Equivalent AMD cards doing better than a way more expensive nVidia card is nothing new.
Pretty much why I bought the 290x back then and not a 780ti. The 780ti was way more expensive for no real gain, the nVidia card was better in some games, the 290x in other games, and it was only a difference of a few FPS anyway.
Planning to get my Fury soon (after the damned planned car maintenance I have to play for ).
AMD was always a give or take in DX11 in many games. That said they were banking on mantle/dx12/vulkan like stuff for awhile and it may be paying off. Time will tell with pascal and the like when they adopt HBM and all that kind of stuff on nvidia's end. People do need to realize that a LOT of optimization done in DX12/Vulkan is going to be heavily reliant on the game developers as opposed to the old methodology of handling it in DX11/OpenGL (openGL is another reason I've always been a bit iffy on AMD/ATI devices). That said it's nice to see that AMD's hardware was built for this early on which may finally see a shift and the whole GPU landscape improve faster than before!
- Albert Einstein
left is AMDs (Mantle/DX12/Vulkan way) and right is NVidias (DX11) way (starts at 2:08)