Played this last Beta weekend and loving the game...but have to say it does need some sorta progression because it does begin to get really repetitive and I know they will add something.
As for D VA her explosion needs to be toned down and or she gets super speed when she activates it because if there isnt a corner I have to suicide to sve my team because I cannot find something to hide behind at the point I need to explode the suit but still very fun and JUNKRAT my fav.
Urncaller said:
"Played this last Beta weekend and loving the game...but have to say it does need some sorta progression because it does begin to get really repetitive and I know they will add something.
As for D VA her explosion needs to be toned down and or she gets super speed when she activates it because if there isnt a corner I have to suicide to sve my team because I cannot find something to hide behind at the point I need to explode the suit but still very fun and JUNKRAT my fav."
Nice Urn! I do believe there will be more features added to the game, they did confirm a ranked mode but didn't say if it would come out in the beta, most likely the release. I think right now they are holding a lot back and focusing on the core elements of the game. I've seen D Va already get nerfed, when she first came into the beta her Ultimate was HUGE, it already has been toned down, and can be blocked by hero's such as Reinhardt or just using walls as cover. The key with D Va is to "Left Shift Sprint" her way in, and then "Q" pop her ultimate during a crucial point, which if successfull can change the tide of the game.
I'm sure they are going to add more game modes and I do agree with you, progression system of some sort should be implemented. Junkrat is awesome and his ultimate is one of the most fun, that tire is great.
Thanks Rip and love your videos! and well your voice and now that we see you on screen ya not bad to look at(sorry to your wife but its true he hot:P)
Oh and yeah I play Zenyatta as well and his shield I saw now does block her explosions(if the cooldown is up and she explodes) ..........though not sure if it protects the whole teeam from what I s aw it did not only me which is odd as that is the whole purpose of my ultimate...but I did bug it.
My replay vid(which I wish could be saved) but at the same point and map in your video and my ult on junkrat was up and as im a utility char i hide in a corner launched my tire and used the payload to jump up on with tire and over and explode and killed all 6 of them was amazing lol
"Played this last Beta weekend and loving the game...but have to say it does need some sorta progression because it does begin to get really repetitive and I know they will add something.
As for D VA her explosion needs to be toned down and or she gets super speed when she activates it because if there isnt a corner I have to suicide to sve my team because I cannot find something to hide behind at the point I need to explode the suit but still very fun and JUNKRAT my fav."
Nice Urn! I do believe there will be more features added to the game, they did confirm a ranked mode but didn't say if it would come out in the beta, most likely the release. I think right now they are holding a lot back and focusing on the core elements of the game. I've seen D Va already get nerfed, when she first came into the beta her Ultimate was HUGE, it already has been toned down, and can be blocked by hero's such as Reinhardt or just using walls as cover. The key with D Va is to "Left Shift Sprint" her way in, and then "Q" pop her ultimate during a crucial point, which if successfull can change the tide of the game.
I'm sure they are going to add more game modes and I do agree with you, progression system of some sort should be implemented. Junkrat is awesome and his ultimate is one of the most fun, that tire is great.