Whistleblower laws exist for a reason. Because the real world is somewhat different from Mr. Zeebub's fantasy of stalwart confrontation of The Man.
Other folks might want to get a grounding on whistleblower protections and organizational retaliation. Whistleblowers can face legal action, criminal charges, social stigma, and termination from their livelihood. Lower level workers will often not be believed if they raise issues. (Remember the abuse of the Escapist sources? No wonder they wanted to stay anonymous.)
And consider, if Jennison is shooting straight from the hip, think about all those other mid to high level devs who found themselves some other place of employment, once the internal SC picture became clear. Some people like to say that turnover happens all the time (though I haven't seen a source for THAT truism), but usually higher level devs like to finish out their work, especially on a game seen as important.
And the tales of SC's Emperor Roberts are the same ones that I hear about from his Origin days. He hasn't learned a thing.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
The target blamed for everything may change, but most destructive conspiracy theories believe the same things:
The world is divided into 'us' and 'them'. We are "good," and they are "evil."
Our opponents are evil and subversive...
"They" are responsible for our troubles – We are blameless and without fault.
Time is running out, and we must act immediately to avoid disaster."
"Conspiracy theories provide an important element of certainty in a world
that seems random and perverse. Believing that a small, evil group
controls everything is actually more reassuring to some minds than
believing things just happen by random circumstance."
wait...micromanagement is a problem but investors should be worried about murals?
If the investors (internet backers) never get to see the thing then yes it is. The mural is not for the investors (internet backers) benefit. Therefor no backer money should be used for it.
I know you and others pointed out to me that pretties give other rich people hard-ons to invest their money in a company. That's fine. But no actual gamer backer money should be used to impress suits that are just looking to make a buck off of the game. The players and their best interests should come first.
Let's be honest, they have enough money to make the damn game. They are just taking their time.
internet backers aren't investors, they are donators. They get no ownership in CIG, they simply donated money to CIG and trusted them to use that money well.
I'm having fun just watching all the drama over this game being developed. Never seen anything like it.
I have to agree. I've seen the drama after release for games like AoC and the horrid Alganon. but never anything like this for a game in development. Although I wish social media was as pervasive when Daikatana was released or Duke Nukem Forever kept getting delayed.
wait...micromanagement is a problem but investors should be worried about murals?
If the investors (internet backers) never get to see the thing then yes it is. The mural is not for the investors (internet backers) benefit. Therefor no backer money should be used for it.
I know you and others pointed out to me that pretties give other rich people hard-ons to invest their money in a company. That's fine. But no actual gamer backer money should be used to impress suits that are just looking to make a buck off of the game. The players and their best interests should come first.
Let's be honest, they have enough money to make the damn game. They are just taking their time.
internet backers aren't investors, they are donators. They get no ownership in CIG, they simply donated money to CIG and trusted them to use that money well.
So how does he get around: "i give you money, and someday we will give you a game to play".
Seems like an exchange of goods for wealth to me.
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
It's funny how the white knights don't just ignore the facts of this thread
Or this letter has already been discussed ad nauseam because it is many months old and all this is just a repetition of arguments that have already been made a lot of times before. You find an example link to previous discussions in this thread. Same arguments, same people --> same outcome. Deja vu.
Furthermore CIG has undergone various organisational changes since then (made by Erin Roberts), including the character and ship pipelines.
Star Citizen was my personal GOTY for 2015. It barely exists off paper, yet has provided me with hours worth of entertainment, and for free at that!
Looks to be about the same for 2016. Maybe even 2017.
Fact of the matter is, pretty much any project where Roberts called the shots was a complete disaster. Strike Commander was under his creative control, and it released way past the initial target date, was buggy as a big bug bugging out on a dune buggy, and went way over budget. Assets were scrapped and redone completely several times... sound familiar?
Contrary to popular belief, the only thing lent to Privateer by Roberts was the concept. He had little to no creative control over the game. Using it as an example of his competency is, in a word, ignorant.
Next came Freelancer, a game which was supposed to release in 2000. It got pushed back to late 2001, and finally released in 2003 after Microsoft bought out Digital Anvil and cut down the original scope of the game, due to being way over budget. Again, sound familiar?
