your last question, they have to make this game free to play and release wow2... with an entirely new "action" combat system. I would so love to return to the Warcraft Universe but with games like Wildstar and Elder Scrolls Online why would I ever return to a world choked full of entitled spoiled brats that troll everyone the dares ask a legit question in general chat
With a playerbase of over 7 million paying customers, they certainly not "have to to make this game free to play", it would actually be the most retarded decision ever, financially wise at least.
WoW have survived as a subscription game for more than a decade. Your precious games barely got released before f2p was announced. Nuff said about that.
I cancelled my subs not long ago, mostly because WoD is just boring, for me. Was considering to come back for 6.2, but no, this doesn't interest me at all.
The thing that I fully dislike about wow's content releases is the power creep. Practically, if you're not raiding at the top tier, all that stuff you've "worked for" is made obsolete by this new zone. The next thing is rep gating: for the people who can play 1-2 hours per day, this is golden: you log in, do your dailies, and in a few weeks you're there. For people like me, who can dedicate more hours in a day to the game, while not being able to play at all for other 2-3 days in a row, all this dailies-garrison-followers etc expansion is terrible.
Maybe it is just me, maybe more players will be happy than those disappointed. Time will show.
Fact is I really loved Wow, was my best game ever. 2nd was Swtor (which is currently absolute No.1), 3rd Gw2 ... then for long nothing.
And fact is before Wod was released I had 22(!) alts, 11 horde and 11 alliance, all leveled to max. I really loved always Wow. For me, all expansions were great, but if I have to make a list from best in first place then: Wotlk, MOP (just by slight measure), Cata, BC, Wod. And about Wod (which is actually kind of BC II) there is strange thing never happened before. Loved it, played with great joy for 1 month. In this time have leveled as I remember about 5 alts to max, which is impossibly fast meaning lack of quests and content. Namely usually it took me at least 3 months for 5 alts. Then after 1 month .... “dark magic” happened ... I lost completely wish to login back to Wod! Switched to Swtor where I have stayed up to 1 month ago when i have started again Gw2. Wod for me is big big FAIL. Yes, yes, love garrisons, environment, quests, ... but all in all I’m afraid will cause worst drop of player base ever. And I’m very sorry for that.
This expansion was too reliant on garrison success and raid accessibility/difficulty. Lol,its kinda funny because even Blizzard polled some time ago how many people were actually hardcore raids and it was only about 1% of the actual playerbase (I dont have a link to the actual poll, sorry). Its just said that people are more looking forward to their next expansion over actually what's in this one. They should've just stuck to their usual formula of introducing new classes/races so people could be more focused on finding new metas with them. I also think not adding as many new abilities hurt them more than helped since most people like to get more new stuff when they level rather than see old stuff change or even have to choose between favorite skills they had before due to talent changes (should've just left mirror image alone blizzard....).
There some disinformation here. So lemme set some things right:
First, the Shipyard is horrible. I agree here 100%. I already went through almost all my 10K garrison resources...
The grind. How grindy is it? Let's see some real numbers.
- the dailies in Tanaan take less than an hour if you know what to do. I don't know how this can be called grindy
- the Saberstalkers rep. I got to almost full Exalted in about 1.5 hrs of AoEing mobs. Really? Is this really that horribly bad?
So no, you will not have to grind forever to get things done, and pretty much all the players will have flying when it will be released.
My issues with this patch are how content was implemented, without much coherence, without properly crafted lore behind the dailies, and yeah, the nerfs and the Shipyard. These things are really bad.
As for the raid? It is yet again one of the best in WoW's history. Nothing to add more here.
This is too funny. Several months ago I posted the reasons why I was quitting WoW and most of Blizzard's games. For my trouble I had my post deleted and received a nasty-gram from MMORPG to the effect that I was "trolling" and trying to start a "flame war."
And now, here you are, reiterating what I said about WoW, and it's moved from "trolling" to main stream opinion.
