I've recently acquired a fair amount of time on my hands and am looking for another MMO to play. Grinding MMOs like Oldschool Runescape definitely keep me hooked, and I love a MMO with a developed and engaging economy, but after building a gaming PC I've wanted this type of gameplay in something more than just a java based low quality isometric view type of game.
Everyone seems to be speaking highly of Elder Scrolls Online now a days, I remember there were all sorts of complaints and issues with it towards its earlier stages. It even won some MMORPG rewards this year.
The game seems like it has it all: PvP, raids, crafting, isn't subscription based, first-person / third-person gameplay, character building freedom, dope cinematics, an interesting story (elder scrolls lore), etc.
But how is the end game? I personally know I wouldn't take advantage of the "prestige" functionalities of the game (where you use the same character and join another faction after you reach the max level), so I'd end up just pursuing the economy, raiding, pvping, etc.
Can anyone provide any insight as to how the end-game gear is obtained, and whether or not there's varying qualities (or tiers) of end-game gear?
Any info is appreciated!
End game gear depends greatly on your build and class. Many sets (with various 2 to 5 pc set bonus') are crafted and many others are looted. Huge diversity in sets to work towards. Max level gear can be crafted in or dropped in many qualities and even dropped items of lower tiers can be upgraded with crafting to Legendary.
Get a free trial key and go play now. It's the first time they have ever put out a free trial weekend and it's happening now.
But yes you will not be sorry if you play it but just remember until they make major changes on development at times it will get under your skin.
By all means buy it and play it. Oh this free weekend proves their megaserver can't handle a lot of people.
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
if you like mmo`s you will like it but dont expect it to blow you away!
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
I played in beta and thought the game was absolutely awful. What have they done to reduce the suckfest?
Help support an artist and gamer who has lost his tools to create and play: http://www.gofundme.com/u63nzcgk
* more info, screenshots and videos here
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
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거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
V16? That's a pretty large number.
While I understand that giving everyone the same quality of gear makes for a more balanced game, I've always found it so much more rewarding and enjoyable when a MMO rewards players, who put in the extra amount of time, for superior gear.
It's one of the reasons I got hooked on Runescape, and one of the reasons I used to be hooked on WoW. In WoW I remember those dope moments in Battlegrounds (or raids, if looking at DPS meters) where one or two players from a given team grew notorious for exceptional gameplay and general OPness. They earned their higher-end Gear.
I've disliked MMOs like Guild Wars 2, where everyone is always seemingly of the same caliber. In my opinion it makes for a loss of individuality or uniqueness.
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
Dragnon - Guildmaster - Albion Central Bank in Albion Online
Help support an artist and gamer who has lost his tools to create and play: http://www.gofundme.com/u63nzcgk
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
Worth a try, but ultimately it's a matter of personal taste.
The game is beautiful and immersive and tells some good stories with great and diverse character building, but for me I couldn't get past the combat which I found unsatisfying in terms of fluidity and a real sense of hitting the targets. Was just too floaty and poorly animated for me.
There is a ton of questing, which is all solo. So if you like questing that will be enjoyable. For me, I got to VR4 before I couldn't do any more.
You can have a lot of fun in all aspects- pve, pvp, crafting, trade, exploration, story etc. Its balanced enough so that undergeared players can have fun and contribute, but if you put in the time you will be that OP player you are talking about above.
Unlike in GW2, you become OP mainly through gear, levels, potions, food, champion points, and other grind-based buffs (similar to WoW and so forth). If you have skill and teamwork on top of that it will be the icing on the cake.
There are currently no battlegrounds, just one big Realm vs Realm pvp area and a pve/pvp dungeon area, but both are quite well done. I have seen one player taking on five (or more) many times, and small groups of well-geared characters can massacre hordes of undergeared players, so it seems right up your alley in that respect.
Here is one of my favorite videos of the pvp:
One player taking out an entire enemy army, I don't think it gets much more OP than that.
It kinda feels like ZM wanted to copy the look and feel of Skyrim to try to retain some of that feeling players were familiar with wherever possible. If they did, they did this without understanding what they were doing. Skyrim's UI is freaking awful too. The single most popular Skyrim Mod available is SkyUI. They should have stuck with UI mechanics that work for MMORPGs instead of copying the Single Player Elder Scrolls elements. ESO is not action combat and your game doesn't pause when you hit the menu, yet there is no decent flow to it.
Even by level six I feel like the combat is pretty free flowing and engaging. For example, as a templar with greatsword I could use a ranged holy/fire spell then charge in, block an enemy's heavy attack, knock it down and wail on it. Seems pretty actiony to me and not sure why I would want to pause during that (are there mmos that even let you pause?).