The 100 million article is mostly highlighting a lot of feelings people have in regards to big budget development, actually. I'm with the dev that would focus on one really good thing and not worry about spreading around the development to a lot of different game systems. My own worries are mostly involving the FPS module, how it will integrate with space combat in ships, and the aesthetics they are going to pick for the game. Right now we really need less grim rust / dirt realistic AAA titles in the FPS sector. Call of duty and Battlefield franchises have that covered along with Rainbow 6, Counterstrike, Metro 2033 and it's sequel, Fallout 4, etc.
Some hilarious answers and some common sense, told as ethically as possible, indirectly as possible to do not appear a direct hit, that CR has making a lot of mistakes from the beginning (to do not say other thing that some people believe).
I have no hope that everyone will get the messages since some of them would be get more by people that 'know the drill', to understand that some of these guys decided not tell what they really would do with the money, but just used of ironies and jokes to criticize the Roberts approach and the danger been ignored, the fatal double edge sword been constantly ignored, underestimated and blindly supported.
I have more and more doubts on your mental state. just read what you want to read, but its not there. You must be hallucinating.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
They would reskin some of the same tired mechanics and tropes of the last 10 years in a shit engine for 20 mil and pocket the other 80 million. Same formula they have been using for the last decade.
I like what Ben Cousins said. His approached appeared to be the most logical.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
they are trying something so impossibly ambitious that
it could only be made through donation's
it's true, it's impossible to buy a mansion in the pacific palisades without enough donations
forbes: "There are detailed statements suggesting that Chris Roberts and his wife bought their Pacific Palisades mansion using company funds."
the next round of donations will buy his wife silverware, let's see those VISA cards people
I saw bigfoot once.
funny, but forbes is a rather credible source
they're not making these things up on the fly
That's how I generally feel about crowd funding. Unless I know the person I could never be sure of where the money was going. Most people don't have the self discipline to handle a large amount of money for the first time in their lives and manage it properly (In the back of your mind you know there's nothing stopping you from buying that new BMW, but you).
And even if I liked the project and wanted to help, I'd probably never go over a hundred bucks in donations.
Luckily that amount of money puts in the public's eye so you think twice before you do anything, or at least you should.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
I feel some of those answers proves why we have so few really good games,most think small or really have no distinct ideas in their heads to think of a big project.
Yes voice acting is ok but not as great as people think because you know what voice acting does right,it repeats the same lines over and over like some limited robot.I feel it is easy to find room for the expenditures and that is in lots of systems because systems take every idea and give it more depth.
The other area to improve is the game world,npc AI and movement as well a complex mob AI system.
Complex combat with those systems i talked about,however complex doesn't mean you need tons of twitch combat ideas.
Assets and gear,lots of choice for gear to allow players versatility on which mobs they want to fight.
Animations and world interaction.That means ideas like hidden cavern walls that collapse when damaged or hidden sewers below house floors or perhaps even the ability to move some broken down vehicle that has some treasure underneath it to be found.All kinds of world interaction can be added,it adds to exploration and adventure.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Some hilarious answers and some common sense, told as ethically as possible, indirectly as possible to do not appear a direct hit, that CR has making a lot of mistakes from the beginning (to do not say other thing that some people believe).
I have no hope that everyone will get the messages since some of them would be get more by people that 'know the drill', to understand that some of these guys decided not tell what they really would do with the money, but just used of ironies and jokes to criticize the Roberts approach and the danger been ignored, the fatal double edge sword been constantly ignored, underestimated and blindly supported.
Whatever happened to the ships just being jpegs? Oh...
That the tech couldn't be done and 2.0 ended up showing it could be done? Oh...
I remember a little over a half-decade ago people said that Darkfall was vaporware... until it wasn't.
Some hilarious answers and some common sense, told as ethically as possible, indirectly as possible to do not appear a direct hit, that CR has making a lot of mistakes from the beginning (to do not say other thing that some people believe).
I have no hope that everyone will get the messages since some of them would be get more by people that 'know the drill', to understand that some of these guys decided not tell what they really would do with the money, but just used of ironies and jokes to criticize the Roberts approach and the danger been ignored, the fatal double edge sword been constantly ignored, underestimated and blindly supported.
Whatever happened to the ships just being jpegs? Oh...
That the tech couldn't be done and 2.0 ended up showing it could be done? Oh...