Oh, and now we get the Wing Commander movie. It suffered from bad casting, bad art design, a nonsensical plot, bad direction, Lucas level dialogue, and failed on every conceivable level. Roberts had complete control over all these things, and in fact wrote, produced, and directed it. Digital Anvil did all the special effects too... including the absolutely ridiculous Kilrathi puppets, to spacecraft actually dropping off the end of the runway when taking off, to misspelling the names of Roberts' own characters. And we can't forget the part where they all have to be quiet because a destroyer is hunting them. You know, in their space ship. Just let that sink in for a moment. To paraphrase a certain internet reviewer, "You could have Slayer playing a concert in the mess hall while shoving a cat through a garbage disposal and NOBODY OUTSIDE THE SHIP WOULD HEAR YOU!"
At least crap like Space Mutiny is entertainingly bad. Wing Commander is just tragic. Oh, and it was also over budget. Go figure.
Look, Roberts' talents as a creator aren't in question, and never were. But as the manager of a business, his history is undeniably made up of nothing but one failure after another, going over budget and in the case of games, suffering constant scrapping and retooling of assets, as well as feature creep. That's why I tend to believe all the tales of budget issues and gross mismanagement are more than just hogwash. He's never had much success as a businessman, and all the evidence points to yet another failure on his part.
I actually don't want this game to fail, because if it does it's going to pull down crowd funding with it. Plus it does sound genuinely cool. But there are far too many red flags to ignore, and the Roberts 42nd White Knight Brigade like to both pretend and tell others that they don't exist. Those issues need to be made known, and Roberts needs to be held accountable for his complete and utter lack of progress.
If he had something to show other than an extremely buggy tech / concept demo, nobody would care that he has a nice mural, or a cozy office with lots of ship models and whatnot. Unfortunately, what they have after over $100 million and several years is laughable at best. Some pretty expansive games have been produced far more quickly, and with much smaller budgets.
AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!
We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD.
So people are claiming that CR finally decided to delegate authority and become an overseer instead of micromanaging everything. Does anyone have a link to that particular decision? And could someone please explain why redoing all the models character,ship, and otherwise? Because while we appear to be criticizing CR for his decisions I don't see anyone with a legitimate explanation for these decisions.
So people are claiming that CR finally decided to delegate authority and become an overseer instead of micromanaging everything. Does anyone have a link to that particular decision? And could someone please explain why redoing all the models character,ship, and otherwise? Because while we appear to be criticizing CR for his decisions I don't see anyone with a legitimate explanation for these decisions.
TBH as a musician I've dealt with plenty of creative types who just can't work well with others, or give merit to the ideas of others (I'm sure I can come off that way as well, when I don't like the input being offered on a piece I've written), there usually is little explanation, it's an issue of personality, vision, and different measures of hubris. Most want to believe their idea is best when it comes to creative endeavors, yet when one has sole creative control, such power is often exploited, their ideas are automatically best.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
So people are claiming that CR finally decided to delegate authority and become an overseer instead of micromanaging everything. Does anyone have a link to that particular decision? And could someone please explain why redoing all the models character,ship, and otherwise? Because while we appear to be criticizing CR for his decisions I don't see anyone with a legitimate explanation for these decisions.
"As we announced in June with the appointment of Erin Roberts as Global
Production Head we have been reviewing how to optimize our development
process," the statement continues. "As a result we are moving some jobs
and eliminating some redundant positions between some of our offices, as
well as increasing them in others. The net result over the next few
months will actually be an increase in our global internal employee
Erin is now calling the shots when it comes to production, with special emphasis on Foundry 42 (UK and Germany) and the solo game Squadron 42. According to yesterdays Erin interview Foundry 42 is now at 220 employees (170 UK, 50 Germany). CIG in total seems to have gone up from 266 to 300 something, confirming that sentence: >>>The net result over the next few
months will actually be an increase in our global internal employee
Under Erins supervision a lot of shuffling of people between offices has been going on, as you can see if you are a follower of the "Around the Verse" or "Reverse the Verse" videoblogs. You can read the TLDR transcripts on the INN homepage if you do not want to watch the many videos.
Chris Roberts is still involved in many creative decisions. On the CIG homepage you often will find "Jump Point" magazine articles about the creation of various ships. There you will find many conversations between the various artists and CR on the various aspects of the ships. You can see the evolution from one stage to the other, with CR having the final say in which direction a certain development goes.
