I don't feel like this game is going to be good and usually jump at the chance to point that out, but this is blatantly just trying to stir controversy, especially if it was from Derek Smarts feed.
Funny how people think this game is ever going to have money troubles... even if the crowdfunding funds do dry up, im sure a lot of publishers and investors have been making them offers to try and get in on it.
Recently it took Shenmue 3 only 2mil to to raise and show interest for Sony to back the development... this game has raised 90mil... you can bet those greedy big publishers and investors want a piece of this.
Both roberts brothers implied it multiple times in ama and press interview that they have acquired multiple investors for SC. Recently in an interview with polygon erin said something along the while "while demonstrating squadron 42 to one of our investors..", long before that on multiple occasions chris roberts said something along the same line "i had to travel to attend investors meeting". These people just want this game to fail because they are jealous, they write up their crap in kickstarter but people don't blindly donate their money to these losers but when chris roberts ask 20 million people donate 90 million, it is eating these losers from inside, thus continuous doom and gloom trolling.
That's an interesting conspiracy theory. I disagree of course and believe a lot of the people who are questioning the project it's because of Roberts never being able to finish a project without someone telling him NO stick to the original plan. I don't believe it has anything to do with being jealous.
As long as they can keep on selling ships, they will probably be okay, its only when that particular well dries up that they may end up with a problem. The only question really is whether they have enough funding currently to complete the game development, they probably don't based on various conjectures made by other developers, even so, they are still only conjectures, the only way we'll know if they are correct or not, is if CIG either completes the game or they file a chapter 11 or something, until then, its pretty much guesswork in either direction.
As long as they can keep on selling ships, they will probably be okay, its only when that particular well dries up that they may end up with a problem. The only question really is whether they have enough funding currently to complete the game development, they probably don't based on various conjectures made by other developers, even so, they are still only conjectures, the only way we'll know if they are correct or not, is if CIG either completes the game or they file a chapter 11 or something, until then, its pretty much guesswork in either direction.
It is over they just don't realize it yet. Wait for the UK Financials. LOL and to @jesteralways you are a funny man who is too much into CR to be taken serious.
Do you really think they have no investors now after the huge kickstarter success? Kickstarter and selling ships and stuff ist just part of financing this game.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
I think the amount that they raised through crowdfunding could be a boon or detriment to finding outside investment. Without detailed financials, it can't really be determined which.
Large crowdfunding can show major traction and interest, meaning a higher probability of success. However, the flip side is the fact that they've already gotten over 90M invested and the product hasn't been released, so how much more would it take? If an investor threw another 10-20M in, would it make a difference? If they needed more, I'd really want to know why.
I think that it'd be much better to land a publisher deal instead of investors. i.e. CIG made the product for 90M, but they need more $$ for marketing, customer support, regional distribution, etc. That's where a good publisher deal would come into play.
With publisher companies spending in the $300 million range on barely above average games these days, why is it so hard for people to grasp that $90 really isn't that much in the grand scheme of things? With how the current market is flowing $90 million is a drop in the bucket. This all just goes to show how so many people have no concept of how much money really changes hands in a day. The US is $20 trillion in debt with an average rise of $4 million per day, and you guys are complaining about CIG? Get a life, I say.
With publisher companies spending in the $300 million range on barely above average games these days, why is it so hard for people to grasp that $90 really isn't that much in the grand scheme of things? With how the current market is flowing $90 million is a drop in the bucket. This all just goes to show how so many people have no concept of how much money really changes hands in a day. The US is $20 trillion in debt with an average rise of $4 million per day, and you guys are complaining about CIG? Get a life, I say.
You were on a good groove there but then you horribly derailed yourself by talking about the us debt but I do see where you were trying to go with it
With publisher companies spending in the $300 million range on barely above average games these days, why is it so hard for people to grasp that $90 really isn't that much in the grand scheme of things? With how the current market is flowing $90 million is a drop in the bucket. This all just goes to show how so many people have no concept of how much money really changes hands in a day. The US is $20 trillion in debt with an average rise of $4 million per day, and you guys are complaining about CIG? Get a life, I say.