I remember a little over a half-decade ago people said that Darkfall was vaporware... until it wasn't.
Same shit, different year. Propagated by retards.
Yeah, pointing to Darkfall is about as convincing as the EQN fan pointing to Wildstar taking 9 years to make as evidence that everything is fine. Using a trainwreck as proof that things are on course is not a great idea.
However, I do agree that 2.0 should put to bed a lot of those "there is no game" comments.
"A clan of bandits, led by the incompetent Abis Mal, return to their hideout, only to have the brunt of their loot stolen by Aladdin and Abu. Aladdin distributes the treasure amongst the poor of Agrabah - with the exception of a jewel flower, which Aladdin gives to Jasmine.
"Meanwhile, in the desert, Iago manages to dig himself and Jafar's genie lamp out of the sand, where they were exiled by the Genie. Jafar orders Iago to release him, but Iago rebels against Jafar and throws the lamp into a nearby well."
Money is relatively irrelevant in the gaming market. Just look at how many video games have multi-million dollar budgets, then flop big time. Then you have indie devs that create mods which turn out to be huge successes, ex. Day Z and Counter-strike.
Star Citizen will do alright, but it won't be the savior of any genre.
I'm really unclear how people are missing the fact that these guys are trying to do something that's never really been done before which is why they couldn't possibly get anyone to fund it.
And all this community does is shit on them for trying. If they were making another COD clone then you might have a leg to stand on. But they are not, they are trying something so impossibly ambitious that it could only be made through donation's or maybe by Warren Buffet as a side project.
It's more about the way they use shady unethical practices. They've long abused their privilege for too long. At this point, they keep trying to milk people for everythig they've got. Just because they can entice more money out of players, doesn't mean they should. They have no business ethics at all.
Right there. This link tells me one thing and one thing only. That most all of the negative talk surrounding this game is fueled by one emotion only. Jealousy.
"What if YOU had something that someone else has" The human desire to attain what others have done all ready always starts from a spark of envy.
True. I see a bunch of C quality game devs who don´t even have a clue how to make a game in the budget range of GTA 4.
They´re acting like 100M is some "absurd" amount of money. Looking at the list of most expensive games, SC could double its budget and still would have less development budget than SWTOR.
This is pathetic.
Star Ciitzen has less dev budget than Max Payne 3 yet some wannabe experts show their amateur status by simply not knowing. Except that one guy gets it:
Ben Cousins
"$100m isn’t very much money if we are talking about triple-A development. "
LOL at these "professional" quotes:
"I'd buy a huge area of de-forested rainforest and plant new trees in the
outline of the Klingon empire logo, so it could only truly be
recognised from space."
" I'd probably hire a bunch of incredibly talented people to help me finish all the projects I've started over the years. "
"100 million is a big number with big expectations. Too big for me, in fact"
"Rent a big space, hire 100 small and dedicated teams of independent
talent, and give them a million dollars each, then pretty much just see
what happens."
"I'd fly out every single one of our players to an enormous, ultra-realistic Iron Fish environment"
"That's such a ridiculous amount of money"
"We would probably hire a few specialist developers to round out the
team's skillset, upgrade a few things here and there, but probably not
much else!"
"With the remaining funds, I'd buy a lot of puppies, feed all the starving indies and purchase a Challenger 2 battle tank."
"If someone offered me that amount of money to do anything, I'd run for the hills. Without the money."
"Keep the remaining 50 million for a yacht"
See, that´s why you´re amateurs indie developers. Just like soap opera actors dreaming of a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Some hilarious answers and some common sense, told as ethically as possible, indirectly as possible to do not appear a direct hit, that CR has making a lot of mistakes from the beginning (to do not say other thing that some people believe).
I have no hope that everyone will get the messages since some of them would be get more by people that 'know the drill', to understand that some of these guys decided not tell what they really would do with the money, but just used of ironies and jokes to criticize the Roberts approach and the danger been ignored, the fatal double edge sword been constantly ignored, underestimated and blindly supported.
Whatever happened to the ships just being jpegs? Oh...
That the tech couldn't be done and 2.0 ended up showing it could be done? Oh...
I remember a little over a half-decade ago people said that Darkfall was vaporware... until it wasn't.
Same shit, different year. Propagated by retards.
Because the ships been released justify their prices... oh... wait.