Why redoing characters, ships and locations ? Because that is what you do in alpha development. You try, test, redo, retest, tweak, polish. Some things works, others do not. Some things look good, others suck.
Have there been some dead ends ? I am sure of that (see the Jennison letter). Is this unusual for such a large project ? No. Happens all the time in other projects too .... you just do not hear anything about it.
Fact of the matter is, pretty much any project where Roberts called the shots was a complete disaster.
When propaganda meets reality:
Fact is, many developers would sell their mothers for "disasters" such as these:
Wing Commander PC Rating 8.3
Wing Commander: The Kilrathi Saga PC Rating 7.3
Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom Rating 8.9
Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger Rating 8.7
Freelancer Rating 8.9
That is just a selection - there are more. Some people claim - without evidence i might add, only based on rumours and their personal opinion - that Chris Roberts had no significant part in most of these games. The game box covers, game wikipedia pages and the international gaming press say otherwise. I believe more the journalists who visited the game production than a random poster on an internet forum who was never there and never met these people participating in the games production in person.
I have no doubt that the SC development is less than 100% efficient (*cough*). That tends to happen when a creative mind is given access to virtually unlimited funds.
"It must be perfect ! And if it's not perfect, we'll keep on doing it over and over again until it is !"
In the old world, we had games that were "released too soon" because the creative minds were brutally overridden by financial overlords. Features were cut, known bugs were shipped and testing was "limited", all to meet a pre-arranged deadline.
Now we have creative minds that are given free reign (and free money), so that they can realise their vision to the full". It's no surprise that things are taking longer than they did before. People are just not ready to accept that they are taking THAT much longer, lol
wait...micromanagement is a problem but investors should be worried about murals?
If the investors (internet backers) never get to see the thing then yes it is. The mural is not for the investors (internet backers) benefit. Therefor no backer money should be used for it.
I know you and others pointed out to me that pretties give other rich people hard-ons to invest their money in a company. That's fine. But no actual gamer backer money should be used to impress suits that are just looking to make a buck off of the game. The players and their best interests should come first.
Let's be honest, they have enough money to make the damn game. They are just taking their time.
internet backers aren't investors, they are donators. They get no ownership in CIG, they simply donated money to CIG and trusted them to use that money well.
So how does he get around: "i give you money, and someday we will give you a game to play".
Seems like an exchange of goods for wealth to me.
Indeed. But pre-purchasing e.g. Legion doesn't make you an Activision Blizzard "investor". You have simply given AB some money and are trusting them to someday give you a game to play.
And when I pre-purchase via Kickstarter an OI bell for my bike (just because) it won't make me an investor in Knog though.
And this is part of a much bigger and wider discussion. Which harks back to the times that led to the requirements placed on companies today to report accurately, with all the management that entails, to actual investors.
I have no doubt that the SC development is less than 100% efficient (*cough*). That tends to happen when a creative mind is given access to virtually unlimited funds.
"It must be perfect ! And if it's not perfect, we'll keep on doing it over and over again until it is !"
In the old world, we had games that were "released too soon" because the creative minds were brutally overridden by financial overlords. Features were cut, known bugs were shipped and testing was "limited", all to meet a pre-arranged deadline.
Now we have creative minds that are given free reign (and free money), so that they can realise their vision to the full". It's no surprise that things are taking longer than they did before. People are just not ready to accept that they are taking THAT much longer, lol
I don't think you're wrong, this does seem to be the mentality of CR at present. He feels that cutting those big publisher ties, gives free reign to work every little detail out "as long as it takes". I think we're seeing that isn't the case, instead of pressure from behind closed doors, they're getting a healthy dose of public pressure. I think I'd prefer the former in such a situation, that at least entails dealing with people who know the business.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I'll simplify this the best I can. When creating an item you first need a concept which is more like a skeleton. David's problem was he had several concepts and they were presented to the leadership with explanations on their limits and freedoms. So CIG would choose a concept and David would then take 4-6 weeks molding it into an actual model that looks and walks like a human. Once this process was finished he would present the model to the higher powers and because they didn't like the color of the skin or facial features they would make him start all over using a different concept. David would then explain he didn't need a different concept he could just polish the current model. They would ignore such explanations and make him throw the past 6 weeks of work into the garbage and start all over.
