I love Skyforge, because, not only does it allow for a different way to play, it provides a nice change from fantasy settings, all the while giving you the option of a one-click class change, which is a satisfying, and enriching mechanic that takes alot of the downtime of traditional MMO's out of the equation.
I love Skyforge because of my god complex. And the mindless slaughtering of all my foes. With the High Resolution Graphics and amazing gameplay. So let me have more of a god complex.
Where else can you become a god, morph into something awesome and then proceed to kick the living crap out of everything that so much as farts in your general direction?
I love Skyforge because of the way it negates the need to multiclient and removes the unnecessary competitiveness of a user market. The game is focused on gaming... and the storyline is pretty good too.
“I love Skyforge because… ” It Let you be a god, I know that has been said many times be its true, and now i just Unlock God of Knowledge I cant wait to see how more Powerful I can get
This game is amazing and tons of fun! Unique class system and stats galore this games got all you want in a new mmo fast paced combat and lots of room for progression. Great leveling speed to get to raid content! Lots of potential and with constant updates lets hope it keeps going that way!
Gameplay,Content,Art-Style,Ingame Music,Class Diversity,Class-Changing System,Group Content,SCi-Fi Theme its all i need to play this game... I know there is alot but in the end it has all the great features i want from a game.
I did like Skyforge, the story in the PvE missions were interesting and the PvP actually rewarded everyone regardless of skill so it wasn't a time-waster..however, it just go to the point there was nothing but wash-rinse-repeat once you started godhood and all that was left was queuing for invasions and hoarding points so you could turn into said god 1x a week to smack a big monster. Got boring..sorry.
I love Skyforge because it doesn't have the level system and with the weekly cap/limit, it is great for casual players such as myself whom are not able to grind (though, many failed to see the benefit of the feature). I also like the feature whereby the game forces me to out-dps the boss/mob since the higher (and faster) you damage them, the faster the rate of healing orbs that would be dropped (no healer class hence, this forces players to coordinate and pay attention more rather than 'face-rolling) WHILE you're eating damage (auto attacks by the boss/mob cannot be dodged; as explained by one of the dev in a video).
Proud MMORPG.com member since March 2004! Make PvE GREAT Again!
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