If the tech is done why Roberts srill talks about struggling with CryEngine? How has been working capital ships and battles with capital ships plus fighter squadrons in multiplayer.
What you have is a tech demo, something between a prototype and a pre alpha full of placeholders, empty, no working mechanics and almost no mechanics at all. It has nothig to do with what Star Citizen is really supposed to be, and if that is representative already, we only can expect they calling their final release, whatever bullshit that sonly touch their ad superficially.
I'm really unclear how people are missing the fact that these guys are trying to do something that's never really been done before which is why they couldn't possibly get anyone to fund it.
And all this community does is shit on them for trying. If they were making another COD clone then you might have a leg to stand on. But they are not, they are trying something so impossibly ambitious that it could only be made through donation's or maybe by Warren Buffet as a side project.
It's more about the way they use shady unethical practices. They've long abused their privilege for too long. At this point, they keep trying to milk people for everythig they've got. Just because they can entice more money out of players, doesn't mean they should. They have no business ethics at all.
quit whining. They offer something as reward for supporting the development with BIG DISCLAIMERS that every purchase is optional, not required to play the game and all of the stuff will be available to earn in game. Heck they even put a temporary rental system for AC in so you can earn ships in game without spending a dime, so keep up spreading nonsense, mate.
The game is 45$, buy or don´t buy it, no one gives a damn about entitled internet opinions. 1 million people, PC gamers, were clever enough to get it and by the end of 2016 it will easily be 2 million people or more. And there is nothing you or the hate cult of a dozen entitled smurfs can do about it.
Offering pledge rewards is not unethical. People doing with their money, supporting whatever they want is not unethical.
What the heck is wrong with you people. Go complain about people donating money to watch twitch streamers playing games, or yell at a Casino or what fat politicians do with your tax payer money, tldr go look for something else to whine about.
I feel some of those answers proves why we have so few really good games,most think small or really have no distinct ideas in their heads to think of a big project.
Yes voice acting is ok but not as great as people think because you know what voice acting does right,it repeats the same lines over and over like some limited robot.I feel it is easy to find room for the expenditures and that is in lots of systems because systems take every idea and give it more depth.
The other area to improve is the game world,npc AI and movement as well a complex mob AI system.
Complex combat with those systems i talked about,however complex doesn't mean you need tons of twitch combat ideas.
Assets and gear,lots of choice for gear to allow players versatility on which mobs they want to fight.
Animations and world interaction.That means ideas like hidden cavern walls that collapse when damaged or hidden sewers below house floors or perhaps even the ability to move some broken down vehicle that has some treasure underneath it to be found.All kinds of world interaction can be added,it adds to exploration and adventure.
Surely this could be cobbled together by 30 devs in a few months?
point being, their names aren't worth a 100 million all together. chris roberts? seems to be. otherwise he wouldn't be at 100 million now.
so, maybe they start thinking about what they'd do with 1k euro or dollar, and then work their way up from there and maybe soooome day...... someone will give em a 100 million to make a game. not now tho.
"I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!"
I'm really unclear how people are missing the fact that these guys are trying to do something that's never really been done before which is why they couldn't possibly get anyone to fund it.
And all this community does is shit on them for trying. If they were making another COD clone then you might have a leg to stand on. But they are not, they are trying something so impossibly ambitious that it could only be made through donation's or maybe by Warren Buffet as a side project.
It's more about the way they use shady unethical practices. They've long abused their privilege for too long. At this point, they keep trying to milk people for everythig they've got. Just because they can entice more money out of players, doesn't mean they should. They have no business ethics at all.
quit whining. They offer something as reward for supporting the development with BIG DISCLAIMERS that every purchase is optional, not required to play the game and all of the stuff will be available to earn in game. Heck they even put a temporary rental system for AC in so you can earn ships in game without spending a dime, so keep up spreading nonsense, mate.
The game is 45$, buy or don´t buy it, no one gives a damn about entitled internet opinions. 1 million people, PC gamers, were clever enough to get it and by the end of 2016 it will easily be 2 million people or more. And there is nothing you or the hate cult of a dozen entitled smurfs can do about it.
Offering pledge rewards is not unethical. People doing with their money, supporting whatever they want is not unethical.
What the heck is wrong with you people. Go complain about people donating money to watch twitch streamers playing games, or yell at a Casino or what fat politicians do with your tax payer money, tldr go look for something else to whine about.