You were on a good groove there but then you horribly derailed yourself by talking about the us debt but I do see where you were trying to go with it
Sometimes the truth can put a sour taste in ones mouth, it's how it goes.
I am definitely not a shareholder or stock expert by any mild stretch but i do have a gut feeling about things that is very good.
Something looks real fishy to me and i cannot make any sense of it at all but maybe someone with soem expertise in this field can explain plausible reasons???
What i see are three main shareholders ,Chris HIs brother and an Attorney,thta right there seems odd that an attorney is made a partner,however there is more.
All three seem to either sell their shares or transfer them "not even sure that is legal or possible" and put all shares under the corporation name.What on earth is that all about?To me a dumbass with stock knowledge it "appears" to me like what they did is simply sell the shares to the business to profit themselves off of money entrusted to them,i definitely could be wrong so please enlighten me.
I didn't read the rest of the fiels ,well i'm hungry and thinking of food :P
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Funny how people think this game is ever going to have money troubles... even if the crowdfunding funds do dry up, im sure a lot of publishers and investors have been making them offers to try and get in on it.
Recently it took Shenmue 3 only 2mil to to raise and show interest for Sony to back the development... this game has raised 90mil... you can bet those greedy big publishers and investors want a piece of this.
Not without possibility however Chris is well known,you would think he could have got investors on board from day 1 and would definitely take an investment if he could get one right now as i also agree there would be at least a few people interested ,so then why is it not happening?
I think at least to me seems obvious......accountability,i definitely 100% believe this guy is only mildly on the up n up,i definitely would not trust him with my money.I think there is a very big underlining reason why he has an attorney at law as one of the three owners of this business besides the fact he worked for Chris on his movie production career.
I like the questions they asked Ortwin "attorney" Q :Favorite game of all time A :Star Citizen lmao ,hes prolly never played a game in his life.
Q:What part of SC do you like the most ...A: Everything ...roflmao Q:Favorite ship in SC ...A:I don't know i like them all,i'd have to test them...lmao.prolly doesn't even know a single ship in the game.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
I am definitely not a shareholder or stock expert by any mild stretch but i do have a gut feeling about things that is very good.
Something looks real fishy to me and i cannot make any sense of it at all but maybe someone with soem expertise in this field can explain plausible reasons???
What i see are three main shareholders ,Chris HIs brother and an Attorney,thta right there seems odd that an attorney is made a partner,however there is more.
All three seem to either sell their shares or transfer them "not even sure that is legal or possible" and put all shares under the corporation name.What on earth is that all about?To me a dumbass with stock knowledge it "appears" to me like what they did is simply sell the shares to the business to profit themselves off of money entrusted to them,i definitely could be wrong so please enlighten me.
I didn't read the rest of the fiels ,well i'm hungry and thinking of food :P
It's exactly how Google works, Google and many of it's sister companies are all owned under one parent company called Alphabet. Alphabet controls all the money, also called a holding company, and Google and the other companies employ all the people. It's become common place in the business world as it protects companies from certain liabilities.
Yeah balance sheets and finances can be meant to look many different ways. Someone might own a few businesses. . run some at a loss and feed with the other. It is mostly beyond me but I know it can be creative and usually has to do with minimizing taxes.
The game will launch and we will judge it then. . or it won't and we will judge it then. I am guessing it will and that it will be fun. It will easily be worth what i put into it ($25 or $35 I think? maybe even $50).
Also, I have harped on how much I dislike the selling of ships so heavily before the game launches, but one thing that makes this game different from other Kickstarters that have failed is that they will actually have a proven revenue stream after the game launches. Its not like it will launch or not with them being broke. They can always scale back and keep selling ships or other items.
I wouldn't be too worried about a balance sheet at this point.