Well, in fairness, I didn't ban you. Everyone comes to their own realizations on their own and while I'm perfectly willing to call it as I see it, I still hope that WoW straightens up. I love the game despite its warts and want it to improve. But that doesn't mean I have to fangurlishly adore everything that's released.
So why is Ferret not allowed to come to his/her realisation on here, yet you are? Both pieces deserve to be read and are just as valid as each others. What are you saying? "you are NOT allowed to dislike something and post about it before me cos I work here !"
This is too funny. Several months ago I posted the reasons why I was quitting WoW and most of Blizzard's games. For my trouble I had my post deleted and received a nasty-gram from MMORPG to the effect that I was "trolling" and trying to start a "flame war."
And now, here you are, reiterating what I said about WoW, and it's moved from "trolling" to main stream opinion.
Well, in fairness, I didn't ban you. Everyone comes to their own realizations on their own and while I'm perfectly willing to call it as I see it, I still hope that WoW straightens up. I love the game despite its warts and want it to improve. But that doesn't mean I have to fangurlishly adore everything that's released.
So why is Ferret not allowed to come to his/her realisation on here, yet you are? Both pieces deserve to be read and are just as valid as each others. What are you saying? "you are NOT allowed to dislike something and post about it before me cos I work here !"
I don't have any knowledge about why he was banned at that time. I guess that's something that he can/should address with the moderators. As far as I'm concerned, he can say what he wishes here if it's stated within the parameters of the overall forum rules.
Very refreshing to see an honest article from an MMORPG.com staff member, more importantly, about WoW, or any game I suppose.
Yes, this is the issue that Ive seen with WoW for the last 2+ expansions. WoD is no different. Yes, WoD gives you some nostalgic feeling of TBC/WoTLK days. But after one month of playing it, after leveling 3 or 4 alts and messing around in your garrison until your eyes bleed, you realize that ..yeah, this is it. WoW has lost its edge, and I do think that a lot of people still play for only a few reasons:
Nostalgia: They want to remember the good ole days when they were a noob so they keep playing to find that nostalgia. WoD offers a bit of it.
Raids: Even though some "facts" say that only ~2% of players raid, WoW does have pretty good raids. Can't really argue with that.
The ultra casuals do not have any desire to move onto something else because they are ultra casual. They just want to log into a fantasy world and shoot fireballs. They do not know and do not care that there are many other viable, and sometimes free, alternatives out there that would suffice.
Basically, in my personal opinion, WoW is no longer a unique snowflake since WOTLK.
And if the trend continues and they drop another 2-3 million players this quarter, they will be right in line with Guild Wars 2, roughly. GW2 has a few million concurrent players I believe. WoW will no longer be the top dog by a mile anymore. Open season.
Luckily for me the main reason I play is to Raid with my family and old friends. Sadly they are all super wow fanboys and won't even consider trying my personal mmorpg of choice, Gw2, or other great alternatives like FF14 or Eso or Wildstar or Swtor or Rift or whatever! They suck. But we raid together and I get to heal with healbot which isn't so bad. Pally healing is harder now, but also being needed is cool.
As far as the expansion, I agree that garrisons was a horrible idea. Should of been Guild Garrisons or better yet, guild housing like Gw2 is gonna do.
So true. Only, my old wow friends stopped playing and never touched another MMO again. I have one old buddy, a RL friend, that refuses to give up WoW. He says he only plays to raid. He pays 15$ a month to raid three nights a week for 2-3 hours. Its his money, his choice. I think its a complete waste of money and time.
But yeah, old WoW friends, whether they were still playing or quitting, won't touch another MMO because it isn't WoW. And for the one that did try, she constantly compared any new MMO to WoW. Infuriating.
This is one of the reasons I stopped playing on the PC and switched to console MMOs. You see the dying aspects of the PC MMO market isn't coming around because of F2P conversion or the lack of content or the movement of talent out of teams only to leave the games in the hands of hacks who have no idea what they are doing as some have claimed. It's coming about because the PC MMO players are lazy and they will accept anything they get rather than demand something better and the AAA titles run by shareholders rather than true talent is more than happy to ablige. This community brings it on themselves and then only a tiny fraction complain when the majority gets what it wants.
