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The Problem
The campaign around this game started 01/09/2012. This is now almost 4 years ago. I won't count the preparation for the trailer. CIG has given us a lot of documents on all those amazing gameplay systems, which are incredibly detailed and each of those would be a game by itself. Almost none of those systems are in the game yet, not even in bare bones like the bounty system or the pipe system. Here is an overview:
That is a long list and those are not all design docs written. As I said, all of those features could make up a single, standalone game by themselves. If CIG plans to have all those things in the game, wouldn’t they have to start implementing them? My point is: I know how long it takes to even balance basic combat and how many games fail even at that. How is CIG planning to implement all of this, in a balanced way, when we have seen nothing of the links posted in the game yet?
Now, I know the answers we are usually getting. ”Game Development takes time” ”Things change in game development guys” ”We can’t give dates guys” We know that. The reason people ask so much is because we have heard basically nothing official on many of those features since these documents were written, which is a LONG time ago.
Possible Solution
You just started ATV Season 3. I really enjoyed the first episode by the way. Very professional, lot’s of info. Great work!
Use the new ATV to inform us on those gameplay systems:
What has changed since the concept documents?
How far along are those systems?
Which of those systems are too complex to expect them in the next 2-3 years?
If possible, give a timeframe (Be careful with this, don’t let Chris give dates pls).
If possible, back the info up with screenshots and videos from the CE3 Editor/The game. Concept Images are great to look at but really just a painting.
Personally it is my impression that several systems mentioned are already in the game in early iterations. E.g. the bounty hunting system (with the 1-5 criminality levels, hacking that rating down at the Security Station and getting special weapons for killing criminals). Also civilian transport is there in a rudimentary form, as many players transport other players that lost their ship. Or make dance parties in Starfarers ;-)
The Big Benny Challenge could be considered a first attempt at cargo handling;-) Economy is in there in an early version with the shops. EW has a first step with being able to EMP an enemy. Mobi Glas is quite often used in the hangar and during shopping already. The repair drones are an early iteration of repair.
I have not yet seen mining but salvaging stuff from wrecks i have seen. Healing i have not yet seen but we do know that healpacks exist (and what they look like) and medical personnel mocap shoots are being processed for use in game.
Have fun
In the case of Star Citizen, if a feature isn't playable by the public, it may be considered a Schrödinger's cat. Star Marine was said to be "only weeks away" about a year and a half ago. Persistence and shopping was "under a month away" a year and a half ago, it only got delivered recently.
If anything, the lack of communication around features may be a good thing. The feature posts serve nothing but PR exposure. It seems they are focused on delivering the very core experience - which is probably the way to go.
Now giving updates on the whole Design Documents of the game, do more in-depth dives into the game's design and gameplay systems is something that should be done.
The way i see ATV format showing much more of what's up with the game instead of "filling time" already improves on that area. To fit on the suggestions we could see ATV's dedicated to go in-depth on X feature or part of SC.