One man`s discrimination is another`s freedom and one man's freedom is another's discrimination.
Sure but in general being a posterior primate is not a freedom that should be respected or rewarded. =P That is why places like Mississippi and NC will be of my tourism map for now.
To be a straight white guy in the west is a hard and unforgiving life.
The worst part is how everyone tells you how privileged you are (just because a tiny minority of old white men are). You have far less access to higher education (vast majority of universities placements are now females), have to work far harder to get into well paid jobs because of totally unfair short lists (but get full access to all the horrible ones they don't want to be equal in - no female short lists for trash collectors!), get passed over by lesser qualified people because female privilege and the only time you get a scholarship is when jesus flies down and pigs fly over the moon (or you are good at sports).
Pass me a dress and call my lucy, I need a job in STEM fields that I am barely qualified for but guaranteed to get.
Offering 1K scholarship for LGBT is brilliant. It's a drop of water in the ocean for a student going to college. Might pay for your books for a year... maybe.
But it will make the simple minds fill with joy about how they're doing so much for LGBT's and end up being headline news on several gaming sites for the next week.
No matter how you look at it discrimination is discrimination. By creating this type of you must be this to apply you have just discriminated against anymore not of that type.
You can't complain about something thing turn around and do the same thing you are complaining about. Now how would it be different if some company went to did the exact same thing but stated you must have a straight sexual orientation to apply? The answer the community that supports the other side cries foul, in which they should because either way giving anything based on sexual orientation, skin color, sex, discrimination.
Discrimination does not flow one way. While this is well intended it sends out the wrong message that it is OK to discriminate itself.
Yeah... Because compared to LGBT people the white straight male have such a hard time in life...
Sure there is a lot of intersectional factor in different privileges... But in general male trumps female trumps non-binary... "white" trumps the rest in the west... rich trumps poor... It is what it is.
@k61977 Many scholarships "discriminate" as they are targeted towards vulnerable groups. This is to avoid people not really needing them applying for them.
thats nice so two people studying at colledge one got in and had to pay the full wack and the other because of thier orientation gets a helping hand . sorry thats totally wrong
One man`s discrimination is another`s freedom and one man's freedom is another's discrimination.
Sure but in general being a posterior primate is not a freedom that should be respected or rewarded. =P That is why places like Mississippi and NC will be of my tourism map for now.
Legislating out discrimination never works I would rather more freedoms and allow society to handle the rest. It is choices like your to frequent a business or not that will change that. I believe in democracy, many do not. I believe in freedom, many do not. Be it in who you give or with hold from. Who you hate and who you love.
Yeah this is just a SJW ploy because of the new bill passed in MS. I don't agree with the bill but that's what happens when you live in a backwater bible-thumping state. It's up to the good people of MS to get rid of all those involved in passing it. If they don't then they got what they wanted and the system is working for them.
BTW @blueturtle13 you are hitting it out of the park today with your threads! I thought the one that got closed was polarizing but this one might be more so. I thought you were one of those Gamergate weirdos with that thread but I guess I was wrong.
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
thats nice so two people studying at colledge one got in and had to pay the full wack and the other because of thier orientation gets a helping hand . sorry thats totally wrong
Offering 1K scholarship for LGBT is brilliant. It's a drop of water in the ocean for a student going to college. Might pay for your books for a year... maybe.
But it will make the simple minds fill with joy about how they're doing so much for LGBT's and end up being headline news on several gaming sites for the next week.
To be fair the company offering the scholarships are not a very big company.
Yep, but think of all the press that less than one employees bi-weekly paycheck will generate for them this month.
It's pretty smart, even if it is discriminatory and bigoted against anyone not LGBT.
Legislating out discrimination never works I would rather more freedoms and allow society to handle the rest. It is choices like your to frequent a business or not that will change that. I believe in democracy, many do not. I believe in freedom, many do not. Be it in who you give or with hold from. Who you hate and who you love.
Problem is the people who can not handle freedom... The ones that take freedom as right to do what ever they want... including hurting other people. They are the ones that need to be keept on the short leash... Giving them the right to be posterior primates by the way of "faith" is about as backwards as you can get...
Legislating out discrimination never works I would rather more freedoms and allow society to handle the rest. It is choices like your to frequent a business or not that will change that. I believe in democracy, many do not. I believe in freedom, many do not. Be it in who you give or with hold from. Who you hate and who you love.
Problem is the people who can not handle freedom... The ones that take freedom as right to do what ever they want... including hurting other people. They are the ones that need to be keept on the short leash... Giving them the right to be posterior primates by the way of "faith" is about as backwards as you can get...
The real problem is that the "faith" you allude to states that the laws of man should be subordinate to the laws of god. That is why these folks are making laws like in MS and NC. They don't see it like you do.
We have Freedom of Religion in this country. Unfortunately we don't have Freedom from Religion.
BTW you can say "ass monkeys" on this site. This isn't Steam forums!
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
Remember folks, it's OK to be bigoted and discriminatory against people of faith, but not people of sexual orientation.
Those damned two way streets, it's so hard to see the other lane when you're a horse with blinders!
to be fair.... the "faith" people started it =P
Also allowing the LGBT community is not discriminating against people of faith.... Telling people of faith that they can not discriminate others based on their faith is not discrimination...
Telling people of faith that they can not practices their faith would be discrimination.... Telling them they have to attend sermons in a mosque if they are christian is...
Calling out a bunch of backwards troglodytes for having the average decency of a enema thinly veiled by "faith" is at worst impolite.
