Lets hope it's not a 1 time thing but instead something that'll happen on a VERY REGULAR BASIS and we'll get reports on the numbers. Much like how SE does the banning for bots, giltraders and other violators, which weekly consists of about 3-5K accounts that receive a perm ban...
Lets hope they ban the right people! That means humans looking at video's etc. before making decisions. If they rely on their 'chocolate fireguard' XignCode rubbish, we can expect an awful lot of unhappy innocent players to get caught up in it.
lunawisp was my peacebringer in City of Heroes. She lives on, in memory, as my gaming id
Promises, promises, too little too late. Most of the cheaters will just dial back their cheats and continue on. The ban will only catch the blatant ones. I don't think Daum has the sophistication to actually write code that will detect the cheat programs.
If you think this will fix the game, you are naive.
The good thing about B2P is that people are not hesitant to check out a game they left because there is no subscription.
If you think this will fix the game, you are naive.