So is this true or just hogwash? Well since the video clearly states that they are redoing all models it is clear they have decided that the past 3 years of work is garbage and they are going to spend the next 3 years trying to get it right. I wonder why they couldn't get it right in the first place. It wasn't the fact that the models needed polishing but it was the fact that they trashed the concepts and had to start all over from scratch that caused the problem. I thought the character models looked fantastic myself especially for an alpha product. But somehow CIG has decided they need to be trashed and well there goes another 3 years.
Also to be clear, David is not some rookie. He was the lead character artist for SOE in 2011. That is SOE not some second rate company who only produced 1 title.
It's funny how the white knights don't just ignore the facts of this thread but they actually look to distract from them.
They get paid to help close any negative threads. All about the money to them not the truth!
That's because there are no "facts" in this thread, lol
The fact that someone made an allegation does not make that allegation a fact.
Only because you and other SC fans say there isn't does not make it true. You do realize that comment was taken from another thread? Maybe you should get the whole picture from that one.
I have no doubt that the SC development is less than 100% efficient (*cough*). That tends to happen when a creative mind is given access to virtually unlimited funds.
"It must be perfect ! And if it's not perfect, we'll keep on doing it over and over again until it is !"
In the old world, we had games that were "released too soon" because the creative minds were brutally overridden by financial overlords. Features were cut, known bugs were shipped and testing was "limited", all to meet a pre-arranged deadline.
Now we have creative minds that are given free reign (and free money), so that they can realise their vision to the full". It's no surprise that things are taking longer than they did before. People are just not ready to accept that they are taking THAT much longer, lol
Roberts overstates his brilliance (granted, as do a bunch of others). He overstates his management prowess (and his micromanagement is a net negative). The last time his so called 'creative genius' was given free reign in the game industry, he spent four years at Digital Anvil with nothing to show for it, but a lot of money spent. Jennison's analysis gives a good read on why this happens. Again and again.
In the past that 'creative mind' was overridden because he was incapable of delivering without endangering the companies involved. Even with the public money spigot, Chris Roberts will certainly not be able to finish up all the games' claims as described, due to his unrealistic vision, micromanagement tendencies, and profligate ways. Thus the new focus on Squadron 42 by Erin Roberts, who has actually shown he can release games. In this century....
The PU? That's a long and bumpy road into the future....
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
I have no doubt that the SC development is less than 100% efficient (*cough*). That tends to happen when a creative mind is given access to virtually unlimited funds.
"It must be perfect ! And if it's not perfect, we'll keep on doing it over and over again until it is !"
In the old world, we had games that were "released too soon" because the creative minds were brutally overridden by financial overlords. Features were cut, known bugs were shipped and testing was "limited", all to meet a pre-arranged deadline.
Now we have creative minds that are given free reign (and free money), so that they can realise their vision to the full". It's no surprise that things are taking longer than they did before. People are just not ready to accept that they are taking THAT much longer, lol
Roberts overstates his brilliance (granted, as do a bunch of others). He overstates his management prowess (and his micromanagement is a net negative). The last time his so called 'creative genius' was given free reign in the game industry, he spent four years at Digital Anvil with nothing to show for it, but a lot of money spent. Jennison's analysis gives a good read on why this happens. Again and again.
In the past that 'creative mind' was overridden because he was incapable of delivering without endangering the companies involved. Even with the public money spigot, Chris Roberts will certainly not be able to finish up all the games' claims as described, due to his unrealistic vision, micromanagement tendencies, and profligate ways. Thus the new focus on Squadron 42 by Erin Roberts, who has actually shown he can release games. In this century....
The PU? That's a long and bumpy road into the future....
Agree but the other problem even Erin can't fix, is Roberts has blown majority of cash and he needs to keep bring in 3 mill a month. Soon he will have to start selling assets just to stay afloat. If Erin can put SQ42 out by then at least the backers will get something. I just don't believe they have the time and money to do it.
Agree but the other problem even Erin can't fix, is Roberts has blown majority of cash and he needs to keep bring in 3 mill a month. Soon he will have to start selling assets just to stay afloat. If Erin can put SQ42 out by then at least the backers will get something. I just don't believe they have the time and money to do it.
That quoted 3 million a month is the rough overheads of continued development. Where on earth did you get he is running out of money from stating what the business overheads are?
