So I have this friend at work that got into the beta and hasn't played in a while and I kept asking him to see the new updates and he made this video, It didn't turn out to well for him and the video is pretty funny
He just made this today ( Feb 17th )
That was pretty much my experience playing in the free weekend, minus the heavy lag and dark screens. Maybe there was actually more to do than just the dogfighting, but I didn't find it. I don't know what SC is right now, but it's not an MMO. Maybe some day.
Right now about all you can do is wander around and check out some of your ships, walk around in one of the merchant areas in a city on one of the planets, fight in co-op/CTF/Free flight/free for all matches, and fly in the current test system which has about 15 space stations/comm arrays to fly to and explore.
No persistence yet, no other systems available, no mining or other things in game yet.
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