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Realm Lords 2========================================= PUBLIC ALPHA IS LIVE !!! See download link below. ========================================= |
Ken Fisher - Semi retired old fart Network Administrator, now working in Network Security. I don't Forum PVP. If you feel I've attacked you, it was probably by accident. When I don't understand, I ask. Such is not intended as criticism.
Client Link:
I'm getting a connection timeout when registering.
EDIT: working now but the world list is just a gray box outline and hitting "enter world" doesn't do anything.
EDIT2: Nevermind. Just saw below post haha.
Up in less than 10 mins. I didn't test a patch and combat hosed.
Okay, observations so far:
- Sorcs might be a bit too capable just auto attacking.
- Leveling curve is way too easy at the beginning. I got 3 levels in maybe five kills.
- A bit too much loot to start.
- Companions seem to be more capable than players at the beginning?
- Jumped into a group dungeon at level three and was instantly murdered lol. Good difficulty there, it seems.
- As a mage, first few levels feel way too easy. You start at L1 being able to take out L5 enemies without breaking a sweat, barring the minotaurs with weapons. They hurt.
I really think you should push the balance towards requiring group play. Maybe leave land01 to get your first five levels and then have the rest crush solo players within that level range. Not enough games require a group dynamic these days and it would require real socialization since everything is open world.
EDIT: Also, lots of lag and inventory delay even from the east coast at present.
EDIT2: Land02 seems near impossible solo as a level 5 mage, which is good. Bethi makes it too easy, though. Leveling curve had a sharp incline but I wish it were just a bit rougher starting out.
And now I adjourn for dinner and all.
Yep, balance is way off at the moment. I have code in from level cap at 70, and others that were from when WAC was skill based.
Lag is a concern. This is my first server using a new ISP and I'm a little skeptical. I wonder if the engine has a latency metric that can test this. Remember the old lag-o-meters on FPS games? Something like that.
Great info, thank-you!
10 PM, wrapping up the test. This went great. Thank-you again for the help.
We'll do it again soon.
Boy: Why can't I talk to Him?
Mom: We don't talk to Priests.
As if it could exist, without being payed for.
F2P means you get what you paid for. Pay nothing, get nothing.
Even telemarketers wouldn't think that.
It costs money to play. Therefore P2W.
And when is the next test? He isn't replying to my emails!
Matt, myself, and my GF were the testers. I found out tons. Network works fine. Combat bugged out during the test because of a minor fix that morning, which exposed a bug that I didn't know I had. It turned out to be a typo in Python code wrapped in an exception handler, so the exception handler handled the error and I never knew about the typo. So instead of getting testing done, I spent the whole day searching down that bug.
That bug messed up mobs attacking unarmed, so if a mob didn't have a weapon, they never did any damage. Matt caught this, but didn't know why, and he figured balance was way off. Which it was, considering the bad guys weren't attacking properly. Except for one guy in a dungeon who one-shotted him because the mob had a sword. :-)
At least I got the disaster test out of the way. I'm sure the next one will go better.
I have a bunch of doors to link up tonight. And I think its about time for a new test. Maybe this weekend will be good? I'll figure on it.
Next test: Friday afternoon and runs the whole weekend. I'll post a client link when I have it.
Sorry Sir, I've been a bit busy lately.
So few people mail me, I don't check it that often. Not intentional, I assure you.
Tested and ready to go. I hope :-)
The server is up.
(245 megs Windows Installer)
Accounts are setup in the client. Feel free to use a junk e-mail address.
This client is 2 weeks old. It will auto-patch on the first login. This way we can test the patcher too.
Important: Please don't leave windowed mode or change resolutions until AFTER the client has finished patching. The patch fixes that bug.
Here's a screenshot of a typical action bar setup.
Boy: Why can't I talk to Him?
Mom: We don't talk to Priests.
As if it could exist, without being payed for.
F2P means you get what you paid for. Pay nothing, get nothing.
Even telemarketers wouldn't think that.
It costs money to play. Therefore P2W.
oh wow I wondered what happened to WnC, I played that years ago
Hey, greets !!! Yeah, still kicking. :-)
It releases October 1st this year, or I officially give up. And I'm not giving up, so this sucker releases.
I want a full month of beta (real beta, not preview beta) in September, so that means feature complete by the end of August. That gives me a month to wrap up building.
Piece of cake :-) hehehehe
I hate working with no test realm. :-(
Servers coming back online now 10PM.
First I've had that. I'm guessing incomplete download, otherwise the NSIS installer has compatibility issues (not impossible, it is from 2006).
If you have time to check it:
Right click the installer in WIndows, select properties to bring up the dialog.
Check Size (not size on disk, that's different).
Mine says: 239 MB (251,043,055 bytes)
I'll pull a copy from the web server (it's on GoDaddy) and test it.
Thanks for the tip!
Cool deal. I saw the tail end of your patch on the router, and then you got hooked in with a server connection.
I'll catch up with you later. I pulled a double shift yesterday and today. Time for my meds and a nap :-)
Have a good one.
Last balance patch made lowbie combat extremely hard. This is fixed.
Working on server hardware. 8:45 PM Central Saturday night. Down for 2 hours or so.
Server is going live again, 9:34 PM. Memory upgrade :-) These old machines are cranky about what memory they like.
Down, working on server hardware. 6:30 AM Central, Sunday morning.
Server going live right now. 7:13 AM. Takes 20 minutes or so to completely load up.
Damn it all. Sorry, Ken. Didn't make it. Working two jobs for a few weeks and this weekend was hell.
Email me when the next one is or let me know if the server is staying up a bit longer.
Starting public alpha. Game is playable, but not feature complete.
Info is at top of this page, including client download.