If you have zero plans to ever 'build your own machine' ever in your life and under no circumstances otherwise, is the following a good price for all that is involved?
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I read Palmer saying that 'we are thinking of releasing budget versions of Oculus (aka Dk1?)" but then not but two days later he said 'there is little chance'
I think being 21 he says things to the press before talking with everyone involved.
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Though building your own with those specs is doing it wrong, as you don't want to pay the large price premium to get Intel, only to get a very low clocked version of the CPU and miss out on the performance benefit. The last time Intel released a lower stock clocked Core i5 than the Core i5-6400 in that system came way back in 2009 if you exclude the low power S and T versions, or 2011 if you include S but not T versions. And both S and T versions of chips would be dismissed out of hand as ridiculous for gaming desktops.
To my eyes, it looks like an extra thin case, so it likely can't handle off-the-shelf replacement parts. That, to me, makes a desktop a poor value unless you value the form factor very highly, or get it at a very deeply discounted price.
I also wouldn't bet on the power supply or motherboard being especially nice since they don't tell you what they are.