Well, I was wondering if you guys knew any good farming spots. I tried Reed Bog, but I can't really do it as an E/Mo, however I did farm some charr near Nolani Academy, and I got a rune and lots of materials. I need farming to get sup runes of vigor. Please post any good locations you know. Thanks.
Giants seem to drop rare giant boots fairly decently, so if your looking for superior runes, might want to start on them.
Not sure about single farming, usually farm with my guild around snakedance and underworld.
the ettins outside beetleturn. equip fire storm, meteor shower, meteor, healing breeze, ward against melee, orison of healing, rodgort's invocation*, phoenix* (don't bother with res since you are soloing) .
once you reach the ettins (you'll have to attack a couple of mergoyles and two groups of two tengu), pull them then cast ward against melee, followed by meteor shower, followed by fire storm, then either healing breeze or meteor. The knockdown of the meteor hits will stop the ettins being able to use healing signet, and WAM should reduce the damage you take enough to survive even 4 or 5 ettins. The key is to not let them completely surround you, or some of the AoE may miss. Back youself against the cliff face to prevent this happening.
on an average run you should get 1 or 2 purple drops, and occasional gold drops, at least until the anti-farming starts taking effect (usually 3 or 4 trips).
*or any other fire spell, purely for killing non-ettin enemies.
PvE in general is pretty lame, if you think long and hard about it. You are spending your time beating a severely gimped AI that would lose to a well trained monkey. Best not to think too long and hard why you are wasting time playing games in general actually...
Thanks a lot guys, I'm going to try some of this stuff today.
Do Thunderhead Keep mission, you'll get 1000 gold each time you do it and you don't have to finish it.
Also, I just did The Wilds mission and killed everyone out there and i got 1,5k gold.