The future is augmented reality. Think Google Glass. Think the HUDs in Iron Man's helmet. Virtual reality is a cheap gimmick, a tired toy for GenX nostalgia.
Listen to Mr. Kaku. He knew this 4 years ago. He describes contact lenses, but so far heat issues have delayed research.
A great AR setup could run VR like your PC runs Tetris. Come on, admit it. You want this.
and comparing VR to technology from 1995 but said limitations dont exist in this theorical world of AR?
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So yeah, I think AR would take a whole lot less hardware than full-blown VR would. I mnean, the fact that Google has full wireless AR in Glass, in that form factor, shows it's a lot less intensive than VR.
Now practicality and function are entirely different discussions - just because it's easier on hardware to implement doesn't necessarily make it better or worse, just easier.
This is not theoretical technology. The question now is making the device more powerful, adding applications and integrating it to societal norm.
I think VR mass production retail will end up like Atari "E.T." cartridges.
given both technologies when into 'development production' why hasnt AR moved further along than VR?
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You need application and purpose. Right now, both AR and VR are extremely niche.
I think both ~could~ be developed into very exciting products, and I seem to recall a lot of interesting AR ideas that have come and gone. Apart from Glass, which has been mentioned, I can think of Cadillac's Infrared HUD about 10 years ago, for instance. I can't really think of many VR applications, except maybe those simulator rides at the theme parks where you sit in an enclosed hydraulic-driven cart and a video screen of a roller coaster plays (instead of building an entire roller coaster - the effect is pretty intense I admit)
The issue is that none of them have proven convenient or practical enough to break into mainstream. They are neat, but not neat enough to pay extra for. And they aren't essential for anything yet either.
The right application would break either/or/both of them wide open, but that hasn't appeared yet.
at least with VR there is a TON of games coming out. I see a new game being development pretty much weekly
the vr game list
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A lot of people will buy VR for games, sure. I know I would if they had the right game on there.
But, let's face it, gaming is still just a niche purpose. Particularly those with rigs that will be powerful enough to drive a Carmack-type game.
If gaming is the only thing VR will do, it will stay very small and very niche.
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Virtual reality gimmicks 1970's - 1990's
Viable virtual reality - 2016+
Augmented reality gimmicks - 2012-2019
Viable Augmented reality - ~2020+ (Better than google glass, but still external hardware based)
Retina Augmented reality - 2030+ (Like the contacts Mr. Kaku mentions)
Neural Augmented reality - ~2100+ (Think Deus Ex Neural implants) ; Can bring just about anything you can dream up into reality: HUD's, Diameters of your coffee mug, fall rates, temperature analysis, height analysis, stop watch, test cheats, pong, you can paste details over objects and people; remember the saying "think of them as a talking fish? There's an app for that! Want to give your Christmas tree to your friends? Scan it with your brain and copy/past it into their room. Just beware of DRM. Last but not least, augmented objects that simulate tangible gravitational effects such as baseballs that you can throw (Augmented sports?!). --- Of course, you can jump into your favorite virtual world on the fly as well = No more boredom at the DMV. Why be bored at the DMV when you can take a seat at the 2116 International Virtual Boxing competition for only 500 creds? Sure you could do much of this with previous generations of augmented reality minus jumping into VR, but now you can simply use your mind to access any of it. Want to play the 9th spiritual successor to Star Citizen while sitting on the toilet? Go for it! It's Virtual using a real augmented overlay within the virtual space, allowing the game to mimic real world visuals. It's like reverse rape, but pertaining to augmented reality and VR. Don't kid yourself into thinking you ever actually go out and talk to people though;; Psh, that's what the internet is for. That and porn.
------------------- 3000+ Humans extinct?
VR = Virtual Reality. Artificial worlds such as games or virtual worlds. Pre-recorded scenarios (movies, porn, etc). Live performances (concerts, exhibits, etc). Or a mix of both.
AR = Augmented Reality. The real world with a UI, which can augment visual effects, avatars, etc.
AR will be extremely limited though, since the real world will restrict software developers more than a VR software product.
What in the world makes you think AR devices would be limited?
Why do we need another VR thread? We have a hot thread on that already?
Epic Music:
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"
I also never want to be wearing any kind of headset either,so they are going to need a different idea to entice my interest.I could go for a glove idea though and have a realistic extension of our players arms.
More importantly,i do not feel game developers have warranted going in a direction of VR when they have yet to put together a complete game as is.So what is going to happen with VR,cut even more corners in game design to make up for the dded production cost?No thanks.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.