I guess I am a old school MMO player, I like to play in a immersive open world with lots of choices. I am more a player that is interested in the journey, not in the carrot horse thing that is "endgame".
When I played old WoW:
- I did not care about raids (still don't)
- I liked the online world and the 'war'
- the online 'world' was actually dangerous
- getting agro on a mob was good, all too often you gained group agro and could result in a corpse run.
- died quite some times because of PVE before reaching level 10-15.
- I liked the suspense leveling as alliance, go into Astranaar and then walk south through that gate and head on the road east, knowing I might run into orc players.
- I liked going to Stonetalon, knowing I would get into world PVP trouble
- I liked the travel, running as a lvl 10+ through Wetlands to meet friends in dwarf land and to open up a flightpath. (PVP Ganks highly probable)
- running to Scarlet Monastery through horde land, hoping you would not get reported and a gank was underway.
- Travelling from point A to B could be long and dangerous
- next zone I should level in: STV......"omg no, we're in for some serious sh*t now." 300 skeletons around Nesingwary of dead players and you knew enough.
- Loved progression as player and diversity in classes.
- absolutely loved the instanced battlegrounds, especially old school Alterac Valley, Hillsbrad PVP, Ashenvale PVP, and all the other world ganks.
Recently resubbed on a full RP-PVP server for a month:
- old world gone
- empty zones
- flightpaths everywhere
- noob character without good gear: every hit was at least 30% health damage on a mob, never get below 90% health myself in any fight---> waaaaay too easy : no challenge.
- did not die once in the 1-90 bracket, it was at lvl 95 where I died because of my own fault. (this on a pvp server)
- immediate zoning to a dungeon, no world travel needed
- flying mounts....no world pvp risk, no pve risk, no challenge
- the friendly players I saw did not bother to help or anything because you can do everything solo now and what the h@ll: 'you probably will never see them again so what's the point to socialize other then troll ppl on general chat I guess?'
- leveled waaaay too fast, even without heirloom gear or boosts. I did it the slow way, I was lvl 40 on the first day. With heirlooms and friend invites I could have been lvl 80 or higher on day 1. Or what the heck: just put $50 on the table and buy myself a lvl 90 I guess, which I didn't.
- instanced battlegrounds were a troll fest, ppl whining about the slowing rate of honor/hr because of someone taking a graveyard they shouldn't .
- dungeons were a joke, 1 healer and 1 tank paladin, he just ran through the dungeon getting agro on everything, healer just had to keep up and the dungeons were run in no time
- no city raids, world pvp: "what is the point?"
- no world pvp/ganks/getting ganked, not once ( I Love world pvp, even forced on me because I remember those players that gank/camp/grief me and will pay them back later, which makes a server great. Part of the online war)
- did not die once from 1-90, died stupidly to a elite/rare in the new expansion though.
- arena pvp: sorry, that isnt fun pvp to me, running around pillars trying to LOS everything that the enemy tries to throw at me while I have a healer trailing me trying to keep me alive.
- world is too big, everyone that was on the server was spread out or sitting in that Ashran village, waiting for a instance to pop up.
- Garrisons: no. Pet battles: FK NO. Grinds: not when they are a chore and the game isn't fun. Raids: no, don't need a guild that only looks at my gear instead of just wanting to have fun.
- LFR: no. Everyone in the group are strangers and on different servers, what is the need to get along I guess.
- Blizzard basicly says: "forget about the lvl 1-99 experience, that's all cr@p, it's lvl 100 where you need to be: the raids."
* They might as well delete all the lvl 1-99 content and start off with everyone a new lvl 100 and leave it at that.
** unsubbed immediately and went back to my fav games: sandbox games/MMO's.
So I guess, this game just stripped everything I liked and made it a lobby based instance grind game for me. Everything Blizzard promotes now is exactly the thing I avoid in MMO's.
