Just read about how CIG has been labelling people in their customer service, after an apparent update caught them out and revealed the labels to everyone rather than just being 'inhouse'
Major Tom released a little video that shows it:
Now, many years ago in a differant life I used to be an SQL programmer for the NHS (that the UK's National Health Service) one of my jobs was to take clinical records and turn them into electronic ones, as part of this we had to setup labels for them, as were listed on the patients records, when I started to do this, I noticed that on a high percentage of the records I was dealing with, there were hand written notations as labels, one of which was NAAFC.
At the time I asked my manager about this, and redfaced he told me he couldn't tell, at this point my suspicious radar turned on and I had to find out, as I'd been adding this damn NAAFC to the database I was building, but had to have a version that was what NAAFC actually stood for.
A week go buy and I get pulled into HR and sat down and calmly told (by the head of HR I might add) that I had to go back and take out every referance to NAAFC that I'd built into the system, at his point I asked why HR were telling me this and not my actual boss, as you can all probably guess it's somewhat unusual for HR t be tell programmers what to do.
The only official answer I got was that NAAFC was not appropriate for the system, and I was to stop asking questions about it.
Yeah I'm really going to stop that now, after all this.
Anyway a week goes by and I'm chatting with a doctor, and I mention in passing the whole debaticle I'd been having regarding the database, at which point he laugh's out and tells me, NAAFC was Nutty As A Fruit Cake. He told me doctors couldn't legally write on a patients record if they 'though' they were just nutjobs as the patient could request the file, see that and sue, so they just abbrievated it and would never need to explain it.
Now you ask, why the offtopic ramble, well it's not that offtopic, it's wrong to label people, especially the type of labels that it seems CIG have been using, personally I'm pretty mad about it, it's almost as wrong as stereotyping (and in someways it is stereotyping).
“Nevertheless, the human brain, which survives by hoping from one second to another, will always endeavor to put off the moment of truth. Moist”
Terry Pratchett,
Making Money
The label thing doesn't surprise me at all, I'm sure we've all done that in one form or another at our workplace. But letting your customers know about it? that's just amateur....
Looking at timestamp 2:00 it means I can type in whatever i like, wether it was there in the first place or not. Wanna be a Goon, Santa Elf or Chuck Norris ? Just type it in there.
The video is clearly edited (as you can see from the removed personal information). So anyone taking a break in video recording at around timestamp 00:25 (after logging in) can put just about anything (s)he likes into it (especially into the Organization or Description drop down menu).
After continuing the video you could (through adding things to the organization menu) be a member of the CIA, NSA, Test Please Ignore or whatever you want. Or make it look like it was originally put in there by CIG.
I do not know if the CIG customer support department have put in tags or not.
All i know is that its potentially very easy to fake any incriminating evidence by just getting a bit creative with adding some text in the code and editing a video.
I heard CIG has temporarily taken down their CS webpage. Wether it is to remove any of these mentioned "tags" or just to remove a potential problem because part of their protocols can be edited client side ... you decide.
Have fun
― Terry Pratchett, Making Money
As I said, I do not know if CIG used tags or not. However, it does not seem to be a common practice, even if real.
I have worked with CRM (Customer Relationship Management) programs before. What one DOES see in these programs is the whole chain of previous tickets, their status, to whom in CS they were assigned, how long it took to resolve the issue etc. (the average length of handling a CS ticket is often used as KPI - Key Performance Indicator). Sometimes you have outliers that distort your KPI ... tickets that took months to resolve for various reasons (customer does not reply to CS, ticket assigned to the wrong person or some employee that was ill etc.).... those are usually removed as special cases to get a more meaningful KPI (and that could be a tag in the CRM program).
Have fun
So go ahead ... give yourself a "shill" tag ;-)
But ... darn ... too late .... page offline ....
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AFTER that most of the people are much calmer, reasonable ... and one can work something out and solve the problem.
Caveat: While it helps to have a thick skin, no CS representative is required to take repeated abuse from customers. Its perfectly ok to hang up (after a calm warning) if the customer is just loading off a burning heap of obscenities.
There is always 2nd and 3rd level support if necessary. But those are usually much more tough-minded than first level support and customers thinking they can scream their way up the chain are in for a surprise.
Have fun
Sorry, i am not familiar with the term NAAFC and the internet gives a few dozens options what this could mean. What IS the NAAFC in this context ?
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For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Bear in mind that the person who came across this labelling and posted it on reddit is a backer with $40,000 in the hole.
Have fun
― Terry Pratchett, Making Money
That sounds like a prime case of FUD. Lots implied but nothing specific to back it up.
Or ... in short ... personally i think some people in TRADES are of the "not nice" ;-) category.
Have fun
That "40 k$" backer that "discovered" this on the reddit Star Citizen TRADES forum: His name is Br0wnH0rn3t. 73 (!) trades on the Star Citizen TRADES forum. No backer with this name to be found on the official forum.
Sounds more like the 40 k$ are cumulative, which wont be hard with 73 (!) trades. No wonder he was supposedly tagged "Grey Marketeer".
And the Grey Marketeers have not been happy with CIG in recent months when CIG brought the Grey (and Black) Market crashing down by re-issuing "unique" ships that the grey market gamblers were selling with a +100 % to + 200 % markup.
I'm not sure if you're saying that these "not nice" people deserve to be labelled, or if you're saying they're making it up due to having lost potential income, or if you're simply saying that you don't like the subreddit.
CIG have removed access to the old site and are now constructing a new one. This happened within a day of this stuff being noticed.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
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― Terry Pratchett, Making Money
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