Also @Wizardry seems to me his being a lawyer doesn't have much to do with his position if you google Ortwin Freyermuth you find this, Entertainment LawyerOrtwin Freyermuth is a German American entertainment lawyer and film producer. He is mostly noted for having been the CEO of film production company Capella Films and for producing the 1997 director's cut version of Wolfgang Petersen's Das Boot.
As long as they can keep on selling ships, they will probably be okay, its only when that particular well dries up that they may end up with a problem. The only question really is whether they have enough funding currently to complete the game development, they probably don't based on various conjectures made by other developers, even so, they are still only conjectures, the only way we'll know if they are correct or not, is if CIG either completes the game or they file a chapter 11 or something, until then, its pretty much guesswork in either direction.
They have multiple investor groups. They are in no shortage of money. [mod edit]
Post edited by Vaross on
Boobs are LIFE, Boobs are LOVE, Boobs are JUSTICE, Boobs are mankind's HOPES and DREAMS. People who complain about boobs have lost their humanity.
I am definitely not a shareholder or stock expert by any mild stretch but i do have a gut feeling about things that is very good.
Something looks real fishy to me and i cannot make any sense of it at all but maybe someone with soem expertise in this field can explain plausible reasons???
What i see are three main shareholders ,Chris HIs brother and an Attorney,thta right there seems odd that an attorney is made a partner,however there is more.
All three seem to either sell their shares or transfer them "not even sure that is legal or possible" and put all shares under the corporation name.What on earth is that all about?To me a dumbass with stock knowledge it "appears" to me like what they did is simply sell the shares to the business to profit themselves off of money entrusted to them,i definitely could be wrong so please enlighten me.
I didn't read the rest of the fiels ,well i'm hungry and thinking of food :P
It's sometimes a matter of limiting risk. A parent company or individuals will start a business, giving those persons 100% shares of a company. Then the company can secure a loan and buy those shares back. This pulls the original investment back out and leaves the company (it's own entity) to run off the loan which allows the original investment (if there was one) to be put somewhere more productive or somewhere else with less risk. The original investment however could have just been the time and work involved in establishing the entity.
This is only one scenario. There are many many different scenarios but this is the one most likely seen with startup entities which can establish enough revenue to secure funds from lenders and the founders wish to reduce their own risk (even if the founder is actually another company "entity"). One of the risks this reduces is if a subsidiary company (such as CIG Germany) were to have liabilities incurr, this liability would not transfer to the parent company (CIG or whomever), outside special circumstances. In other words, it's normal business practice when dealing with parents/subsidiaries.
As for a lawyer, there's nothing odd there in this case. Ortwin has worked closely with the brothers, appears to be trusted by the brothers and he does bring a skillset to the team. From other records, it seems like he's pretty much a starting partner with alot of the CIG spinoffs and is probably the one handling the paperwork. Being a GP (General Partner) makes it much easier to efficiently handle these matters vs. having an outside lawyer do it all and spend lots of time and money chasing people down for signatures. He may also be a starting GP because it's one of his requirements to join in these ventures and bring his own networking and skillset to the team.
@jesteralways - "They have multiple investor groups. They are in no shortage of money. It is only the jealous people who never made money with their shitty game are up and flaming against CR. Such is the way of low life humans. "
I've only seen jealousy rear it's head when discussing this where other developers are involved (we won't mention names). A lot of the discussions I've seen are actually people who support the project but have legitimate concerns. A project with a constantly revised end date and is perceived to constantly be asking for more money is one I would certainly be concerned with (imagine a contractor doing work for you and they were to act this way). I say perceived as I believe that they plan on using ship concepts and new ships as a primary means of revenue and I would no longer consider those pledges or donations, but to be the 'actual' product they are selling at this point.
As for whether they have cash flow issues, NONE of us know about this outside of people who actually work there.