Whistleblower laws exist for a reason. Because the real world is somewhat different from Mr. Zeebub's fantasy of stalwart confrontation of The Man.
Other folks might want to get a grounding on whistleblower protections and organizational retaliation. Whistleblowers can face legal action, criminal charges, social stigma, and termination from their livelihood. Lower level workers will often not be believed if they raise issues. (Remember the abuse of the Escapist sources? No wonder they wanted to stay anonymous.)
And consider, if Jennison is shooting straight from the hip, think about all those other mid to high level devs who found themselves some other place of employment, once the internal SC picture became clear. Some people like to say that turnover happens all the time (though I haven't seen a source for THAT truism), but usually higher level devs like to finish out their work, especially on a game seen as important.
And the tales of SC's Emperor Roberts are the same ones that I hear about from his Origin days. He hasn't learned a thing.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
"Common elements of Conspiracy Theories
The target blamed for everything may change, but most destructive conspiracy theories believe the same things:
- The world is divided into 'us' and 'them'. We are "good," and they are "evil."
- Our opponents are evil and subversive...
- "They" are responsible for our troubles – We are blameless and without fault.
- Time is running out, and we must act immediately to avoid disaster."
"Conspiracy theories provide an important element of certainty in a world that seems random and perverse. Believing that a small, evil group controls everything is actually more reassuring to some minds than believing things just happen by random circumstance."Have fun
Seems like an exchange of goods for wealth to me.
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
Furthermore CIG has undergone various organisational changes since then (made by Erin Roberts), including the character and ship pipelines.
Have fun
Looks to be about the same for 2016. Maybe even 2017.
Fact of the matter is, pretty much any project where Roberts called the shots was a complete disaster. Strike Commander was under his creative control, and it released way past the initial target date, was buggy as a big bug bugging out on a dune buggy, and went way over budget. Assets were scrapped and redone completely several times... sound familiar?
Contrary to popular belief, the only thing lent to Privateer by Roberts was the concept. He had little to no creative control over the game. Using it as an example of his competency is, in a word, ignorant.
Next came Freelancer, a game which was supposed to release in 2000. It got pushed back to late 2001, and finally released in 2003 after Microsoft bought out Digital Anvil and cut down the original scope of the game, due to being way over budget. Again, sound familiar?
Oh, and now we get the Wing Commander movie. It suffered from bad casting, bad art design, a nonsensical plot, bad direction, Lucas level dialogue, and failed on every conceivable level. Roberts had complete control over all these things, and in fact wrote, produced, and directed it. Digital Anvil did all the special effects too... including the absolutely ridiculous Kilrathi puppets, to spacecraft actually dropping off the end of the runway when taking off, to misspelling the names of Roberts' own characters. And we can't forget the part where they all have to be quiet because a destroyer is hunting them. You know, in their space ship. Just let that sink in for a moment. To paraphrase a certain internet reviewer, "You could have Slayer playing a concert in the mess hall while shoving a cat through a garbage disposal and NOBODY OUTSIDE THE SHIP WOULD HEAR YOU!"
At least crap like Space Mutiny is entertainingly bad. Wing Commander is just tragic. Oh, and it was also over budget. Go figure.
Look, Roberts' talents as a creator aren't in question, and never were. But as the manager of a business, his history is undeniably made up of nothing but one failure after another, going over budget and in the case of games, suffering constant scrapping and retooling of assets, as well as feature creep. That's why I tend to believe all the tales of budget issues and gross mismanagement are more than just hogwash. He's never had much success as a businessman, and all the evidence points to yet another failure on his part.
I actually don't want this game to fail, because if it does it's going to pull down crowd funding with it. Plus it does sound genuinely cool. But there are far too many red flags to ignore, and the Roberts 42nd White Knight Brigade like to both pretend and tell others that they don't exist. Those issues need to be made known, and Roberts needs to be held accountable for his complete and utter lack of progress.
If he had something to show other than an extremely buggy tech / concept demo, nobody would care that he has a nice mural, or a cozy office with lots of ship models and whatnot. Unfortunately, what they have after over $100 million and several years is laughable at best. Some pretty expansive games have been produced far more quickly, and with much smaller budgets.
AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!
