Ruby Rose compiled this list and its still on going. You know what Daum has said about it. Nothing. They fixed the buy order though. Awesome. Everytime we try and ask for information about anything on this list, we get lip service about how " well we need to collect information and pass it to Pearl Abyss". I guess the 100+ posts about how Sorcs were broken, Warriors not getting buffs IN THE PATCH NOTES, Witches abilities being broken etc etc people posted about between Friday- Tuesday weren't enough for you to say anything to your customers other than " we are gathering info to pass to PA, thanks".
Known Class Bugs:
- Sorceress Dark Flame skill hits do not register. Overall Damage & Accuracy not functioning as intended off cooldown.
- Sorceress Shadow Eruption damage buff missing tooltip.
- Ranger Ultimate charging wind and SP charging wind Damage reduced. Not included in patch notes. Possible bug. Intended change only spoke of cooldowns.
- Ranger Penetrating Wind missing crowd control function.
- Ranger Accuracy tool-tips not updated. Skill awakenings not applied.
- Berserker's Fierce Strike skill does not give HP on hit as indicated in the patch notes. Heals 30 HP per hit instead of the stated 60 HP per hit.
- Berserker beastly wind slash skill tool tip does not read properly applied buff.
- Warrior & Valkyrie promised buffs from Patch note applied yet.
- Warrior Changes from patch did not take place. Double Take-down does not CC the target and allows them to stand up quickly. Down Smash Modifier does not work reliably.
- Musa Chase I & Chase II identical with no known difference.
- Musa / Maewha offhand durability still does not register.
- Musa multiples not buffed from patch, much like warriors and valkyries.
- Musa: After a Gale knockdown on the target, Rising storm hits do not register.
- Musa can hide his weapon if he RMB warps right after pressing tab. It can attack with an invisible sword basically.
- Maehwa chase not as fast as Musas. Holding right click leads to animation cancel instead.
- Maehwa chase super armor not applied.
- Maehwa red moon doing lower damage than usual in PvP. Accuracy off or intended reduction in pvp.
- Wizard/Witch Concentrated Magic Arrows damage not functioning properly. Regular Magic Arrow does more damage.
- Wizard/Witch Multiple Magic Arrow can be cast full damage while on cooldown. Not included in patch notes.
- Wizard/Witch Resurrection skill does not function properly. Cannot revive dead party member often times. Works sometimes, not all the time. Not working as intended.
- Wizard/Witch Spellbound Heart tool-tip missing x Minute Movement speed buff also granted.
- Wizard/Witch Magical Lighthouse missing tool-tip of targets Magic DP being reduced.
- Wizard/Witch Mana Absorption targeting bus on occasion with short/low targets.
- Tamers skill previews do not function as intended & Fearful Trembling 5 & 6 skills do not work with holding shift.
- Tamers pet Heliang invisible to other players sometimes and does not do damage as a result.
- Tamer can be hit mid-Iframe hop and damage not scaling properly.
- Tamer Void lightning skill stops stamina regeneration.
Other Known Bugs:
- All Classes Down smash attacks don`t have 100% crit chance.
- All Classes Flashes during critical need to be removed or turned off.
- All Classes Actions preformed have a delay such as gear swapping in inventory or hotkeys on all classes.
- Extra Hotkeys cannot be deleted like before.
- Blessing of Kamasilve still in Loyalty Shop, no energy restored and not working.
- Gillie Suit Names still hidden in Red Battlefield. Promised to be revealed in that area.
- Clicking on items in Regular Inventory, Pearl Inventory or Hotkeys have a delay. Intentional or Bug.
- Buy Orders appear to not be functioning properly.
- Bidding system not functioning properly unless intended. Items like Ancient Relic Fragments now have the purple B on them.
- Horse Auto-Looping has no tool-tip functioning to inform anyone of a new xp penalty for small loops.
- Player collision causing players autolooping to run into walls or dismount or even halt to a stop.
- Logging into the Server comes with lasting lagg. Cannot see where loot bags really are. Delay in movement upon logging in as well.
- Overnight crashes during Auto Looping on Horses/Wagons/Strength Training. Applies to the game if running on full screen/windowed/tray modes.
- Serendia Special Accuracy Food Buff not functioning.
- UI shifts higher whenever "you have entered a safezone" message appears. Also occurs with rare drop announcements and so forth.
- Clicking sell mount on a horse sometimes appears to give the money to the player instead of being sent to the warehouse.
- Ancient Magic Crystal Addis tooltip states +1 Attack Speed instead of +1 Casting Speed as promised. Another gem already has this role.
- Cannon Workshop in Hidel removed but CP not returned to some players. Materials invested also missing.
- Failed to receive transport items when Wagon or Ship NPC are long past their target.
- In combat the mouse cruiser becomes active even if control is not held down.
- Allied guild names do not show, despite having options set to correctly display all names at all times.
- Memory Fragments not dropping 100% anymore. Intended? Seems a lot of NA players don`t agree with this change being something that should apply.
Quest Bugs:
- Unable to pick up daily quests: Olvia "Flute Boy" for milk. Hiedel "Lost Weehol" take to Lara. Hiedel "Lost Mom" take to Lara. Hiedel "Lost Toya" Take to Lara. Hiedel "Ken Smith" Take to farm. Problem mentioned to be the quests are grayed out to not be accepted.
- Quest "The fish for the Villagers taken by Abelin in Velia lists different fish than what the said villagers will accept. Grunt fish is the only matching fish from what is requested.
- Life skill advancement quests for level 30+ players appear to have been disabled again. Life skills in Mediah also seem affected.
- Quest and Regular NPC voice overs have gone mute. Lorenzo Murray whom is the Velia Horse Master is one.
- Belmorn Quest properly locks xp for level 49 players. PvP enabled at lvl 45, something said about being moved to lvl 50? Need confirmation on this.
I am not much into Asian games, does it apply to others as well, is it common sight? Does it happen to ports only or they go through the same in country of origin?
There are some bugs but this list is ridiculous. And they've already fixed some of the important ones, like buy orders.
For some perspective from someone actually playing the game- I am completely unaffected by any of these bugs.
I know you as someone with a balanced opinion but you are getting a bit more defensive about this game each week.
I could go through the whole list but it's not worth my time. Suffice to say it's almost entirely bullshit.
There are about 5 things on that list that are important and need to be dealt with asap. One of them already has- the auction house has a working order system meaning auction sniping doesn't work anymore.
The main thing that's annoying me on this forum is the patch finally introduced pvp endgame- the game is finally complete and people can have fun in seiges and node wars. Hacking is apparently done for, along with auction house sniping.
But all anyone's talking about is that a big patch has bugs- this is hardly newsworthy. It's been true in every MMO that ever was.
And this list in particular is just full of crap.
I play MMOs for the Forum PVP