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In August, Blizzard Entertainment released the sixth expansion for World of Warcraft. Legion, announced at Gamescom 2015 has come with a lot of promise from the development team to bring back the core game play that brought players to WoW in the first place. Does Legion deliver that promise? Let’s find out.
some maps look very familiar to WoTLk- iam sure it was on purpose. but over all a good expansion. anyone that hasn't played in years would not find it difficult at all- in fact refreshing how easy it is to play again. my favorites! 1. is the artifact weapon/ 2. and the no gear switching and 3. mobs taggin' with other people (like gw2)!- thats the best thing ive seen with wow! 4. no more level restrictions!= leveling at any zone!
Overall though, I agree. I'm a bit saddened by the gated content in term of lore - and I want to emphasize that, as only lore is solidly gated - but I feel like it's Blizzard's way of keeping people invested in the story on a larger timeline. It definitely lost its sense of urgency, however.
Since WOTLK and onward, it's always felt like the story was "literally the entire world will be destroyed if we don't act right this second" and it's hard to continue to mak e the kind of story exciting, or, apparently, to break out of that story line once you start it.
There is no more exploring, just a giant move toward defeating the big boss. I get that this is progression gameplay wise, but it's very boring lore-wise.
lol, I like that it isn t.
i do like the casual aspect of the game now- times have changed- its after all 'world' of warcraft...caters to all.
it becomes grindy turns off players...wildstar had this issue. diablo 3 and ESO does it well!
And I have a bit of problem with that, it feel weird doing filler quests when the entire world will die unless I personally save it. It is like FDR would send Patton home to count ammo boxes and put out cockroach-motels between battles during WW2.
And after a while the whole "world is in danger, only you can save it" means everything just feel unimportant including the main quests. aIt would be one thing if several expansions lead up to a time where the world suddenly was in danger and you and your guildies need to save, then you slowly build to something but re-using the same base story over and over in more or less all games is just pathetic.
How about an expansion about getting rich fast? Or court intrigues where you can support or hinder heirs to the throne? Or just about exploring a new world?
And it would be nice to be a villain now and again in a MMO...
Yep, I understand that. My wife and I play casually, so we don t even notice it. When it levels we re like, oh cool. Just don t care at all , how grindy anything is really.
We re big FFXI and DAOC fans back in the day, nothing feels grindy to us after those 2.
I'm basically a highly motivated soloer who has little interest these days in content requiring schedules or voice chat. I don't really like the mythic manual group finders as I'm just another melee dpser who soon will be even less in demand due to raiders with much higher ilvls. I may try to get into normal raid pugs at some point but each week that goes by means it's less likely to find a group that doesn't require having the achievement.
This game isn't really for me at this point, unless I just farm gold/achievements or level/gear alts. I like auto group finder type of content and there simply isn't enough of it to progress with. They could easily have addressed this with some forethought.
It's also a travesty that after all these years they haven't changed 5 mans to be 6 or 7 with those extra slots being DPS. Just use the manual group finder tool to see why.
Well, not knowingly, but there's a pretty good chance we're going to be the direct cause for the big bad this expansion. We're gathering artifacts that we think will stop the legion invasion from the Tomb of Sargeras, but it's going to break the cage of the Old Gods instead.
Ya, I get that. Playing casually as well as other games alleviate that, is all.
Other than that, I'm having fun.
P.S. You should probably mention that crafted items can have their ilevel upgraded using the Obliterium Forge. That's kind of an important detail regarding Legion's crafting revamps.
AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!
We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD.
Honestly the artifact grind isn't bad at all especially with the order hall research... I get %140 increased AP from everything on my main. I am actually rerolling due to wanting to be human and I just hit 110 on my second character. My main has 20 points allocated and my alt already has 8 and he hit 110 last night.
After a few weeks with the order hall research the AP really ramps up ... so yeah once you get to 20+ points in your Artifact it does slow down but after all you can play the game just fine without your artifact maxxed out on alts.
People need to think of this expansion as more "old school" wow like. Where you didn't have time to min max 10 toons because each one took a certain level of dedication... which IMO isnt a bad thing,
All and all I am 4 weeks in and still having a blast with legion!
Hey man you can buy a thing that makes it so if your disguise is broken you auto stealth and your disgusie is auto applied... its like 50 crack power or something.
so a shaman will have 3 different stories to experience getting his weapons!= great idea!
LFR will be my togo raids-(totally disagree with ghostcrawlers comments) my hc raiding days are way over (wildstars 2 main raids were my lasts= achieved) i dont care for this mythic thing or other. nor dailies- hate em tbh. i prefer telling a story and quests that gradually open scenarios for story progression. (again ESO does it very well)
coming back iam now enjoying garrisons and shipyards= those are alot of fun! at level 110 iam going back to dreanor= wish they would scale that to my level.