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"
I too, have to echo the comments of Zephyrjinx...I canceled my subscription soon after WoD came out. I tried, I really did but after leveling a couple of my favorite characters to 100 on both the Horde and Alliance sides I sadly bid WoW goodbye. I have moved on to play Elder Scrolls and Final Fantasy XIV. While each of these games amuse and entertain me I miss the old WoW. I am not a player who enjoys the raiding or PVP'ing. I loved the quests and exploration for the treasure that WoW used to have. Leveling professions was also fun and realistic in the old game, now the requirements to craft anything are totally unrealistic and basically boring. Once key members of the old school WoW teams left the company the game changed and changed for the worse.
Because everyone loves "action" combat. There's just not enough games out there were dodge is the main game mechanic.
Wow, look at that. This is EXACTLY what I was talking about at D3 release. If Blizzard made it too different from D2, people will bitch. If Blizzard made it too close to D2, people will bitch. And as your post history confirms, you have not only whined and moaned and complained about D3 being too different, now you're whining that they're making it more like D2.
I know it's a bit off topic, but I just cannot stand this kind of bullshit. You sir have no credibility whatsoever when it comes to Blizzard's games, and it's quite clear you've simply got a stick up your ass about them. They will never do anything right in your eyes, period.
Go back to your archaic, shallow little dungeon crawler.
AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!
We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD.
Hi Suzie!
This is too funny. Several months ago I posted the reasons why I was quitting WoW and most of Blizzard's games. For my trouble I had my post deleted and received a nasty-gram from MMORPG to the effect that I was "trolling" and trying to start a "flame war."
And now, here you are, reiterating what I said about WoW, and it's moved from "trolling" to main stream opinion.
Well, in fairness, I didn't ban you. Everyone comes to their own realizations on their own and while I'm perfectly willing to call it as I see it, I still hope that WoW straightens up. I love the game despite its warts and want it to improve. But that doesn't mean I have to fangurlishly adore everything that's released.
How did we go from EQ and 15 zone expansions every 8 months for 300k players to WoW and 7 zone expansions every 2 years for 7m players.
Is it really as simple as HS and HotS are more money efficient so screw everyone else? Fuck these developers.
I don't know if you have looked around recently, but there has been a lot of success in the MMO genre. Not to mention the "sorta-MMO" genre. Games like GW2, SWTOR, FF14, Destiny, Marvel Heroes, hell even ESO seems to be on a bit of an upwards turn...
Just because they don't have WoW numbers does not deem them a failure automatically. All it means is that one is more lucrative then the others.
For me, with every expansion of WoW its always nice to see something new and pretty, the occasional cool entry or scene, but when the dust settles I'm left with very little engagement or motivation to do anything extra. Wow used to grip me as an experience, but as I matured from a teenage into a man I found that the lack of a narrative really turned me away. I do wish it will, although I personally will never return, but I can see WoW slimming down and just keeping a coe base of fans.
With all the options and variety out there now, WoW needs to find its "wow" factor again, but, in honest I very much they they will. They exceed in making fun raiding content, but its not enough to keep you playing pass the lockouts.
For me personal who quit wow right after the first raid tier in wod came out i had following problems :
Garrison - Good for catching up with profession but thats it it was like a facebook game.
Raid - LFR, normal , heroic , mythik ... wait didnt they change the names , well nvm. i dont want to run a freaking raid in all modes because it gets boring every time the same bosses. It would be best to delete LFR and "normal" , 1 mode for groups wich can up/down size ( because i think thats a good feature ) and 1 mode for the 20 man hardcore stuff.
Items ( aka. everyone gets "epics" ) - wich makes them "blues or greens" i mean i was questing and i got an EPIC item as a reward for killing 20 hogs ... nothing epic about that , slaying a dragon or a big ass demon in a raid hell yeah thats worth an epic for me ....no one even gives 2 cents about getting an a good item everyone is like meh only replaced my other epic item easy....
Worldbosses - Okay we cried in cata , hurrdurr bring back worldbosses blizzard like the vanilla dragons , they did ... but of course with a respawn timer of 15 - 30 minutes isnt really that cool for me ...
