Video games in general are making the world a more peaceful place. People enjoy doing things, being entertained for far cheaper than they would do with real life hobbies. That being said if there were less enjoyable games today where people could play to get better lootz off PvP and PvE that means your chances of dropping your loot in real life would be much higher...and it doesn't stop there, because loot in real life goes beyond just material items.
Sooner or later humanity will realize how much of importance the quality of video games play a part in the world we live today. Then, you can add all the other things like how we pollute the world less through gaming and how we are much safer from accidents and injuries by staying at home. We use our brains far more often to solve problems, to overcome challenges and to socialize in ways we could never before, so we also evolve faster, become more intelligent.
Sooner or later more and more will understand the importance of games in our society. Hopefully, even those in power will start to invest in them to bring the type of games required that will draw and keep the interest to those that do not today. It's crystal clear how people without any hobbies, without things to capture their interest get caught up in politics, religion and all other kinds of things that make them hate and dislike a lot of things.
I'm even convinced to say that the doom clock went backward when video games were invented. For example, I remember when we were very young we used to gather up for street fights until we start playing on Nintendo and PlayStation.
Nvm I figured out that this means something along the lines of "more people would be bandits and muggers for the fun of it if they didn't have games where they could pvp or beat up NPC opponents, and because of the increase of bored criminals we would allbe more likely to get robbed" or something like that. I'm not sure if that's actually true, but it's not obviously false, so I guess I have no reason to argue with it.
I self identify as a monkey.
Um ... you must be posting on the wrong forum, Bub. Look again, this is It's a great gaming site with a lot of excellent gaming articles and information but there is little denying that a large percentage of posters on its forum, and many other gaming forums for that matter, are nothing but doom and gloom.
You can't just hand someone a playstation and say, "okay, you play this, no more real life violence please." They still require basic things like food, shelter, electricity(!) and some degree of stability and security.
The entire reason Mexico and many places in South America suffer from Narcoculture is because it's the better option. If you're a young child in a small village school, your options are get through grade school and then live a hard life in the fields making pretty much zero money. Then the Zetas come to your town and give you nice new sneakers, cell phones and show you that you can make way more money that you would have in your entire life, it's a really difficult proposition. Truly a devil's offer. And down the line you have the even worse scenario where you work hard for nothing and the narco's kill you or your family anyway because of whatever random reason. This is why recruitment is easy for them.
Entertainment only distracts the populace if you have a functioning society. Once societal stress reaches a breaking point, it doesn't matter if you have access to the Steam summer sale.
I think reading books whether written or audio and working with your hands and exercise are often forgotten when we talk about hobbies. But there are so many forms that hobbies take that giving any importance to video games is perhaps a very narrow view. For instance I spend far more time on my Korean/Japanese drama and anime with my knitting than I do gaming.
Broaden your horizons.
There is no correlation even softly between video games and world peace. Ridiculous notion.
Your Africa and middle east suggestion is equally ridiculous. They have a host of problems that again has absolutely nothing to do with video games. Your right they don't have as much technology and if they had more likely video games would increase as well. However whateverppeace they have would not be because of the games.
You can equally blame it on toilet paper. Industrial countries use more toilet paper than other countries and often have less wars. OMG someone should look into this.
Two things changing at the same time does not imply they are related. However both can be related to a third option. Here it would be increasing technology which makes communication and idea exchange and access to such easier. Video games just go along for the ride. Along with toilet paper.
Another fact is video gaming is a cheap hobby and becoming cheaper and cheaper as the technology becomes more mainstream, so people don't have for example to sell as much "drugs" or w/e crime they doing or anything else to go home, relax, play their video games and simply be more peaceful to their communities and the world in general.
North Korea might seem extreme group to you or rest of the world, but the people there they have a system in place, a way of living that works for them that are used to and that is the main reason why that regime continues to exist. They are simply content with how things are. Look at South Korea and how advanced in technology they became and all the video games that have came from there. Both countries are in the same region, enjoying similar climate and lands to prosper from, but there is one key difference. One has twice the population of the other, so yes thanks to gaming South Korea can manage that population better without any conflicts within.
Technology allow populated worlds to enjoy doing things that are less costly. Look at in some of the threads here, where those rich people brag about their jeep, their off road cars/trucks etc that have excess $. They are simply polluting the world more with their needs and wants as well as destroying that nature, that wilderness in the process and of course endangering themselves or someone else more every day they go on the roads out there.
Considering your last statement i guess you agree that there is very little if any correlation between gaming and peace as your last statement shows a while host of other factors.
You are just extremely ignorant and attention seeking.
Boy: Why can't I talk to Him?
Mom: We don't talk to Priests.
As if it could exist, without being payed for.
F2P means you get what you paid for. Pay nothing, get nothing.
Even telemarketers wouldn't think that.
It costs money to play. Therefore P2W.
By WW3, we will be fighting with drones .. so may be there is some truth to it ... but certainly gamers are more likely to be drone pilots than soldiers. Can you imagine walking 20 miles carrying your weapon & ammo, always on the lookout for ambush, eating crap and using trees as toilets?
Oh and guess how much $ U.S receives from South Korea to "protect" it from North. What makes you think North Korea is not secretly allied with U.S to keep South Korea in fear and spending $ for this "protection"? U.S is allied and does business with one of the worst violators of freedom and human rights, yes I'm talking about Saudi Arabia and why do you think that is? There are a whole array of things out there that are not the way they seem and they are made like that for a purpose.
Anyways, back on topic. The fact remains, gaming is a source of entertainment that's so new to our world, so amazing and yet so cheap for consumers to enjoy. If anything will slow our world from all those conflicts it will be gaming. Since then people will have less interest to be involved in all these things that create chaos as well as make profits while ruining other lives in the process.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey