One thing that has killed some very promising games over the years is pressure to release too early. Hellgate: London was a very promising game, but the oven wasn't even done with pre-heating when they released it. By the time they got it fixed they had lost most of their fanbase, including me. Fan pressure fueled the publishers pressure to release right away, and there was no saving it after its horrid release state.
When a publisher or developer announces a delay, just accept it. They want to release the game and start making money on it. A two month delay means waiting two months for whatever bonus they are getting for releasing, so they are motivated; but they are thinking long term income that they will not see if the game tanks from being unready.
The world is going to the dogs, which is just how I planned it!
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
When a publisher or developer announces a delay, just accept it. They want to release the game and start making money on it. A two month delay means waiting two months for whatever bonus they are getting for releasing, so they are motivated; but they are thinking long term income that they will not see if the game tanks from being unready.
The world is going to the dogs, which is just how I planned it!