Yes i understand that part about securing loans however this is not exactly the same thing.They have been entrusted with money to make the game,not to risk taking out loans with that money because they have absolutely no risk in doing so.
I also understand corporations and how they are nice loopholes to rip people/government off.
I still don't understand how you can sell shares to yourself,since Chris owns the company.
If i ran a company and just decided to startup 1000 shares and sell them to the business,there is nothing to gain because it is my own money.Shares are suppose to be investors money,however in this case ALL of the investment is the gamer's money and they were never given any shares.
I actually commented on this a few years ago,i said the ONLY way i would ever give money to a game is if it was a true investment,sell shares,i want to be a shareholder in the business.In the case of a game being 100% fully funded by gamer's i would expect at least 50+% of the shares to be owned by gamer's.If the developer person say Chris for example was on the up and up,he would have no problem with that because after all,his investment is zero.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
So you have made it your hobby to troll this game every chance you get? Maybe you should go play SWTOR instead? Seriously, I think you have a problem here.
I'm curious to know if it is just his frequency of posting on this topic or is the issue with his opinion being negative? I see two others posting many times a day more than him in this topic but you dont seem to have an issue with them posting excessively. They sometimes post trivial things and attack anyone who does not agree with them with vigor. Is it ok for them to do the exact same thing as Brenics as long as they share your opinion of the game?
"Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game." - SEANMCAD
After examining the documents in great detail. I found that the positive integer on the forward benchmark was directly affecting the obscure settings of the original country. When multiplied by the factors of pi's reclusive shadow you can easily see that the OP is correct in his assumption. I spent 4 hours writing an algorithm to come to such a conclusion then I asked myself. Why do people use the word algorithm? Does it make them feel smart? Do they realize that it is just another word for code string? Or code formula? And why for the love of all goodness are they calling programs apps now?
Nope, you definitely have no axe to grind with SC lol.
Not like I tried to hide it. Yes I agree with DS. What pushed me over to his side was all the attacks coming at him from every side. If CR was doing everything right with SC I couldn't see why the heck would all these people try and shut DS up? If there really is a game and even if some ex and current employees said they only have like 8m left why isn't there a game coming down the pipe to beta.
Weird part there are so many reasonable questions of why CR has been doing what he has than why is DS going after this game. I also don't believe he is doing it out of jealousy like some of these attackers say because of his past games. That makes absolutely no sense at all. So yeah if you look at SC with an open mind it sure does seem like something is fishy.
Then throw in today and I still do not see a game, I do see a crashing Alpha 2.0 but am sure a lot of people will say it is right where it should be. So here we are, two sides with different view points. Fun isn't it. Plus all this will do is either make crowdfunding greater or fall big time, right now am on the fail side. Which is exactly what this is all about.
Oh and why would CR only pay less than 20 minutes at the end of over 3 hour stream on Alpha 2.0? The rest of the show was really about selling pictures of ships.
Nope, you definitely have no axe to grind with SC lol.
Not like I tried to hide it. Yes I agree with DS. What pushed me over to his side was all the attacks coming at him from every side. If CR was doing everything right with SC I couldn't see why the heck would all these people try and shut DS up? If there really is a game and even if some ex and current employees said they only have like 8m left why isn't there a game coming down the pipe to beta.
Weird part there are so many reasonable questions of why CR has been doing what he has than why is DS going after this game. I also don't believe he is doing it out of jealousy like some of these attackers say because of his past games. That makes absolutely no sense at all. So yeah if you look at SC with an open mind it sure does seem like something is fishy.
Then throw in today and I still do not see a game, I do see a crashing Alpha 2.0 but am sure a lot of people will say it is right where it should be. So here we are, two sides with different view points. Fun isn't it. Plus all this will do is either make crowdfunding greater or fall big time, right now am on the fail side. Which is exactly what this is all about.
Oh and why would CR only pay less than 20 minutes at the end of over 3 hour stream on Alpha 2.0? The rest of the show was really about selling pictures of ships.
