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Dear all,
I am a gamer and third-year BSc psychology undergraduate student at Middlesex University, London, investigating the characteristics of Massively Multiplayer Online Gamers for my dissertation project.
In order to do this, I have created a survey investigating various aspects of play, including motivations for playing MMOs and gaming habits. If you are a MMO game player, you may be interested in taking part!
The only requirements are that you are 18+ years old, and a current MMO game player!
The survey will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.
The survey can be found at the following link:
All information you provide will be done so 100% anonymously, with your participation being greatly appreciated.
The survey has been given approval by Middlesex University's ethics board.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the study, emails of all researchers and supervisors are provided at the start and end of the survey. Alternatively, you're welcome to post questions/feedback via this thread and I'll be happy to respond.
**Please also feel free to email my supervisors (Dr. Mark Coulson and Dr. Andrea Oskis) if you wish to validate the study before participating. Their emails can be found via Google, on Middlesex University's website.**
Finally, please forward the survey link to any MMO game player you know who may be interested in taking part. I'd really appreciate it!
Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
For those of you who may be interested in the previous work my supervisor (Dr. Mark Coulson) has published with regards to MMO gamers: Please find a link to his Google scholar page, as well as a link to one of his studies (Virtually Real: A Psychological Perspective on Massively Multiplayer Online Games) below.
Google Scholar -
Virtually Real: A Psychological Perspective on Massively Multiplayer Online Games -
Practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes permanent.
"At one point technology meant making tech that could get to the moon, now it means making tech that could get you a taxi."
Have to say, the relationships section was very weird! I put in my brother for the first person and then it started asking me if I found him attractive!
Thanks for your comment and for completing the survey!
I agree that the questions regarding attractiveness can come across as strange to a lot of people, depending on who you choose to focus on. I promise that there's no weird intention behind such questions! They are standard questions using the chosen attraction (Measure of Interpersonal Attraction (MIA)) tool, with all questions being displayed, regardless of relationship indicated by the participant in order to give meaningful comparisons of responses. I assume, for most people, the correct responses to these questions, when answering them about parents/family members would be the central "neither agree nor disagree" option!
Sorry if it made you feel awkward and/or took you by surprise!