Personal loot - oh god , oh god , social aspect of the game -> wiped out , really thats the worst thing right after lfr
Wait, wait, this is the last major patch for WOD? What the hell is this? Blizzard is not even trying to release content between expansions now. They release one patch x.1 which is part of unreleased expansion content and then 1 more patch and then wait till next expansion in 12 months? What?
Mission in life: Vanquish all MMORPG.com trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
With a playerbase of over 7 million paying customers, they certainly not "have to to make this game free to play", it would actually be the most retarded decision ever, financially wise at least.
WoW have survived as a subscription game for more than a decade. Your precious games barely got released before f2p was announced. Nuff said about that.
I cancelled my subs not long ago, mostly because WoD is just boring, for me. Was considering to come back for 6.2, but no, this doesn't interest me at all.
Maybe it is just me, maybe more players will be happy than those disappointed. Time will show.
Fact is I really loved Wow, was my best game ever. 2nd was Swtor (which is currently absolute No.1), 3rd Gw2 ... then for long nothing.
And fact is before Wod was released I had 22(!) alts, 11 horde and 11 alliance, all leveled to max. I really loved always Wow. For me, all expansions were great, but if I have to make a list from best in first place then: Wotlk, MOP (just by slight measure), Cata, BC, Wod. And about Wod (which is actually kind of BC II) there is strange thing never happened before. Loved it, played with great joy for 1 month. In this time have leveled as I remember about 5 alts to max, which is impossibly fast meaning lack of quests and content. Namely usually it took me at least 3 months for 5 alts. Then after 1 month .... “dark magic” happened ... I lost completely wish to login back to Wod! Switched to Swtor where I have stayed up to 1 month ago when i have started again Gw2. Wod for me is big big FAIL. Yes, yes, love garrisons, environment, quests, ... but all in all I’m afraid will cause worst drop of player base ever. And I’m very sorry for that.
There some disinformation here. So lemme set some things right:
First, the Shipyard is horrible. I agree here 100%. I already went through almost all my 10K garrison resources...
The grind. How grindy is it? Let's see some real numbers.
- the dailies in Tanaan take less than an hour if you know what to do. I don't know how this can be called grindy
- the Saberstalkers rep. I got to almost full Exalted in about 1.5 hrs of AoEing mobs. Really? Is this really that horribly bad?
So no, you will not have to grind forever to get things done, and pretty much all the players will have flying when it will be released.
My issues with this patch are how content was implemented, without much coherence, without properly crafted lore behind the dailies, and yeah, the nerfs and the Shipyard. These things are really bad.
As for the raid? It is yet again one of the best in WoW's history. Nothing to add more here.
So why is Ferret not allowed to come to his/her realisation on here, yet you are? Both pieces deserve to be read and are just as valid as each others. What are you saying? "you are NOT allowed to dislike something and post about it before me cos I work here !"
I don't have any knowledge about why he was banned at that time. I guess that's something that he can/should address with the moderators. As far as I'm concerned, he can say what he wishes here if it's stated within the parameters of the overall forum rules.
Very refreshing to see an honest article from an MMORPG.com staff member, more importantly, about WoW, or any game I suppose.
Yes, this is the issue that Ive seen with WoW for the last 2+ expansions. WoD is no different. Yes, WoD gives you some nostalgic feeling of TBC/WoTLK days. But after one month of playing it, after leveling 3 or 4 alts and messing around in your garrison until your eyes bleed, you realize that ..yeah, this is it. WoW has lost its edge, and I do think that a lot of people still play for only a few reasons:
So true. Only, my old wow friends stopped playing and never touched another MMO again. I have one old buddy, a RL friend, that refuses to give up WoW. He says he only plays to raid. He pays 15$ a month to raid three nights a week for 2-3 hours. Its his money, his choice. I think its a complete waste of money and time.
But yeah, old WoW friends, whether they were still playing or quitting, won't touch another MMO because it isn't WoW. And for the one that did try, she constantly compared any new MMO to WoW. Infuriating.
