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My girlfriend and I are going to be making a mature themed guild. Basicallya guild comprised of mature peple who are casual players. We have been playing a while and now hope to make a smaller tightly knit group of mature players out to just have fun. We are not activly going into PvP more so into the smaller raids and instances and helping new players with similar interests as ourselves progress and have a good time in game.
We are accepting experienced and new player alike. No lvl requirements necassary just a desire to lvl and raid in later levels. No requirements on classes or professions. Only two requirements are you must be on Cenarion Circle server, and that we geta chance to meet with you on a messanger service to talk and see if our guild and vision suits you and you suit us.
We have a level 60 Druid and hunter and we will be more than happy to help newer players out with leveling and items as well as knowledge with quests, and all around general help. We are not rich in game we are casual players, but we offer what ever help we can. We are looking to have about 20 people and we are also hoping to recruit a few more people before we make the guild . this way everyone has a say in the name of the guild and anything else. We are all equals just my GF and I will eb doing the primary organizing. Anyways if you are interested in joining and feel this is the type of guild for you, please pm me through the forums and we cana rrange a time to talk and hopfully make a guild.
Thank you and good luck to everyone