"...Star Citizen and Squadron 42 will no longer be
together at the price of $45. Existing packages are not affected. If you
want to buy either of the two, they will cost $45 each, however if you
decide to buy both, the other one will be $15, bringing the total to
$60. E.G. Buy Star Citizen for $45 and Squadron 42 is $15, Vice versa...."
Have fun
I expect the price will continue to increase and expect the game will offer the value easily based on the cost of other games at the moment.
Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!
So you can buy squad for 45 and star citizen for 15 too?
Big scam alert!
It means only what people been telling since beginning. Squad was originally just a module to star citizen.
Now they try to squeeze money.
Have fun
And it’ll go up again as they approach release, but for Feb. 14, it’s going up to $60.
If someone sucks as a pilot, even the most expensive ship that (s)he flies solo won't save him/her. Someone else will be on the "six low" and cut him/her to pieces. It just might take a bit longer.
Have fun
Same with 2 sucky pilots ... whoever spent the most will win ... given equal skill.