Kind of has me leery to try to log in since they are hitting the authentication servers and I really don't need my info. compromised. Bad enough the multiple times it happened in the past with SoE a few years ago while I was still playing there games.
If that's even plausible, I wouldn't know since my extent of hacking knowledge comes from the tv show Mr.Robot at this point. Just makes it seem a little coincidental that they severely and very, very publicly squashed a lot of the botting and hacking recently (or claimed to), then had tons of trouble with their updates the past few days (right after supposedly thwarting a majority of botters and hackers) only to have this happen...
Although they give little details on the login screen, they are at least admitting to "fighting off a DDoS attack" and that this is why there is login trouble on NA servers. Seems a bit too coincidental. But since they are openly admitting the problem this early on its either really good or really bad I would think. That either they really are fighting it off and see it not to be a big possible issue, or they are scared and things are apparent to them that something will be leaked, and they can't really stop it, so they are just trying to get ahead of the story. Either way has me a bit hesitant to log in. Especially until they release more info. on this and/or explain it a bit more in depth than just those quick words on the login screen.
I don't share your view of these events. I haven't actually seen them claim to do anything about botting and hacking. After the seige update, hackers just tried hacking and found out it didn't work along with getting instantly banned. Valencia released without a hitch yesterday.
I wouldn't be surprised if the DDOS is from an angry hacker kid, but it doesn't seem to be affecting the game at all.
DDOS's happen all the time. Blizzard's servers were just DDOS'ed like a couple days ago. Twitch streamers get DDOS'ed lol.
No, a DDOS does not mean they have access to your data. Daum probably just put up the notice like Blizzard did- in case anyone notices a problem logging in or lag or something, they won't be to blame.
Pew pew pew:
The hacking problem is resolved, for now. BDO is probably the most hack-free MMO right now at this moment. That can change tomorrow, but fighting hacking is an ongoing issue for any game.
I think many people would be surprised if they do a search for hacks available for the MMO they're currently playing. BDO had some high-profile hacking, but that doesn't mean that your MMO is free of hacks. Hacking is a lot more obvious in a seamless open-world PVP environment.