I cant believe WOW players are happy with playing one average game
and subscribing!
different strokes for different folks,glad I have seen the light.
I guess I am a old school MMO player, I like to play in a immersive open world with lots of choices. I am more a player that is interested in the journey, not in the carrot horse thing that is "endgame".
When I played old WoW:
- I did not care about raids (still don't)
- I liked the online world and the 'war'
- the online 'world' was actually dangerous
- getting agro on a mob was good, all too often you gained group agro and could result in a corpse run.
- died quite some times because of PVE before reaching level 10-15.
- I liked the suspense leveling as alliance, go into Astranaar and then walk south through that gate and head on the road east, knowing I might run into orc players.
- I liked going to Stonetalon, knowing I would get into world PVP trouble
- I liked the travel, running as a lvl 10+ through Wetlands to meet friends in dwarf land and to open up a flightpath. (PVP Ganks highly probable)
- running to Scarlet Monastery through horde land, hoping you would not get reported and a gank was underway.
- Travelling from point A to B could be long and dangerous
- next zone I should level in: STV......"omg no, we're in for some serious sh*t now." 300 skeletons around Nesingwary of dead players and you knew enough.
- Loved progression as player and diversity in classes.
- absolutely loved the instanced battlegrounds, especially old school Alterac Valley, Hillsbrad PVP, Ashenvale PVP, and all the other world ganks.
Recently resubbed on a full RP-PVP server for a month:
- old world gone
- empty zones
- flightpaths everywhere
- noob character without good gear: every hit was at least 30% health damage on a mob, never get below 90% health myself in any fight---> waaaaay too easy : no challenge.
- did not die once in the 1-90 bracket, it was at lvl 95 where I died because of my own fault. (this on a pvp server)
- immediate zoning to a dungeon, no world travel needed
- flying mounts....no world pvp risk, no pve risk, no challenge
- the friendly players I saw did not bother to help or anything because you can do everything solo now and what the h@ll: 'you probably will never see them again so what's the point to socialize other then troll ppl on general chat I guess?'
- leveled waaaay too fast, even without heirloom gear or boosts. I did it the slow way, I was lvl 40 on the first day. With heirlooms and friend invites I could have been lvl 80 or higher on day 1. Or what the heck: just put $50 on the table and buy myself a lvl 90 I guess, which I didn't.
- instanced battlegrounds were a troll fest, ppl whining about the slowing rate of honor/hr because of someone taking a graveyard they shouldn't .
- dungeons were a joke, 1 healer and 1 tank paladin, he just ran through the dungeon getting agro on everything, healer just had to keep up and the dungeons were run in no time
- no city raids, world pvp: "what is the point?"
- no world pvp/ganks/getting ganked, not once ( I Love world pvp, even forced on me because I remember those players that gank/camp/grief me and will pay them back later, which makes a server great. Part of the online war)
- did not die once from 1-90, died stupidly to a elite/rare in the new expansion though.
- arena pvp: sorry, that isnt fun pvp to me, running around pillars trying to LOS everything that the enemy tries to throw at me while I have a healer trailing me trying to keep me alive.
- world is too big, everyone that was on the server was spread out or sitting in that Ashran village, waiting for a instance to pop up.
- Garrisons: no. Pet battles: FK NO. Grinds: not when they are a chore and the game isn't fun. Raids: no, don't need a guild that only looks at my gear instead of just wanting to have fun.
- LFR: no. Everyone in the group are strangers and on different servers, what is the need to get along I guess.
- Blizzard basicly says: "forget about the lvl 1-99 experience, that's all cr@p, it's lvl 100 where you need to be: the raids."
* They might as well delete all the lvl 1-99 content and start off with everyone a new lvl 100 and leave it at that.
** unsubbed immediately and went back to my fav games: sandbox games/MMO's.
So I guess, this game just stripped everything I liked and made it a lobby based instance grind game for me. Everything Blizzard promotes now is exactly the thing I avoid in MMO's.
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"
I had fun once, it was terrible.