I have always said I would never do VR until they could figure out a way for people to actually move through the environments without using hand held devices. Well today I actually saw that. There are a few companies that have came up with devices about the size of a large recliner that can actually do it. So maybe in the next 10 years this will actually be a reality for people in home that want cost them and arm and a leg.
Here is just one of the first ones that pop up if you search for it:
but it is what it is and they miss out I guess
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VR headsets only give you virtual sight, they don't give you virtual reality. So, it is naturally disappointing just based on the name alone. We want actual virtual reality, not just virtual sight.
The second is the nature of the new tech.
Setting cost aside, when I buy a new graphics card or a new monitor, it is an improvement over what I had before. Everything about it is positive, nothing is negative. It is a complete no-brainer, assuming you can afford it.
That is not the case with a VR headset. You have the positives of 3d vision and motion capture of your head's movement, but that is weighed against the negatives of not being able to see anything else, motion sickness, headaches, muscular strain from the headset itself, on top of a very small library of games. So, even if you can afford it, it is not necessarily worth getting (this is the same for all specific peripherals, like wheels, joysticks, motion controllers, kinect etc).
As to the OP, I too really want full motion tracking of my body and the virtuix device is a step in the right direction. Still a bit limited in terms of what it can track, but I like where it is headed.
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so basically you are missing out on a major improvement on ones gaming experience because you dont like what its called.
well to bad for you I suppose
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And you seem to not have good reading comprehension to begin with. I just stated that for me just tracking head movements is not worth my money, that is why I would not buy it. So from my prospective it is not an improvement until you do just like the thing I posted where it tracks actual movement. It is a difference of opinion on what I consider worth while and not.
Again it isn't VR until all movement is tracked, I don't call if you call it purple fluffy rainbow crap, I wouldn't buy it as it was until the release of full body trackers, like the example.
Also, the name isn't important to me personally - I'm a gamer and keep on top of modern trends and technology so I know what the product is - but to an average consumer they won't know. To the average consumer, the name is extremely important! The words "Virtual Reality" come with expectations, mostly from the movies. It doesn't matter whether those expectations are right or wrong, the fact is the general public associates those two words with something quite specific (generally some sort of matrix-style vr). So, they expect one thing, then are shown something vastly inferior. It naturally results in disappointment.
As to general improvement to ones gaming experience, that is your personal opinion. Its great for you, but you're able to overlook the downsides and you are unable to understand other people's complaints. The complaints are genuine, are based in facts, and are widespread. You know this to be true, even if you personally don't experience the downsides.
I got it, thanks, recorded for future reference. got it. If that is incorrect then i would have to ask people to get off that tit because it would not matter if I have my understanding incorrect
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