We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Erin is now calling the shots when it comes to production, with special emphasis on Foundry 42 (UK and Germany) and the solo game Squadron 42. According to yesterdays Erin interview Foundry 42 is now at 220 employees (170 UK, 50 Germany). CIG in total seems to have gone up from 266 to 300 something, confirming that sentence: >>>The net result over the next few months will actually be an increase in our global internal employee base.>>>
Under Erins supervision a lot of shuffling of people between offices has been going on, as you can see if you are a follower of the "Around the Verse" or "Reverse the Verse" videoblogs. You can read the TLDR transcripts on the INN homepage if you do not want to watch the many videos.
Chris Roberts is still involved in many creative decisions. On the CIG homepage you often will find "Jump Point" magazine articles about the creation of various ships. There you will find many conversations between the various artists and CR on the various aspects of the ships. You can see the evolution from one stage to the other, with CR having the final say in which direction a certain development goes.
Why redoing characters, ships and locations ? Because that is what you do in alpha development. You try, test, redo, retest, tweak, polish. Some things works, others do not. Some things look good, others suck.
Have there been some dead ends ? I am sure of that (see the Jennison letter). Is this unusual for such a large project ? No. Happens all the time in other projects too .... you just do not hear anything about it.
Have fun
Fact is, many developers would sell their mothers for "disasters" such as these:
Wing Commander PC Rating 8.3
Have fun
"It must be perfect ! And if it's not perfect, we'll keep on doing it over and over again until it is !"
In the old world, we had games that were "released too soon" because the creative minds were brutally overridden by financial overlords. Features were cut, known bugs were shipped and testing was "limited", all to meet a pre-arranged deadline.
Now we have creative minds that are given free reign (and free money), so that they can realise their vision to the full". It's no surprise that things are taking longer than they did before. People are just not ready to accept that they are taking THAT much longer, lol
And when I pre-purchase via Kickstarter an OI bell for my bike (just because) it won't make me an investor in Knog though.
And this is part of a much bigger and wider discussion. Which harks back to the times that led to the requirements placed on companies today to report accurately, with all the management that entails, to actual investors.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I'll simplify this the best I can. When creating an item you first need a concept which is more like a skeleton. David's problem was he had several concepts and they were presented to the leadership with explanations on their limits and freedoms. So CIG would choose a concept and David would then take 4-6 weeks molding it into an actual model that looks and walks like a human. Once this process was finished he would present the model to the higher powers and because they didn't like the color of the skin or facial features they would make him start all over using a different concept. David would then explain he didn't need a different concept he could just polish the current model. They would ignore such explanations and make him throw the past 6 weeks of work into the garbage and start all over.
So is this true or just hogwash? Well since the video clearly states that they are redoing all models it is clear they have decided that the past 3 years of work is garbage and they are going to spend the next 3 years trying to get it right. I wonder why they couldn't get it right in the first place. It wasn't the fact that the models needed polishing but it was the fact that they trashed the concepts and had to start all over from scratch that caused the problem. I thought the character models looked fantastic myself especially for an alpha product. But somehow CIG has decided they need to be trashed and well there goes another 3 years.
Also to be clear, David is not some rookie. He was the lead character artist for SOE in 2011. That is SOE not some second rate company who only produced 1 title.
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
The fact that someone made an allegation does not make that allegation a fact.
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
Roberts overstates his brilliance (granted, as do a bunch of others). He overstates his management prowess (and his micromanagement is a net negative). The last time his so called 'creative genius' was given free reign in the game industry, he spent four years at Digital Anvil with nothing to show for it, but a lot of money spent. Jennison's analysis gives a good read on why this happens. Again and again.
In the past that 'creative mind' was overridden because he was incapable of delivering without endangering the companies involved. Even with the public money spigot, Chris Roberts will certainly not be able to finish up all the games' claims as described, due to his unrealistic vision, micromanagement tendencies, and profligate ways. Thus the new focus on Squadron 42 by Erin Roberts, who has actually shown he can release games. In this century....
The PU? That's a long and bumpy road into the future....
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
** sigh **
Any proof ?
Yes, you heard the same question a dozen times before and never delivered, but for the sake of completeness i ask again.
And no, the Roberts quote with the "3 million per month" is NOT proof that he "has blown the majority of cash".
Have fun
That quoted 3 million a month is the rough overheads of continued development. Where on earth did you get he is running out of money from stating what the business overheads are?