Except your hostile post suggests otherwise. If you didn't give a damn about my opinion, you wouldn't have responded like a white knight. Enjoy your holidays though.
I feel some of those answers proves why we have so few really good games,most think small or really have no distinct ideas in their heads to think of a big project.
Yes voice acting is ok but not as great as people think because you know what voice acting does right,it repeats the same lines over and over like some limited robot.I feel it is easy to find room for the expenditures and that is in lots of systems because systems take every idea and give it more depth.
The other area to improve is the game world,npc AI and movement as well a complex mob AI system.
Complex combat with those systems i talked about,however complex doesn't mean you need tons of twitch combat ideas.
Assets and gear,lots of choice for gear to allow players versatility on which mobs they want to fight.
Animations and world interaction.That means ideas like hidden cavern walls that collapse when damaged or hidden sewers below house floors or perhaps even the ability to move some broken down vehicle that has some treasure underneath it to be found.All kinds of world interaction can be added,it adds to exploration and adventure.
Surely this could be cobbled together by 30 devs in a few months?
It doesn't matter how many devs you have. Some companies have literally over a hundred in a team. It's the management bureaucracy that hinders progress, since they have to schedule work hours, manage assets, test, negotiate with publishers, etc. What really matters is how efficient the team is during work hours, which also includes the project leaders. Trying to manage all this doesn't take months for a AAA quality game. It literally takes years, especially if it's an MMO.
Actually, being one of the people watching SC pretty closely for the last few years their progress is pretty sound. Whenever they ran into a bug and got a ton of complaints they actually worked to fix the problem, from the flight models to things like moving around what ships we have in our hangars.
That being said, I haven't had the time to delve into the test universe and see what that is about yet as I'm waiting on upgrading my graphics card to something better. Running on an overclocked 7970 is working fine for most things released first half 2015, but I'm noticing slow downs in Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward due to flight and many games are coming out poorly optimized.
The deal with SC is that we are heading towards another "monopoly crowd vs Game of Thrones 2nd Edition crowd" scenario. This isn't a game that is meant to please a mass market audience and honestly we got enough of those already, such as Destiny, Call of Duty Blops III, World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV ARR, etc. However, we still have people who are looking for more the former and complaining how the game isn't the former.
Actually, being one of the people watching SC pretty closely for the last few years their progress is pretty sound. Whenever they ran into a bug and got a ton of complaints they actually worked to fix the problem, from the flight models to things like moving around what ships we have in our hangars.
That being said, I haven't had the time to delve into the test universe and see what that is about yet as I'm waiting on upgrading my graphics card to something better.
Then maybe you should play it before you claim they've fixed the flight model. They most certainly haven't fixed it. In fact they've only made some slight changes in the last 12+ months or so. It's still turretting in space galore.
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
- Albert Einstein
We already know what they'd do with $100M. Or even $200M for that matter.
"That is the irony..."
Life IS Feudal
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
And even if I liked the project and wanted to help, I'd probably never go over a hundred bucks in donations.
Luckily that amount of money puts in the public's eye so you think twice before you do anything, or at least you should.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
Yes voice acting is ok but not as great as people think because you know what voice acting does right,it repeats the same lines over and over like some limited robot.I feel it is easy to find room for the expenditures and that is in lots of systems because systems take every idea and give it more depth.
The other area to improve is the game world,npc AI and movement as well a complex mob AI system.
Complex combat with those systems i talked about,however complex doesn't mean you need tons of twitch combat ideas.
Assets and gear,lots of choice for gear to allow players versatility on which mobs they want to fight.
Animations and world interaction.That means ideas like hidden cavern walls that collapse when damaged or hidden sewers below house floors or perhaps even the ability to move some broken down vehicle that has some treasure underneath it to be found.All kinds of world interaction can be added,it adds to exploration and adventure.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
That the tech couldn't be done and 2.0 ended up showing it could be done? Oh...
I remember a little over a half-decade ago people said that Darkfall was vaporware... until it wasn't.
Same shit, different year. Propagated by retards.
However, I do agree that 2.0 should put to bed a lot of those "there is no game" comments.
He even said he's going to put birds in SC for crying out loud.
"A clan of bandits, led by the incompetent Abis Mal, return to their hideout, only to have the brunt of their loot stolen by Aladdin and Abu. Aladdin distributes the treasure amongst the poor of Agrabah - with the exception of a jewel flower, which Aladdin gives to Jasmine.