Just because people attack a person who blatantly bring it upon themselves, and even encourages it on his social media. Doesn't mean that person is right. If this is your first experience with Dsmart you may think the things people say about him are a little extreme. I'd say the man has everything people say about him coming his way deservedly.
He has called the players who have paid him for his games scumbags and retards because they called him out on the bugs and non working features. He has a game on steam in early access that he says is a complete game and still won't officially launch it. Because he knows people would request refunds. He bans anyone who speaks the truth about his products.
Dsmart has also practically been Chris Roberts direct competitive rival since the late 80's. They are both UK Space Sim devs from the same era of gaming, albeit Roberts products were always much more fleshed out and playable when launched. The guy is simply trying to promote his LoD game which uses an engine from the 90's. This is his last hurrah as it were, he openly admits on planning to retire after SC launches.
Also he has a history of hostile take overs, as seen with Alganon Online where he pushed David Allen out of his own game company, by convincing shareholders that he could do it cheaper. He then continued to dismantle the game and burn all of it's promise to the ground. He also walked away with a nice sum of money, that he wouldn't have had otherwise.
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what
it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience
because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in
the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you
playing an MMORPG?"
Nope, you definitely have no axe to grind with SC lol.
Not like I tried to hide it. Yes I agree with DS. What pushed me over to his side was all the attacks coming at him from every side. If CR was doing everything right with SC I couldn't see why the heck would all these people try and shut DS up? If there really is a game and even if some ex and current employees said they only have like 8m left why isn't there a game coming down the pipe to beta.
Weird part there are so many reasonable questions of why CR has been doing what he has than why is DS going after this game. I also don't believe he is doing it out of jealousy like some of these attackers say because of his past games. That makes absolutely no sense at all. So yeah if you look at SC with an open mind it sure does seem like something is fishy.
Then throw in today and I still do not see a game, I do see a crashing Alpha 2.0 but am sure a lot of people will say it is right where it should be. So here we are, two sides with different view points. Fun isn't it. Plus all this will do is either make crowdfunding greater or fall big time, right now am on the fail side. Which is exactly what this is all about.
Oh and why would CR only pay less than 20 minutes at the end of over 3 hour stream on Alpha 2.0? The rest of the show was really about selling pictures of ships.
Just because people attack a person who blatantly bring it upon themselves, and even encourages it on his social media. Doesn't mean that person is right. If this is your first experience with Dsmart you may think the things people say about him are a little extreme. I'd say the man has everything people say about him coming his way deservedly.
He has called the players who have paid him for his games scumbags and retards because they called him out on the bugs and non working features. He has a game on steam in early access that he says is a complete game and still won't officially launch it. Because he knows people would request refunds. He bans anyone who speaks the truth about his products.
Dsmart has also practically been Chris Roberts direct competitive rival since the late 80's. They are both UK Space Sim devs from the same era of gaming, albeit Roberts products were always much more fleshed out and playable when launched. The guy is simply trying to promote his LoD game which uses an engine from the 90's. This is his last hurrah as it were, he openly admits on planning to retire after SC launches.
Also he has a history of hostile take overs, as seen with Alganon Online where he pushed David Allen out of his own game company, by convincing shareholders that he could do it cheaper. He then continued to dismantle the game and burn all of it's promise to the ground. He also walked away with a nice sum of money, that he wouldn't have had otherwise.
I was around when Alganon was being made and knew Allen from the AC2 forums. So I know the whole story and it's over and done with. I only said I took DS side on this issue, and because of his past I can't ignore everything going on with SC and crowd funding. Like I said if you go in with an open mind and look at what is going on now it has nothing to do with the past.
If CR pulls this off and does end up having a game that plays like he says and gets it to a release then I will admit I was wrong. But as of now there is something that just doesn't seem right and it does look like a scam with only pictures of space ships are being sold. After CR was already given more than he asked for to make the game.
