Question: Will bridges/fords/ferries be hidden?Answer: That depends. If you are on the path or the road, you'll come across them naturally. But if you are trailblazing your way through a zone, you'll absolutely come across rivers and canyons and the like where you can't cross until you find either a natural crossing or a man-made on
Q: Will you have an open beta? A: We will never have an open beta. We are doing all of our alpha and beta testing via Early Access. Our Early Access is NOT a "get in so you can play a preview of the game to see if you want to buy it". Our Early Access is "get involved because you want to test the game and help us work out the kinks and because you are uber passionate and want to be a part of the community."
We also don't have an NDA in place on the current Early Access because we aren't testing game content, but rather mechanics and core functionality. The ONLY people we will be inviting in to test the actual game content will be those we hand-pick from the Early Access program.
Q: How large is the world of Lucimia? On the map I remember talking about the Karpel Empire (as I love snowy regions) and you mentioned that there was more to it then just what is on the fringes of the map.A: The Karpel Empire is at least as large as Lucimia and will be explored later in the game. Sunaria is also a separate continent, and then there are The Islands
Q:Are we going to get mounts, different types and speeds of mounts, etc? and please, NO FLYING, ground mounts only if applicableA: No flying mounts planned at this time. Horses only at this point in time. All mounts will have the same speed as of current plans. There are NO mount merchants in the game. Players are the ones who train animals for riding and hauling, and they must first FIND said animals and capture them. it will be a long while before any players have mounts after luanch as they must first level up their skill related to finding, capturing, and training animals and THEN players must also train up their riding skil
Q: what is the basis for in-game commerce? will there be a player auction house, or something else?A: There are no global player auction houses. Instead, we will have local markets that players will utilize to buy/sell thing. The players indeed make the decisions on wherever they gravitate; sort of like the tunnel in EC in EverQuest. That was emergent gameplay on behalf of the players.
At this point, the plan is for players to need to be involved in the actual buying and selling of items. This is a community-based game, so we want players actively involved in economy as well as adventure. We've toyed around with letting players set themselves up as NPCs to sell, but this also may not be possible due to server limits on how many people are online; we don't want to have 500 people AFK selling blocking others from logging in
Is there a mail system in the game and if so is it local like the markets? How about banks?A: No mail system. No global bank. We have talked about training birds to deliver messages or something of the sort for mail, but you wont be sending suits of armor or items.
Q: Will you add purely cosmetic items to hunt, such as fancy hats/costumes, non combat pets, toys etc?A: We plan on having cosmetic items, yes.
Q: Will there be more than one starting point in the game or will everyone be starting in the same town/city?A: Everyone starts off in a single starting area and goes from there.
Q: Is there going to be any sort of fast travel like a hearth stone or mage portals?A: There is no fast travel planned at this time. We may have NPC merchant caravans you can join to go from city to city after you have first reached the city by your own means, but those will also have their own pros/cons and will not be gauranteed "safe arrival".
We're toying with an idea for NPC guides who help take players from one city or outpost to another, but you need to be actively participating in the defense of said caravan/guide. If you go AFK or you log out while may not arrive safely as the caravan might get attacked and if no one is there to defend it.....depends on the dice rolls (fate).
Q: Are the volumes full xpacs or just like DLC size of content? Would we expect major class or mechanics changes for example?A: Future volumes are full expansion packs expected to be released every 2 years. In between we will have live events that are like DLC.
Major skill and mechanics changes are a vital part of the evolution of our world. This is a linear timeline with four volumes, and working through from Volume I your goal is to bring magic back to the world, and the players will be growing into Adepts from there. Mechanics and skills will be changing dramatically between the volumes as the playerbase evolves and pursues the storyline of the world.
Volume II brings magic back, so there will be massive changes in comparison to Volume I when there is no inherent magic but only Relics.
A: We don't have current plans to let mobs take loot from you
Q: What about the group system ? How many players can be in a group ? Can we create guilds and do missions ? If yes what kind of mission ?
A: You can create guilds; they are the backbone of the community. You join one guild per character, justl ike in EQ1/EQ2/etc. We are looking heavily at EQ2 style of guild management.
8-man groups, multiple groups in raids. The working theory is that we'll have a maximum of four groups in a raid, but we've also talked about six groups.
Q: Will there be ways for people to contribute to testing who may not have the financial means to pre-order? I know some people who are enthusiastic but are cash strapped
A: At this point in time, no; the only way into Early Access is via a pre-order. We may have special giveaways in the future, such as giving away 100 weekend passes to a media outlet, good for one testing weekend.
Q: What about combat?
A: One of the things we can say is that we are a cross between EQ1 and Vanguard, with offensive and defensive targeting. We also have zonelines, and mobs DO NOT Leash. You kill it, or are killed. You'll need to run for your life sometimes. A hasty retreat is an absolute part of our game and surviving. You aren't going to win every battle.
Fantmx asked on Twitter if the one-shot, one-kill rule was for real or not. The answer is yes: in the right circumstances, even your tank can be one-shotted.
Our entire group wiped once in Vanguard because our necro took a phone call and missed a counterspell.
We've got a lot of work in the AI department, but Robert and Richard have things well in hand.
Q: Will there be named bosses, not necessarily raid bosses but like Elites, and if so is there anything in mind to be able to claim some king of trophy off of that mob?
A: There will be named world bosses and dungeon bosses that aren't tied to progression of quests and are there for competition between guilds; there will be some type of trophy system tied into that, sure; world firsts and all that.