"Meanwhile, in the desert, Iago manages to dig himself and Jafar's genie lamp out of the sand, where they were exiled by the Genie. Jafar orders Iago to release him, but Iago rebels against Jafar and throws the lamp into a nearby well."
>>Strife: best ever MOBA<<
>>Rift: FREE Ally of the Ascended Pack<<
Star Citizen will do alright, but it won't be the savior of any genre.
It's more about the way they use shady unethical practices. They've long abused their privilege for too long. At this point, they keep trying to milk people for everythig they've got. Just because they can entice more money out of players, doesn't mean they should. They have no business ethics at all.
They´re acting like 100M is some "absurd" amount of money. Looking at the list of most expensive games, SC could double its budget and still would have less development budget than SWTOR.
This is pathetic.
Star Ciitzen has less dev budget than Max Payne 3 yet some wannabe experts show their amateur status by simply not knowing. Except that one guy gets it:
Ben Cousins
"$100m isn’t very much money if we are talking about triple-A development. "LOL at these "professional" quotes:
"I'd buy a huge area of de-forested rainforest and plant new trees in the outline of the Klingon empire logo, so it could only truly be recognised from space."
" I'd probably hire a bunch of incredibly talented people to help me finish all the projects I've started over the years. "
"100 million is a big number with big expectations. Too big for me, in fact"
"Rent a big space, hire 100 small and dedicated teams of independent talent, and give them a million dollars each, then pretty much just see what happens."
"I'd fly out every single one of our players to an enormous, ultra-realistic Iron Fish environment"
"That's such a ridiculous amount of money"
"We would probably hire a few specialist developers to round out the team's skillset, upgrade a few things here and there, but probably not much else!"
"With the remaining funds, I'd buy a lot of puppies, feed all the starving indies and purchase a Challenger 2 battle tank."
"If someone offered me that amount of money to do anything, I'd run for the hills. Without the money."
"Keep the remaining 50 million for a yacht"
See, that´s why you´re amateurs indie developers. Just like soap opera actors dreaming of a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
If the tech is done why Roberts srill talks about struggling with CryEngine?
How has been working capital ships and battles with capital ships plus fighter squadrons in multiplayer.
What you have is a tech demo, something between a prototype and a pre alpha full of placeholders, empty, no working mechanics and almost no mechanics at all. It has nothig to do with what Star Citizen is really supposed to be, and if that is representative already, we only can expect they calling their final release, whatever bullshit that sonly touch their ad superficially.
The game is 45$, buy or don´t buy it, no one gives a damn about entitled internet opinions. 1 million people, PC gamers, were clever enough to get it and by the end of 2016 it will easily be 2 million people or more. And there is nothing you or the hate cult of a dozen entitled smurfs can do about it.
Offering pledge rewards is not unethical. People doing with their money, supporting whatever they want is not unethical.
What the heck is wrong with you people. Go complain about people donating money to watch twitch streamers playing games, or yell at a Casino or what fat politicians do with your tax payer money, tldr go look for something else to whine about.
Surely this could be cobbled together by 30 devs in a few months?
chris roberts? seems to be. otherwise he wouldn't be at 100 million now.
so, maybe they start thinking about what they'd do with 1k euro or dollar, and then work their way up from there and maybe soooome day...... someone will give em a 100 million to make a game.
not now tho.
"I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!"
On topic:
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
It doesn't matter how many devs you have. Some companies have literally over a hundred in a team. It's the management bureaucracy that hinders progress, since they have to schedule work hours, manage assets, test, negotiate with publishers, etc. What really matters is how efficient the team is during work hours, which also includes the project leaders. Trying to manage all this doesn't take months for a AAA quality game. It literally takes years, especially if it's an MMO.
That being said, I haven't had the time to delve into the test universe and see what that is about yet as I'm waiting on upgrading my graphics card to something better. Running on an overclocked 7970 is working fine for most things released first half 2015, but I'm noticing slow downs in Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward due to flight and many games are coming out poorly optimized.
The deal with SC is that we are heading towards another "monopoly crowd vs Game of Thrones 2nd Edition crowd" scenario. This isn't a game that is meant to please a mass market audience and honestly we got enough of those already, such as Destiny, Call of Duty Blops III, World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV ARR, etc. However, we still have people who are looking for more the former and complaining how the game isn't the former.