@bartoni33 True... That is why i am glad i live in Sweden wheer for most of it church have no real sway of state anymore. I kind of grown fond of posterior primate over ass monkey... =P
Remember folks, it's OK to be bigoted and discriminatory against people of faith, but not people of sexual orientation.
Those damned two way streets, it's so hard to see the other lane when you're a horse with blinders!
Risking a ban here probably but faith is just a belief system involving ancient folktales taken over and changed by later generations. Sexual orientation is for the most part something you are born with and cannot change nor control.
So yes it is perfectly fine to marginalize "people of faith" when they try to legislate their fairytales.
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
Legislating out discrimination never works I would rather more freedoms and allow society to handle the rest. It is choices like your to frequent a business or not that will change that. I believe in democracy, many do not. I believe in freedom, many do not. Be it in who you give or with hold from. Who you hate and who you love.
Problem is the people who can not handle freedom... The ones that take freedom as right to do what ever they want... including hurting other people. They are the ones that need to be keept on the short leash... Giving them the right to be posterior primates by the way of "faith" is about as backwards as you can get...
Are you talking about physical hurt or actively going out to harass people. We have laws for that. They are crimes. I just do not agree with forced associations or business deals. I think it puts to much power in a governments hands and society should deal with those through choice of doing or not doing business.
No more the non-physical but still very damaging kind of verbal and psychological battering that places like Mississippi just gave a big fat thumbs up to.
No more the non-physical but still very damaging kind of verbal and psychological battering that places like Mississippi just gave a big fat thumbs up to.
Meh that's where you lose me and many others. It's a tough world out there. Quit emotionally investing yourselves in what others say to/about you. Live your life without care for what "the haters/posterior primates" say.
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
If rejection is always abuse people have a lifetime of abuse ahead of them. How that rejection is worded is what matters, not the rejection itself to me. Public officials and public funded groups should enforce the will of the "people" over personal views, but I think private groups and business have the right to be asshats.
I understand companies wanting to help today's youth with college expenses and it is a very good thing that more are doing this but... Imagine if all these scholarships did not have age or race or religion or sexual preference restrictions on them. Imagine if these things were given out based on a persons ability and not where they like to insert their genitals.
When I see things like this I just imagine a much smarter person (boy or girl) who did not get the scholarship and might not be able to attend college simply because they are Hetero, or a different race or for some other ridiculous reason.
"Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game." - SEANMCAD
got any contests that say Straight people Only ??
its always hilarious to read these STraight people are not aloud to enter I guess hahah
they must have some kind of Test ,they swab your mouth and it says your LGBT
~Gurgle Gurgle~
This have been a good conversation
The worst part is how everyone tells you how privileged you are (just because a tiny minority of old white men are). You have far less access to higher education (vast majority of universities placements are now females), have to work far harder to get into well paid jobs because of totally unfair short lists (but get full access to all the horrible ones they don't want to be equal in - no female short lists for trash collectors!), get passed over by lesser qualified people because female privilege and the only time you get a scholarship is when jesus flies down and pigs fly over the moon (or you are good at sports).
Pass me a dress and call my lucy, I need a job in STEM fields that I am barely qualified for but guaranteed to get.
inb4 trigger ban
But it will make the simple minds fill with joy about how they're doing so much for LGBT's and end up being headline news on several gaming sites for the next week.
You can't complain about something thing turn around and do the same thing you are complaining about. Now how would it be different if some company went to did the exact same thing but stated you must have a straight sexual orientation to apply? The answer the community that supports the other side cries foul, in which they should because either way giving anything based on sexual orientation, skin color, sex, discrimination.
Discrimination does not flow one way. While this is well intended it sends out the wrong message that it is OK to discriminate itself.
Yeah... Because compared to LGBT people the white straight male have such a hard time in life...
Sure there is a lot of intersectional factor in different privileges... But in general male trumps female trumps non-binary... "white" trumps the rest in the west... rich trumps poor... It is what it is.
@k61977 Many scholarships "discriminate" as they are targeted towards vulnerable groups. This is to avoid people not really needing them applying for them.
This have been a good conversation
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
BTW @blueturtle13 you are hitting it out of the park today with your threads! I thought the one that got closed was polarizing but this one might be more so. I thought you were one of those Gamergate weirdos with that thread but I guess I was wrong.
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
It's pretty smart, even if it is discriminatory and bigoted against anyone not LGBT.
This have been a good conversation
Those damned two way streets, it's so hard to see the other lane when you're a horse with blinders!
We have Freedom of Religion in this country. Unfortunately we don't have Freedom from Religion.
BTW you can say "ass monkeys" on this site. This isn't Steam forums!
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
Also allowing the LGBT community is not discriminating against people of faith.... Telling people of faith that they can not discriminate others based on their faith is not discrimination...
Telling people of faith that they can not practices their faith would be discrimination.... Telling them they have to attend sermons in a mosque if they are christian is...
Calling out a bunch of backwards troglodytes for having the average decency of a enema thinly veiled by "faith" is at worst impolite.
@bartoni33 True... That is why i am glad i live in Sweden wheer for most of it church have no real sway of state anymore. I kind of grown fond of posterior primate over ass monkey... =P
This have been a good conversation
So yes it is perfectly fine to marginalize "people of faith" when they try to legislate their fairytales.
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
This have been a good conversation
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
When I see things like this I just imagine a much smarter person (boy or girl) who did not get the scholarship and might not be able to attend college simply because they are Hetero, or a different race or for some other ridiculous reason.