Hell I bet if we look into everyone's past you will find some BS we could throw at them but really does that cover up the facts we have now with SC? I understand you will just throw more dirt this way on why am wrong and I can accept. What ever argument you throw at me won't change my mind on how SC is being developed or should I say not being developed! After all isn't this what we are actually talking about. not two people's pasts?
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
- Albert Einstein
Large crowdfunding can show major traction and interest, meaning a higher probability of success. However, the flip side is the fact that they've already gotten over 90M invested and the product hasn't been released, so how much more would it take? If an investor threw another 10-20M in, would it make a difference? If they needed more, I'd really want to know why.
I think that it'd be much better to land a publisher deal instead of investors. i.e. CIG made the product for 90M, but they need more $$ for marketing, customer support, regional distribution, etc. That's where a good publisher deal would come into play.
Something looks real fishy to me and i cannot make any sense of it at all but maybe someone with soem expertise in this field can explain plausible reasons???
What i see are three main shareholders ,Chris HIs brother and an Attorney,thta right there seems odd that an attorney is made a partner,however there is more.
All three seem to either sell their shares or transfer them "not even sure that is legal or possible" and put all shares under the corporation name.What on earth is that all about?To me a dumbass with stock knowledge it "appears" to me like what they did is simply sell the shares to the business to profit themselves off of money entrusted to them,i definitely could be wrong so please enlighten me.
I didn't read the rest of the fiels ,well i'm hungry and thinking of food :P
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Not without possibility however Chris is well known,you would think he could have got investors on board from day 1 and would definitely take an investment if he could get one right now as i also agree there would be at least a few people interested ,so then why is it not happening?
I think at least to me seems obvious......accountability,i definitely 100% believe this guy is only mildly on the up n up,i definitely would not trust him with my money.I think there is a very big underlining reason why he has an attorney at law as one of the three owners of this business besides the fact he worked for Chris on his movie production career.
I like the questions they asked Ortwin "attorney" Q :Favorite game of all time A :Star Citizen lmao ,hes prolly never played a game in his life.
Q:What part of SC do you like the most ...A: Everything ...roflmao
Q:Favorite ship in SC ...A:I don't know i like them all,i'd have to test them...lmao.prolly doesn't even know a single ship in the game.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
The game will launch and we will judge it then. . or it won't and we will judge it then. I am guessing it will and that it will be fun. It will easily be worth what i put into it ($25 or $35 I think? maybe even $50).
Also, I have harped on how much I dislike the selling of ships so heavily before the game launches, but one thing that makes this game different from other Kickstarters that have failed is that they will actually have a proven revenue stream after the game launches. Its not like it will launch or not with them being broke. They can always scale back and keep selling ships or other items.
I wouldn't be too worried about a balance sheet at this point.
Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!
Entertainment LawyerOrtwin Freyermuth is a German American entertainment lawyer and film producer. He is mostly noted for having been the CEO of film production company Capella Films and for producing the 1997 director's cut version of Wolfgang Petersen's Das Boot.
Boobs are LIFE, Boobs are LOVE, Boobs are JUSTICE, Boobs are mankind's HOPES and DREAMS. People who complain about boobs have lost their humanity.
This is only one scenario. There are many many different scenarios but this is the one most likely seen with startup entities which can establish enough revenue to secure funds from lenders and the founders wish to reduce their own risk (even if the founder is actually another company "entity"). One of the risks this reduces is if a subsidiary company (such as CIG Germany) were to have liabilities incurr, this liability would not transfer to the parent company (CIG or whomever), outside special circumstances. In other words, it's normal business practice when dealing with parents/subsidiaries.
As for a lawyer, there's nothing odd there in this case. Ortwin has worked closely with the brothers, appears to be trusted by the brothers and he does bring a skillset to the team. From other records, it seems like he's pretty much a starting partner with alot of the CIG spinoffs and is probably the one handling the paperwork. Being a GP (General Partner) makes it much easier to efficiently handle these matters vs. having an outside lawyer do it all and spend lots of time and money chasing people down for signatures. He may also be a starting GP because it's one of his requirements to join in these ventures and bring his own networking and skillset to the team.
