Got a bloody paper to go in, can anyone spell check it?
It is funny that trust in a product, whatever that may be, relies on the fundamental concept that you are being treated fairly. Now this is a requirement of the seller to prove. Of course the seller does not always need to prove this if they are in a position of power or monopoly... but the idea that the seller can abuse some monopolistic position of power is untenable in a capitalist world where others can take their mantle.
What they can do is gather a few trusted individuals around them and give them relative freedom to discredit any naysayers. They may not even ask them to do that, but people tend to be sheep, and will do so regardless.
The sheep will be rewarded with meaningless shiny's that will keep them compliant, so they will continue to attack any naysayers. They will never realise their subjugation because they are probably rather stupid.
People need a self check.
Then this other time, there is a sign a mile before that a lane is merging off the highway. I give a guy room to leave the lane. As we approach 100 ft to where the exit is, I speed up and overtake assuming he planned to exit as well. Nope. Right behind me I see him slow to a near stop then merge out of the lane nearly causing an accident.
Trust in a product and fairness are not connected in my opinion, so think you've gotten the wrong word. Perhaps honesty is a better word? Because yeh, the seller is under legal obligations to be honest - they can't lie about a product - but fair? I can't think how a seller could be unfair to me.
As to the rest of your post, I really don't know what you're talking about. Most humans do act like sheep - its in their nature to follow figures of authority. Very few people are actually leaders. But, I don't see how that side of human nature fits in with your rant.