@jesteralways - "They have multiple investor groups. They are in no shortage of money. It is only the jealous people who never made money with their shitty game are up and flaming against CR. Such is the way of low life humans. "
I've only seen jealousy rear it's head when discussing this where other developers are involved (we won't mention names). A lot of the discussions I've seen are actually people who support the project but have legitimate concerns. A project with a constantly revised end date and is perceived to constantly be asking for more money is one I would certainly be concerned with (imagine a contractor doing work for you and they were to act this way). I say perceived as I believe that they plan on using ship concepts and new ships as a primary means of revenue and I would no longer consider those pledges or donations, but to be the 'actual' product they are selling at this point.
As for whether they have cash flow issues, NONE of us know about this outside of people who actually work there.
Now, I'm just worried.
I also understand corporations and how they are nice loopholes to rip people/government off.
I still don't understand how you can sell shares to yourself,since Chris owns the company.
If i ran a company and just decided to startup 1000 shares and sell them to the business,there is nothing to gain because it is my own money.Shares are suppose to be investors money,however in this case ALL of the investment is the gamer's money and they were never given any shares.
I actually commented on this a few years ago,i said the ONLY way i would ever give money to a game is if it was a true investment,sell shares,i want to be a shareholder in the business.In the case of a game being 100% fully funded by gamer's i would expect at least 50+% of the shares to be owned by gamer's.If the developer person say Chris for example was on the up and up,he would have no problem with that because after all,his investment is zero.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Weird part there are so many reasonable questions of why CR has been doing what he has than why is DS going after this game. I also don't believe he is doing it out of jealousy like some of these attackers say because of his past games. That makes absolutely no sense at all. So yeah if you look at SC with an open mind it sure does seem like something is fishy.
Then throw in today and I still do not see a game, I do see a crashing Alpha 2.0 but am sure a lot of people will say it is right where it should be. So here we are, two sides with different view points. Fun isn't it. Plus all this will do is either make crowdfunding greater or fall big time, right now am on the fail side. Which is exactly what this is all about.
Oh and why would CR only pay less than 20 minutes at the end of over 3 hour stream on Alpha 2.0? The rest of the show was really about selling pictures of ships.
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
He has called the players who have paid him for his games scumbags and retards because they called him out on the bugs and non working features. He has a game on steam in early access that he says is a complete game and still won't officially launch it. Because he knows people would request refunds. He bans anyone who speaks the truth about his products.
Dsmart has also practically been Chris Roberts direct competitive rival since the late 80's. They are both UK Space Sim devs from the same era of gaming, albeit Roberts products were always much more fleshed out and playable when launched. The guy is simply trying to promote his LoD game which uses an engine from the 90's. This is his last hurrah as it were, he openly admits on planning to retire after SC launches.
Also he has a history of hostile take overs, as seen with Alganon Online where he pushed David Allen out of his own game company, by convincing shareholders that he could do it cheaper. He then continued to dismantle the game and burn all of it's promise to the ground. He also walked away with a nice sum of money, that he wouldn't have had otherwise.
Epic Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAigCvelkhQ&list=PLo9FRw1AkDuQLEz7Gvvaz3ideB2NpFtT1
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"
If CR pulls this off and does end up having a game that plays like he says and gets it to a release then I will admit I was wrong. But as of now there is something that just doesn't seem right and it does look like a scam with only pictures of space ships are being sold. After CR was already given more than he asked for to make the game.
Hell I bet if we look into everyone's past you will find some BS we could throw at them but really does that cover up the facts we have now with SC? I understand you will just throw more dirt this way on why am wrong and I can accept. What ever argument you throw at me won't change my mind on how SC is being developed or should I say not being developed! After all isn't this what we are actually talking about. not two people's pasts?
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!